Why Does Sup Forums Support This Retarded Ban?

>Bans refugees who have been through FOUR intelligence community investigations and bio scanned (retinas and fingerprints)
>Bans thousands of workers and students who were previously scheduled to come to the USA
>Bans DIPLOMATS by accident and had to afterwards put special measures in to allow diplomats through
>Bans nations which have apparently committed ZERO terrorist attacks on US soil 1975-2015
>Bans based Iran
>Doesn't ban Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE who have been behind THOUSANDS of American deaths
>Doesn't ban the countries where he has investments

JUST admit this was fucking retarded.

Other urls found in this thread:


the phone call they prevented op from come back to America cause he is a Muslim from niggeioor somalia alibaba throw on durieopepe

This doesn't make any sense, Jap bastard.

Keep replying on stupid posts for replies from dumb Americans.

uo are a cuck and have noteeth

Very interesting post


"but hillary got funded by Saudi Arabia"


lel your paki ass is banned

have a scone and calm yourself lad. we burgers are mart sharting up a storm, jerking our CAN'T COMPETE white male dicks and watching brother sister incest on pornhub in celebration

It's a start.

No argument to be found.

>on us soil
spoiler, faggot, embassies count as soil.

Why argue when you've already won?

>based Iran

No. Just because they aren't as bad as others don't mean they are "based".

>>Doesn't ban Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE who have been behind THOUSANDS of American deaths

That's an issue.

>>Doesn't ban the countries where he has investments

The list was issued by the DHS during Obama presidency. Fake news

It's not retarded to have a temporary stay on countries in which we have active military conflicts

Go actually read the executive order instead of Twitter reactions or headlines only

How does that explain away the fact that in order to even travel from those countries to the USA, you have to go through months and months of background checks and have to have your bioinformation stored?

iran wants to destroy israel

that is based as fuck

>JUST admit this was fucking retarded.

At the risk of using a false equivalency, I doubt it's more dumb than fining people for not having health insurance and making the website for signing up for your amazing new insurance system a complete piece of shit.

Everybody fucks up. There's always shit that you fail to plan for, especially when you try to implement things in a hurry.

They're still Muslims.

>At the risk of using a false equivalency, I doubt it's more dumb than fining people for not having health insurance and making the website for signing up for your amazing new insurance system a complete piece of shit.

Yes, I agree.

The website was fucking retarded, I think it cost 300 million or something which is crazy.

Did you even bother to read the order or did you just get your information from the independent?

because /pol is a juden tool.

Yes, I did read the EO.

Your point?

Saw that it banned Mo Farah even though he has British and American citizenship just because he was born in Somalia. He's lived in America for 6 years however.

Also saw a woman who was born in America who went to Saudi Arabia on work and was barred coming back home.

Good job, Drumf

>Bans thousands of workers and students who were previously scheduled to come to the USA
Which means thousands of jobs for actual Americans who deserve American jobs more than some asshole parasite.

Because what you're re saying isn't really going to be regarded as accurate of even worthwhile. As soon as you said based Iran I knew you were full of shit.

I'd guess you're a filthy paki from Londonistan.

>Sup Forums
>critical thinking

Pick one

>H-he'll never restore the nation state just face it Sup Forums you lost! Global world now!

Keep the saltmine running Trump!

Not an argument.

Nothing in your post actually argued against anything I said in the OP, brainlet.

>International communist
>Any thinking

>(((2 people)))

>can't even wait 90 days on the temporary ban for the vetting system to be reviewed and made better.

Summer would still be a month away when it is lifted nigga.

(((Donald Trump)))

Go back to _donald

Because it's nth dimensional backgammon.

The Visa restrictions were made possible by Obama's 2013 restrictions on Iraqis and the list of countries is a list which was created by the Obama administration. Trump has just enacted an Obama ban on travel and now the media is firebombing it not realizing they're essentially just attacking Obama's policies which Trump has now held up in front of himself as a shield.

That's her fault for having a job in Saudi Arabia. If she wants an international job then she should be prepared for this kind of stuff

It was employed with no strategy or plan whatsoever.

As evidenced by the fact DIPLOMATS weren't allowed to travel and businesses have been affected.

Not an argument.

You're just deflecting by saying ""Obama made up the list!!!" when in fact Trump has been the one to put it through of his own decision-making.

We don't want or need any of them.
There is absolutely no good reason to be importing people.
It's an excuse to fuck over the people who are already here.

>It was employed with no strategy or plan whatsoever.
>As evidenced by the fact DIPLOMATS weren't allowed to travel and businesses have been affected.

Sounds like it worked too well

>Not an argument.
It is an argument. It has premises which lead to a conclusion. Nice meme attempt though.

>You're just deflecting by saying ""Obama made up the list!!!" when in fact Trump has been the one to put it through of his own decision-making.
Yes and it was a great decision which once again has put him one step ahead of his accusers.

>Not an argument

You're implying this isn't what people voted for. Trump had the mandate to do it. It was his entire campaign rhetoric and you're surprised he's doing what he said he would.

The fact that Obama made it easier for him to do but it being ignored by the Media just goes to show they're attacking Trump regardless. It's been done before by Obama. Didn't matter then. Shouldn't matter now.

