>Tell me again why women deserve our love?
Tell me again why women deserve our love?
Nobody on Sup Forums thinks that. We are working on making them obsolete.
t. nerd virgin
he didn't work to improve himself like she did, what do you expect?
Is that the same guy?
They don't. Romance and "true love" is the blue pill.
People are generally selfish, of course woman want the chad, you're a fool if you think she'll want you because you're a "good guy".
You know you'd take a 10 over a fat chick with a "good personality" any day, no different than them.
But women are stupid and governed by their emotions, be smart, and use your brain in matters of sex and partnership to conquer and win the game.
>cherrypicking fallacies everywhere
Isn't that the same guy? Same nose, smile..
>chad takes left over roastie from a nerd
>n-nerds btfo!
was thinking the same thing
Same dude couple of inches taller, with a nicer hair cut, and clothes?
So if a guy and girl break up, which happens in 99% of relationships, it's because the woman is a horrible slut? Is she supposed to mourn their relationship by never dating an attractive guy again?
women are barely above animals. At least animals have some form of honor which women lack. Even the worst of white men have honor, but not even the best of white women does.
They don't. Either we find an alternative to the ovarian jew asap or we die, it's simple.
Women are only useful for breeding
Once artificial wombs are created, only true hardworker and intelligent women will bright and eliminate the rest
>What are the honest odds that anyone remains with their high school sweetheart.
I mean really.
People have said it is before. that he started lifting and grew a bit.
Love is the core of nationalism. The faithful love of husband and wife, the love they shower upon their children, and the love they have for the culture and values that they pass on to their children and children's children: that love is the foundation of the people, of the nation. That love will make America great again. Unfaithful women, women who do not or cannot love because of thee blackness of their souls—such women do not love our nation.
>she puts a lot of work in to look good
>he stays a skinnyfat moron with a bowlcut
>expects her not to leave
His own fault.
Should have lifted while she was doing it. Sad!
women and children are the only things i truly love
and so does every man on earth
I am honestly done with the modern woman. Not even worth the money or time.
more likely than someone who they slept with after losing their virginity stastistically. I'm still with many people who married their HS sweetheart and I'd say 80% are still together.
They don't. Western women are whores. Next question?
>only true hardworker and intelligent women
What's the chance to get one like that? Creating a defective XX "human" has too shitty of an ROI to be worth it.
But, muh narrative...
Serious question, why do people even bother with gfs? They're such a hassle and take so much time away from your already busy life.
I'm not a virgin NEET, I've had plenty of gfs before, but the past 3 years I've been single have been really great. I spend no money and just relax and do what I want. It's great. Not to mention I have no worries about alimoney, being a dad etc.
the looser should have gained some muscle.
>be beta
>have beta gf
>gf improves
>you dont improve
>she leaves you like you deserve
That's the same dude
Animals are so much superior than human trash
Literally a tier above niggers
This man gets it.
There is a problem with this,
There are 2 kinds of women out there, ones that are parasites and are too stupid to do anything productive and thus leech of the white man, and the ones who are smart and think they are better than the white man, even though the only thing allowing them to even come close to challenging him is the state provided affirmative action.
Just LOL @ you stormfrontcels thinking white people are superior. Sorry, only good looking white people have value. You're all losers and genetically inferior to a prime specimen like Chad.
While you cope about politics and jews and all this other autistic crap, your ONEITIS is SEXTING CHAD!
While you cope about invading Muslims, Chad is FUCKING YOUR MOM!
LMFAO @ your delusion about your superiority cause of your white genetics. Your subhumanity was determined by your weak facial bones and subhuman facial proportions. Being white doesn't change the fact you're an UGLY SUBHUMAN LMAO
dude she went from like 6/10 to an 8 or 9, and his ass didn't do anything to improve
how do you tell?
his dick doesn't even work
And this is why Germany is going down the toilet. This mentality is cuckoldry at its best.
Not sure. Had two girlfriends before, but the single life is a lot cheaper and allows more freedom.
Truly the way to go if you ask me.
deconstruct this concept and you will be free
let this continue to be a lesson you fags. no modern woman is safe. unless she's an absolute shutin from under a fuckn rock or amish or some shit
>it's another subversive anti-women thread to influence us to stop reproducing and creating families
Nice try Schlomo.
>So beta you can't keep your woman.
>So omega you blame women for your beta-ness
She made the right choice desu. The white race should only propagate with the best genes. This is how the whites stay ahead of the non-white subhumans.
Checked and this. Life isn't about what you deserve, life is about what you can get.
Hair color and facial features all the same
It literally looks like the same dude with a haircut and probably lifting
thats an incredibly diverse litter of kittens.
>It's an "all women are evil" thread.
Mommy issues lol
>falling for the vaginal Jew
That sounds like something Tyrone would say.
it's his fault. I can't believe you faggots take this liberal side.
Nothing worse than a virgin who thinks he's owed something because he put a claim on some chick before the alpha
workout and talk to whoever you want. Don't get married or settle with a girl younger than 30.
Tell me why you deserve a woman's love
The chick improves herself and moves onto a man who has put effort into his life
You should be a chad
>be in a college organization to get a little activity and meet girls if I was lucky
>standing in office with a few other folks
>slutty girl walks in all flustered and just shouts "Uhh! Why can I meet any decent guys?" or something to that effect
>don't give two fucks and say some some sort of whiteknight thing like "not all guys are jerks" to mainly show how much of a hypocrite she is and doesn't realize it
>she looks at me and pauses for a second, then leaves and the room is quiet
Women aren't real humans.
