Brit/pol/ - The Future of the Conservatives Edition

>"B-Boris, HEEEELP!" Hapless May tells her Foreign and Home Secretaries to call their US counterparts to complain about evil Drumpf's Muslim ban

>EU's chief Brexit negotiator says Theresa May's promised trade deal by 2019 is 'impossible'

>Hospitals 'dangerously full' during winter crisis, says thinktank

>Sharia May strikes again - We're helping Turkey build fighter jets

>Backbenchers put forward a motion to throw out A50

>From pig to man and man to pig - Ex-Copeland MP turned down offer from the Tories to defect to them

>Former Governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten: May's Global© Modern Britain™ risks 'selling its honour' for trade deals with China

>"Replacing the EU at any cost" - Reflections on May's visit to Turkey

>"You can come back!" - Britain would be given a speedy return to the EU if it chose to rejoin, says an increasingly grinning Guy Verhofstadt

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yes as long as they integrate it's fine

Got dumped lads :/

What do?

The absolute STATE of the alt-right

There's nothing wrong with civic nationalism.

Stop being disgusting cretins, Brit/pol/.

Still haven't explained why manufacturing fighter jets is a bad thing. Is it because May's doing it?

>120% white british

if only


Reminder - CIVIC is the best there is

What will Trump sign tomorrow lads? Gas Chamber Act?


Anyone else still angry that just after Brexit we were saddled with a Remainer PM?

Fucking Andrea Leadsom, utter spoiler cuck coward.

Where's this graph from?

Portugal desu.


Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston said that Trump should be disinvited from addressing the Houses of Parliament when he visits the UK later this year. It is common practice for visiting US Presidents to deliver a speech in Westminster Hall to MPs and Lords alike. However, Wollaston has called on Parliament to snub the President in response to his highly-contentious immigration policy.

She tweeted on Saturday evening: "On his forthcoming State visit I don't think Trump should be invited to address both Houses of Parliament from Westminster Hall.Westminster Hall has great significance & should be reserved for leaders who have made an outstanding positive difference in the world. That doesn't include Mr Trump. Those who wish to fawn over him should be free to do so in the Royal Gallery as normal. Not Westminster Hall, thanks."


Reminder that the Tories are un-voteable.

Sarah Wollaston, by the way, is the Tory who no one had ever heard of who faked being a Leaver only to stab Leave in the back and join the Remain camp during the thick of the campaign and received massive pro-Remain media attention whilst doing so.

Blairite, careerist, globalist scum.
>Get the black one


having weak allies is just pointless

>tfw can't eloquently put forward a point like Hitler

The Alt-right is a broad church.

>ID is womans name

I made it using past census numbers.

Here, have a better version.


It is not about what we will get. It is about developing political consciousness that will ensure our ethnic nation's survival whatever happens under whatever conditions. Civic nationalism is suicide.

they're shit desu

Assuming you're Designated, do you prefer Wilson or Callaghan?

How did you get dumped by your waifu?

equally larping about race and whiteness will just allow the international kikes to import 300k pakis a year into the country whilst you get BNP tier amounts of votes

>Hitler's rationale for losing a debate against a Jew.txt

What does the future hold, /Brit/pol?

Keep in mind that White British births are to fall


Trump is truly standing alone. Who could have expected a poor sap like Theresa May to actually stand with him for meaningful change.

It was just a pipe dream. She's a weak, career politician. Oh well.

I can't stand this fucking dullard.

The Tories need purging. Remainers, cucks and other degenerates need to fuck off.

What do you mean "The Future of the Conervatives"? It's them at present.

Yes, we heard you in the last thread. Fuck off to Sup Forums if all you're going to do ITT is complain about it and try to garner sympathy.

Not if I have anything to say about it ;)

Dedicate yourself to self improvement .
Work out, read books , stop / slow down with drinking quit smoking , anything to make her wish sh never left you and then throw it in her face

That's going to happen anyway. So how are we going to survive if we pretend those 300k pakis are just as British as us?

I'm going to have to have a think about that. I can't give any sort of qualified answer, even in terms of value narratively or whatever. Both make for good stories, interesting characters and so on.

>move to Australia with me, user

Oh, so Obama can start wars and kill thousands of civilians but Trump can't stop people from entering his own country

i never say that "all pakis" are good

but you'd want the one's who'd renounce paki citizenship and would die for britain

of course you don't want them that don't like britain and would identify themselves as muslim over britain and any criminals would be instantly kicked out



The United States is falling apart, now is our time to take back the colonies

You know we're in a weird timeline when George Galloway is defending Trump's muslim ban.