>ITT - foreigners

>being this retarded.
how about you don't talk about American politics because you apparently don't know shit

and how many terrorist attacks have we had since the ban?

You can't ban Saudi Arabia, they're a fucking ally. Can't ban Turkey because they're a part of NATO.


It's not a ban, they are free to come here after they are thoroughly vetted

"Gotta keep out the moose lips, herp derp."

Trump will NEVER stand up to the Saudi/Israeli power axis. Hopefully you didn't hear it here first.

They said that sionism will end one day. They didn't call for their destruction (unfortunately)

No argument to be found.

The refugees went through four different intelligence agencies.

Sure, he had the mandate but ended up ignoring the countries which have actually done anything major to US citizens.

Wow, what a stupid point.

The refugees had already been vetted retard.

le its all a master plan, le 4d chess

Really gets the noggin joggin

Muh bio scans
Kys fag

No argument to be found.


Why do you want more shitty ignorant sand niggers in our country? What's your fucking problem?

He is one. Only a Muslim could dismiss anything that isn't partisan to the spread of Islam as 'not an argument '.

Still no argument to be found.

I'm not a Muslim, I'm an Anglican.

Isn't it funny that you haven't replied to a single one of my posts in the entire thread? Truly a cuck.

>>Doesn't ban Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE who have been behind THOUSANDS of American deaths

This has merit, but the rest of this just whiny bullshit. Retina scans and fingerprints? Give me a fucking break.

This is a message that needs to be listened to and fucking understood. You fuckheads need to clean the shit out from between your ears and figure it out.

So cute when subhumans try and English

Americans are idiots though, why would they admit they're wrong?

this is the best post I have ever read

Because less shitskins in my country is a good thing. I don't care if you've deemed them to be "the good ones"

Is there anything more cuck than valuing race over ideas?

American """""whites""""" are literally a bunch of Irish, Germans, Italians, Jews, Mexicans and Spaniards mixed together.

>we have to protect ourselves from terrorists
>Not banning Saudi fucking Arabia
Really tests the cognitive functions

Do you know how I can tell you're a newfag? It starts with a "q" and rhymes with oats.

So you must have noticed that the EO doesn't include the names of any countries in it.

How can you be so into Muhammad and call anyone else a cuck?

Yes, believing there's value to be found in the Middle East.

>Because less shitskins in my country

pick one?

i can't wait till a native America is made president and sends all the immigrants from the past 300+ years back.

>Welcome home Chad it's been a while

Only the last two points are problems, and the reason Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc. are not on the list is not because he has investments there (he has no investments in the vast majority of Muslim nations not covered by the ban), but because of (((foreign policy))) concerns. Graham, McCain, and Lil Marco would have shut down the Senate if Trump fucked with their precious Muslim "allies".

Sure thing, mohammed.

iran ban is bullshit but might be politically helpfull dunno. Saudis and UAE should be banned without a doubt.

Well it's time to reconsider who's an ally anymore

>>Bans DIPLOMATS by accident and had to afterwards put special measures in to allow diplomats through

That's not true. I read the entire fucking EO. Exceptions for diplomats, NATO personnel, and UN ambassadors were always written into it

No one is into muhammad, retard.

Iranians are anti-terrorism.

I support anything the results in fewer poo skins entering the country.

They didn't ban Saudi , Afghan, Pak, etc because they are going to test their new vetting method.

How can people be this dumb?

what's your fucking point? The less roaches over here the better.

Damn, the declining white population of my country suddenly makes me have an urge to import more nonwhites!

And a Native American argument too! Because the disappearance of the Native American population is a great argument for unchecked immigration! Everyone should follow the Native American example!

That is why they take oil from ISIS and give them supplies.

Gotcha, makes sense.

Because it's legal, within his right, and he's fulfilling a campaign promise that was said to everyone from the beginning, so why exactly are you surprised he's doing what he said he'd do?

Sure, that's why.

(((Donald Trump))) is definitely not controlled opposition :^)

No different to the US or Turkey.

>Bans based Iran
and the shill blows his cover once again

So does every other Muzzie country.

Jap bantz is best bantz

Is this what the world looks like through the eyes of a schizo?

is this a meme or reality? Is he really cleansing America of mudshits like this?

Who gives a shit
Islam has no place in the West
Why should muslims be protected by laws and rights they don't believe in and their primitive culture could never conceive?

>And a Native American argument too! Because the disappearance of the Native American population is a great argument for unchecked immigration! Everyone should follow the Native American example!

You can't just change the rules now CHad cause you losing.

>America is literally so hated right now can't wait for the preemptive nuclear strike on your soil soon.

You're a fucking idiot.

You literally have no say in this matter, your economy heavily relies on tourism.

>t.SEETHING britbongistan rapefugee who deflects all criticism with le ebin not an argument maymay

based NIPPON!

Try centuries.

As a matter of fact, yes, it is.

inb4 not an argument

How many terrorists from Saudi Arabia were involved in attacks in Europe, again? And it's not like Saudi Arabia condones terrorist attacks on their soil. And when it comes to funding other terrorist groups, a ban won't change anything.

Your economy is based on islam sex slave markets top kuk

This ban is just a trial run to gauge public reaction to full-on immigration reform. Judging by how small protests are, we will probably see major anti immigration legislation this spring, hopefully a serious action to eliminate H1B visa program.