We were in a car accident and my girlfriend st the time ran out of the car even though she was driving. Left me in the crashed vehicle with my arm fucking severed off.
She dumped me over text but I broke up with her me tally as my vision was fading and I saw her fucking crawl out of the car and run.
I have a cool mech arm with a kitchen knife attachment though. So it's pretty baller.
I adopted a dog with 3 legs to get that pity sex and I'm fine .
>white chinos
>enable bad behavior! Date/Marry used goods, goy!
>falling for the vaginal jew
So basically what you're saying is that a guy who is paralysed still gets more pussy and female affection than most of the dudes on this thread?
Really activates the ol' neurons.
Some people know how to manage their time well enough to have long term relationships without it having a negative effect on their life. It really depends on the maturity level of you and your partner.
Intelligent women will stand out on their own, they will have jobs and dress decently, while the useless ones will try to attract you wearing thot clothes and easily offering sex
You can exploit the last ones but be careful
we all believe we are better than the others, but those who show it through their money, religion, house, hobbies will always dominate the rest
He also didn't become a fat fuck in the first place. Fucking whore enabler.
But anyway, women are hypergamous, it's nothing new or surprising.
It is the same guy. They had a thread about this a while back.
That just shows how retarded most of them are.
VERY underrated post
Post cyborg arm
He's right tough. If she was loosing weight that guy could've hit the gym as well. Men going to the gym or doing calisthenics should be norm. Women wouldn't go for Chads and "bad boiz" if every 2nd man had the physique of a Chad.
is Chad really the cuck here?
Does he know he has a fat broad in disguise?
t. Chilean /r9k/ drone. :^)
This is probably the best point made in this thread.
Monkey, pls. Only white men are the master race and capable of taking on the Jews. White women are the biggest sellouts and an absolute blight on the white race. Women won't save the white race, only white men will and until we can synthetically reproduce with other white men to produce only white boys, we will have our race subverted by women and their jewish allies.
She went from a 5 to an 8 and he stayed a 5. Next time start lifting if you notice the hambeast your low self esteem having bitchass is dating starts losing weight.
It sure is going to feel good rejecting models.
I'm not ugly, but I'm not hansom either. I'm a little better than average, but with goals.
Make a some money here and there all the while flipping career building contracts.
Even if I were to meet an incredibly beautiful dime piece of a bombshell who is also intellectually inclined, I'd feel better rejecting her than any kind of creampie she tried to ring out of my flacid dong.
I grow a big rubbery one just thinking about it.
The putrid stench of the vagina hole just inches away from her poop shoot.
Women are disgusting.
But so are men.
You want my attention? Fill my wallet first.
It's the same guy, you faggots. Look at his nose, hairline, smile, and jaw.
Start lifting and stop masturbating.
>he thinks the physique is what makes a Chad
This, looks like he shaved and did a bit of lifting.
That bitch didn't really trade up.
>demands a woman who is "intellectually inclined"
>facial features all the same
The guy on the right has a thinner nose and a different jaw, he also is bigger. Even the ear lopes are different.
The different kittens in a litter do not need to be from the same father. I had a cat that gave birth to a litter that looked like the one in the picture a few years ago.
With artificial wombs, why would you birth the XX "human"?
I think you want to reread what I wrote.
I made no demands.
I simply said, sex is disgusting and money is way more important to me anyways.
That all I read
This board is for political discussion get out
If you're implying weight is the only factor is being attractive I've got some bad news. It's A factor but not the only, look at him, he had a lot of natural room to grow, and chose to do nothing. That's weak as fuck.
BAHAHAHAH, the eternal MGTOW virgin jew, ladies and gentleman.
Some wymyn really are awful. Based kitty though.
It's the same dude.
This shit has been posted before and confirmed.
Oh jesus christ burger lose some weight. Of course physiqe isn't the only thing but when a women will have a choice of being with a fat/average man or a muscular one, she'll chose muscular one every time.
>Inb4 money
You can have anything with that, sloots are one of the things.
Being /fit/ should be a standard for every man.
Maybe that explains why he doesn't actually look successful despite the Miami vice outfit. Or because of it. Maybe it's the shit sunglasses.
Huge cope. You're an ugly subhuman. You being white won't increase your jaw size, ensure your FWHR is lower, or give you back your hair.
Cope more at having a narrow frame. Women will always fuck Chad of all different races rather than even lay an eye on subhuman ugly white men like yourself.
If women aren't giving you IOIs the moment you step out, you're ugly.
>We are working on making them obsolete.
Please explain what you are doing, Mr. Soros.
It's losing, fucking tard. LOSING.
it has absolute nothing to do with cuckoldry you retarded mysagonist.
I dont even know who has the worse opinion about women and men.1st wave Femenists or braindead loosers like you.
One has to be at his best and if are not, you shouldnt complain if shit happens to you.
Women and men depend on eachother
Men and women compliment eachother and Men and women work together for the common goal witch is children.
There is no reason at all for a good man to have a bad woman and no reason for a good woman to have bad man.
Ofcourse its traitory if you leave your partner, but its allready traitory if you dont do anything for your partner.
well I think that the smile is different but posture is the same, I tend to say that its someone else...
>22 people like this
Cruel cunts
Indicator Of Interest. It's "red pill" speak.
Cool it burger.
>Being /fit/ should be a standard for every man.
Whether you agree that women like fit men better or not, every capable man should be fit.
A fit man can better protect himself and his family and is healthier.