It's the non-whites that are the prob--

>It's the non-whites that are the prob--

Other urls found in this thread:

CTR got 40mil more funding.

>Handful of high publicity attacks by whites every couple years
>Media shits the bed in overreporting it

>Daily do black people slaughter each other and whites
>Not a single mention

Yup, white people are the sole problem for all the killings in America.
why don't you take a long time and look at this
13% of the population is responsible for 51% of the murders. is a starter

Funny, I'm listening to Moonman's Take me to Church right now.

>Feds introduce coke to Black neighborhoods and irrevocably destroyed their communities
>But it's the Blacks' fault for murder

Huh, makes you think

explains a lot. plus all these fucking bog threads.

Wow I didn't know they forced black people to use drugs. Really made me think

>Blacks decide to take the drugs
>it's still somehow not their fault

Majority white counties are dominated by meth addiction far worse than any black neighborhood was ever affected by coke and still have lower crime rates, try again.

It never is!

>i love statistics!
>does not take the reddest pill , ban men from positions of power

mostly men have been agressors
sorry you want to deny the truth like a SJW

>Elliot Rodger

He himself expressed his sorrow over his tiny Asian cocklet.

8 murderer criminals.

>does drugs
>murders people
he was a good boy

Explain to me why 6 of the 8 were registered democrats.

>posts a bunch of kikes and a goat fucker

I see Jews and mix racers.
Nice Jew shilling Jew.

>White men aren't responsible for the weapons they make, Black men are

Listen to yourselves

>the media doesnt race bai-

I knew it.
>8 more years of this shit

somene really needs to make a collab with all of the nigger kid rapists and murderers that happen EVERY WEEK in to 1 picture to deflect these racist threads.

Half of them are completely insane. You can see it on their faces.



Truth hurts Sup Forums they are too PC.

>Iron Skies becomes real

2 of those 8 are not even white. One is a muslim terrorist so it defeats the entire point.

Demographically white Christians outnumber Muslims about 65 to 1.

Letting some one hit you and fighting back isnt aggressive
But letting someone hit you and doing nothing isnt aggressive its passive and a pussy move.

? I never made any weapons
and there are plenty of blacks not using the weapons
I guess by your logic a kid that was sexually abused by his parents shouldn't be held responsible for whatever crimes he does in the future since IS NOT HIS FAULT HE WUZ A GUD BOI

Damn, Elliot was really aesthetic. He gave up too early. The value of azn penor has rocketed.



Must have forced all those grams of coke up there nose then.

Good,rev up those memes

Elliot was Asian.....

>Adam Lanza
Try harder, CTR. Also, Elliott Rodger was half-Asian.

the point is meaningless, as most agressors have been male, the hitters, the 'counter-hitter', ect.

anyone who claims to hold a pure "statistical view" should either go for a ban on men in power
"in power" being the key here.
OR recognize the fact that they, just all every person is emotional, self conserving and agrees to policies because of the good it bring to their life, rather then princples

Idiotic post

> 'deflect' racism by being racist
> thus proving racism isnt real.
You're like the closeted gay kid who thinks if you sleep with enough women those thoughts of dicks will have just been a funny coincidence

>Elliott Rodger

Faggot beta white male detected

Whites could commit crimes at a disproportionate rate from all other races but I would still chose to live with whites because they are my people.

Of course they don't. But even if minorities commited ZERO crime at all (which is not true either) I would not want them in my country because they are not my people, they cannot preserve my culture, continue my heritage, or contribute to my ancestry.

tl;dr - crime stats are a strawman, I don't want to live with non-whites because I am not a non-white.

The two columns of the right, with the exception of the tattooed guy are not white supremacists.

>black people are incapable of saying no when offered drugs

>people who think it's not at all gay to walk around with a 'faggot-detector'

Jesus christ

Eric Harris and James Holmes weren't kikes.

Whites manage much higher K/D spreads on average, nignogs
constantly rush in and go 1:1.

I'd make a poster with minorities but i cant post a 129TB png to Sup Forums.

>CTR got 40mil more funding.

I love how they lost the election on trade and jobs, and they double down on the anti-white at all costs approach. I hope everyone inconvenienced at airports by the hoards of niggers live-streaming their demand to let non-citizens in to the USA no matter what remembers this and votes against the kike democrats and niggers in spades!



> some white and half-white people killed maybe a half dozen each, and received huge (((media))) coverage for it
> Blacks and Mexicans kill thousands a year, and no one bats an eye because it is all "youths" doing it.


Then why do black crime statistics stay the same per capita in every other western country?

It's never their own fault, is it?

If we only had whites and asians in this country, our gun crime arrests would be about the same as Belgium,

Try again, fat tits.


Cenk approves.

This is a shit tier post, and belongs on Sup Forums. Reported

lanza was a creepy looking motherfucker.

If Elysium is anything to go by, the rest of the world will suck very badly, then try their best to get to the white people in space for free gibs.

Dare I say it ?
Is the government our guy?

Why are (((They))) bashing WM/AF couples so much, but propagating BM/WF couples every chance they get? This is considering that BM/WF babies have much higher crime rates than WM/AF happas do.

Why though?
Clearly their methods don't work

potato, jew, jew, jew,
who?, mudlim, who?, jewasian mix

Statistically, it's men who are the problem. They commit the overwhelming majority of homicides, rapes, assaults, child sexual assaults, the list goes on. It's not sexist, it's just the facts. We need to halt all male immigration to our country to keep our people safe.

i guess whites are too busy shooting people in the street to invent stuff?