>The United States is falling apart

>but you'd want the ones who'd renounce their citizenship and would die for britain

why? think about it very carefully. Why oh fucking why do you want people who aren't from your race in your country, regardless of their personal circumstances and mindset?

literally why? What fucking reason is there to have them here

>lewd Karen


>tfw will never be 100% white

It is, culturally

everyone in the cities is a complete shit-lib and they're literally about 60% white

the USA has been a degenerate hellhole since the mid 60s anyway, their country is so fucked up

Civic nationalism is all we'll get short term. Once we're there we move further right.

Stop trying to leave the EU.

We don't have time

This I can agree with, while it fucking sucks, it can be acheived (trump) which at least has some results and helps preserve our downward trajectory as white western nations

It's been falling apart for 20 years. Hell, it hasn't been a superpower for 50 years.


Civic nationalism will be instantly corrupted into enshrining utter nonsense as dogma.

Military budget at 3% GDP when?

>literally why? What fucking reason is there to have them here
equally you could say what's the point in white scum who comitt crimes and leech all day and don't do any work, what good to Britain are they?

a sort of civic National Socialism which if Hitler wasn't an ebil racist would agree with


>Mr doom gives his 2 cents

Here is a smaller version lad.

who /wall/ here

>tfw no mansion of south coast overlooking France

>but you'd want the one's who'd renounce paki citizenship and would die for britain
>of course you don't want them that don't like britain and would identify themselves as muslim over britain and any criminals would be instantly kicked out
How do you tell which is which? They all say that till they blow themselves up, or quietly outbreed you and impose sharia law by democracy.

Does this look like ISIS propaganda to you? No. It's Oxford Street.

Damn that was powerful.

What with the exchange rate of the USD=Peso that Sunday Sport story might not be so far fetched for once.

By 2020 White British births will be a minority in this country. How in God's name do you plan on fixing that?

This country is finished - there is no way back short of an armed uprising and mass expulsions; and that is something that will never happen. The Tory shires are still insulated from all of this - and will be for another 20-30 years. Their taxes will go up slightly, year on year, they'll see more crime on television, but largely they'll keep shopping at Waitrose at the working classes in the north will continue in their relative poverty, all the time dwindling in number due to their failure to meet the population replacement rate.

When Ubamja Duwango whines up in Witney in 2045 the country will be


>to drill holes in the wall
>before being blown the fuck up by american reaper drones

but you can be

He's right though. It's too late for any long-term moves, we need radical action and we need it now.

>tfw this is from my home town

just gas this place already

>what good to Britain are they?

Nice answering my question with a question you fucking shill. Take note of this divide and conquer shill everybody:

>why do you want immigrants in this country?

To answer your retarded fucking question, firstly, the underclass of this country simply needs purpose, direction, in order to be respectable, if not refined. They're only like that right now because of our culture of decadence

with correct structure they could be great, just like this country

also eugenics will gradually improve them over time. Man is a beast like any other and should be bred, listen to some Lincoln-Rockwell.

When do we finally devour the Earth?

America dun it


Trannies out.

>divide and conquer shill

To answer the question, no more than any reason why you'd only want "white" people in the country

yes its all well and good being hypothetical about having a 100% country with no pakis but you need to think of the reality

It's the only chance we've got. Even an extremely slick, well funded and well organised ethno-nationalist party would struggle to break the 1% mark at the moment.

>cars, avocados, jumping beans, chihuahuas and sombreros

pretty good analysis of the mexican economy really

welp best pack our bags and make america white again


i was in leicester square a few days ago and there was a stall handing out qurans
there was a big banner that said something like mohammed and jesus were prophets of allah... trying to lure christians in
didn't look like many people were falling for it tho. lots of chinese round there who don't give a fuck


You should have thrown bricks at them

They're our kin you fucking monster faggot. If your brother is sick you help him you don't trade him out for a new model.

make common sense the law rather than the "british valies" culture of following written law to the dot

you can tell someone who is a terrorist or who is genuine 99% of the time, same with any other field of work

I want Christopher Hitchens back.

hows about we introduce a "at least 200 years of anglo blood" sort of law then eh?

should've run up to the stall and smashed it up and shouted "death to pakis make britain white again" like the larpers on here would have you do.

My brother is white, and blood-related though.

As far as I know family wise the last person in my family tree to visit Pakistan was on a layover to Hong-Kong.

Christopher was a Blairite Neocon

Christopher became a neocon shill. This is the best Hitchensverse.

half a million signatures to prevent donald trump from making a state visit to the uk now

send slags
and gib jet


You're right, yes, some radical policies far outside of the current mainstream are our only hope. That is obviously a long shot. I do not think it is completely beyond the realms of possibility however. I think if it were to happen at all it would happen with a less radical platform preceding it and gaining a foothold.

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?

Uh huh. And how are you going to persuade them that John Locke was right all along and Muhammad was wrong when they're a majority?

yeah yeah i should have done lots of things
i just ignored them like everyone else was doing and went into the m&ms store and the lego store instead

We'll give you jets if you send anzu