Why aren't you dating a black girl?
We all know the lower divorce rate meme.
Come home white man.
Why aren't you dating a black girl?
We all know the lower divorce rate meme.
Come home white man.
Because they're disgusting and ugly as hell, inside and out.
Im not attracted to those kind of darkies, i got me a bad ass indian gril to marry.
I don't like the way black people smell, the way most of them speak, and their african facial features.
Because blacks have astronomically high rates of STDs
Because no black girl deserves my slavic/finnish genes blonde blue-eyed genes
>be white
>fornicate with white female
>have children
>she takes them
>have more kids
>rinse and repeat until the white race is saved
fucking hell
>Child support
Are you rich?
Why would any woman deserve your subhuman/mongolian genes?
they smell like cocoa butter and act like men
>USA flag
I said "come home WHITE MAN".
It was purely hypothetical because OP mentioned divorce rates.
>all white people are rich according to minorities
Black women love white men because they can, and will, actually pay child support AND alimony as a bonus.
I once had this cute/smart/thicc amazing black girl who basically worshipped me (the smarter ones know where to go). I had to drop her after things started getting way too serioys of course, it can never happen. But it was great
Are you that girl that was once in a pol whatsapp group with a singaporean spy?
only desperate cucks and bible thumper white guys marry niggresses which is why the divorce rate is so low
Because I'm dating a latina.
Sup Forums made me hate white women
Now any time I talk to one I can't stop thinking "divorce alimony alimony bbc cheating my options single mom my body my rights alimony 42 miles of dick" non-stop
I'm fine with asians (never met a black)
>Have to listen to her nigger music
>Have to eat her chicken that she overseasoned in the kitchen sink
>Higher possibility of catching something from her
>Potential "HOL UP HOL UP" family
>Not white
>Terrible hair
Where do you get your sick socks5 proxies?
Also: Nobody wants rotten purple pussy.
I actually dated a "cute" thin half-breed that was quite a dream AT FIRST. I felt like a white man conquering some jungle bunny while fucking, but the nigger always comes through in the end before long. It never fails.
Huns are Asian anyway.
Fuck you and I've never head of your shit ball country
black nipples are disgusting
Im about to get a lighskin ebony now senpai
Blacks and Mexicans do it. This kind of thinking is why we're heading for minority status.
Because my kids will identity as black and hate me and all other whites and America. At least if I have white kids they have a fighting chance
The few black women I met were 80 iq welfare recipients
Rude, I'll let you know I'm a proud serbian turk rapebaby
Wait, there's more people from my meme country on Sup Forums?
I prefer them white thank you.
mah nigga
>being a degenerate racemixer
I'll stick with my waifu, thanks
Because I have a white woman and don't feel like downgrading?
We're both blonde, too. Kids are going to be genetic lottery winners.
But the lower divorce thing was based on a small sample, a later study showed a higher divorce rate
Best is Asian girl
Asian girl who'd accept getting another woman's egg because I do want blue-eyed kids
>That fucking monkey face
One in four sheboons have genital herpes according to the CDC. Only 7% are aware
how is life like in your country
Where's that flag from??
This all day. White women are fucking designed to be terrible partners.
probs tourists. are you actually a local? do you get Venezuelan refugees?
oh fuck, she was from aruba, oops
do you actually live there
Kura kaakao :D
Shit cocoa :DD :DDDD
Already dating a white one.
Also thanks for the flag, OP. Did not have this one in my collection yet.
Come see for yourself, Americans are good tippers.
Not quite, I was born in the Netherlands and my parents moved from here to NL, visiting the senpai now.
And yes, lots.
Do you need to be whipped again?
Read the rules, OP. This garbage isn't allowed on Sup Forums
dude thats a low blow but the mongoloid point is pretty valid.