Anglos and Burgers cannot face the truth

They just cannot. The truth just hurts too much. Why is that?

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The EU's going to collapse and Germany along with it.

Ps Britain kicked your ass in both wars and you can't handle it.

Enjoy Merkel

>The EU's going to collapse and Germany along with it.
And why should that be? It hasn't collapsed for 60 year, faggot.

>Ps Britain kicked your ass in both wars and you can't handle it.
In the first world war, we just had a ceasefire, but we were nice guys and let Brits say they won. then we fucked them up in Dunkirk, some Burger is making a movie about it. And then we fucked them up with the Blitz, many movies have been made about it. Anglos then did some minor part in the American and Soviet campaign to fight us on both sides.

And while we had a great post world war recovery, Britain declined, lost its empire and its industry... only in the EU did we let them have a bit of relevance with their financial Pakis in London.... but that is all over now.


You do realise your country is a global experiment to see how cucked a country can get?

>pro eu post
>Kraut flag
>hates anglos

Pax Britannica Round 2 coming up soon disgusting ARYAN.

Come someone please edit this photo to include the following images as faces pls

Your surplus halved between 2015 and 2016


>Your surplus halved between 2015 and 2016
A 6 billion swing, after we had a 60 billion swing from the negative to the positive.

Sure thing, Polish Anglophile traitor, that is surely relevant.

>In the first world war, we just had a ceasefire, but we were nice guys and let Brits say they won.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Enjoy your "new German" guests.

You're nation is the most cucked place on the planet.

2 visits and literally my phone nearly melted from tinder activity they women are so sick of beta German males.

>In the first world war, we just had a ceasefire
If you didn't have a ceasefire you'd get raped by Italians, French, Americans and Brits using Austro-Hungarian infrastructure. Probably rearguard American troops(90% black) would have lots of fun with your women too.

>I-it will collapse... anytime soon now!
I can hear you shivering through your computer

It's because german cucks are willing to work for a future that will not belong to their children

Can't be arsed to read your autistic screeching. The EU's dying and everyone hates Germany again.

Now run along and vote for based Merkel. She's doing what a thousand Bomber Harris' couldn't.

And this

Only free trade you're involved with is freely trading your country and women's wombs for more shitskins

>tfw we spent 22 billion on refugees already
I'm afraid infrastructure and our pensions will have to wait

And "Le 60% white face"

I can't find the image anywherw

We had a ceasefire. If the other side was so sure to win, why didn't they try to?

It's almost like the Eurozone seems to benefit Germany whilst fucking over the other countries.

Good luck when the EU starts collapsing around you and social turmoil begins in your country due to the open borders.

I honestly see no saving Germany, its been so beaten down after WWII that it will never recover.

No wonder like 99% of german girls I know are dating Africans and Turks.

also, when the EU collapses, we'll be nice, we'll offer a fair trade deal rather than try to be bullies and fail like the krauts.

>2 visits and literally my phone nearly melted from tinder activity they women are so sick of beta German males.
Lmao is that true? Guess I should've downloaded Tinder when I was there last year.

Germany has never been a global power or had an empire. This makes them eternally jealous of the US, UK, France, Russia and even the fucking Netherlands. A pathetic people who started two wars to try and be relevant and got annihilated both times.

When will you bow down to your Eastern European masters?

>believes everything is about the second world war
when was the last time you looked out the window?

We pay GERMANS to take care of "refugees", that is all. We could just rebuild perfectly good roads and waste money on perfectly good public school buildings, OR we pay leftist cucks who have no jobs money so they take care of "Refugees".

Those 22 billion are nothing compared to the 800 billion Eurozone Southern countries owe us in Target-2 money and the 300 billion we "invested" aka loaned to Greece.

Fixed your pic OP

>I honestly see no saving Germany, its been so beaten down after WWII that it will never recover.

And that statement is why everyone worldwide is laughing when they see Anglos. You are a laughing stock and always will be. Enjoy your 5 million Pakis with 20 million Paki kids.

>Lmao is that true?
Burgers believing that some Anglo could come anywhere near a true German woman.

Anglos just fuck the scum of the Earth that is living in Germans' larger cities, the Iranians, the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Turks, the Kurds etc. - all the "women" which are 10/10s in the eyes of the Anglo.

>the wold hates us
Sup Forums is not the fuckin world, the entire planet loves US and think we are the best country to have ever existed, despite starting two WW. That's why the Anglos hate us with a passion, they literally hate us cause they aint us.

>implying that the economy is the only measure of success
>implying that germany doesn't think everything is about the second world war
>calling a country famous for making cars 'green'
>implying that national sovereignty doesn't matter
wew lad

You dumb fucking germs and your obnoxious shitposting, get bred out by Syrians already.

>Implying New Pakistan won't fall first


In both world wars France with its awesome colonial empire sure kicked some ass...
This "muh empire" meme must end, in the end it only meaned expenses for controlling large amounts of territory, while the homeland is unable to develop properly (see especially: colonialist Spain, Imperial Russia).
The Anglos were pretty smart though.

Says the country with like 30 million Turks and currently inviting in literally anyone.

Britain is awake, we are getting migration limits, we aren't gonna be a slave to PC culture much longer.

When I went to Germany in Berlin the girl I fucked said her neighberhood scared her because 15% of people voted AFD lmao.

You're country is beyond fucked cause any talks of saving your culture is met with "the holocaust"

Your men are all beta as fuck to, even the tall blond viking looking metal guys are so fucking beta its scary.

If your country had a Farage you would put him in jail.


Exactly, Germany is the most beloved country in the whole wide world!

>Burgers believing that some Anglo could come anywhere near a true German woman.
Nah,they prefer being raped on festivals by niggers you let in.

They have a Brexiteer in the White House and the Commonwealth.

We have Merkel and fucking Bulgaria.

So the UK thinks everything is about the 2nd world war and apparently more so then Germany?
Germany great if you think children can consent and rape is a cultural issue rather then a criminal one.


Germany is "peaking". At your peak you have a serious false sense of security and start doing things that will be heavily detrimental to your future, like letting in millions of people who will not be able to find work or assimilate and will most likely mutliply into a permanent breed of underclass criminals and terrorists.

We peaked in the 60's and during that time passed a lot of measures that eventually proved pretty damaging, we are currently in the backlash stage of that effect, you'll probably be there in a couple of decades and have your own Nu Hitler

why do germans have a hard-on for destroying Europe?

Enjoy it while you can Kraut as pretty soon you are going down. We are your top export destination and the Trumpenfuehrer has you--particularly your auto industry--in the cross hairs.

Furthermore, despite its comparatively massive economy, Germany spends only 1.19 percent of its GDP on defense, well below its 2 percent NATO obligation. Haha, you silly Krauts, any "European Army" that would be even remotely capable of defending the EU territory against current adversaries would require that Germany shouldered the bulk of the costs--combine that with the continuing cost of supporting your Muslim invaders and say "Willkommen" to hefty deficits.

How ever much we hate you,

You hate your own country and culture so much more.

All Germans I meet are ashamed to even be German, they say only morons are proud to be German. They say its racist to fly the German flag unless the football is on.

FFS, your own leader hates your country, lool how she reacts when given her flag.

If any other leader tried this for pretty much any country they would be voted out ASAP.

You just love hating yourselves.


It's a national pass time.


>Germany is the most beloved country in the whole wide world!
>Poll posted is from 2012-2013

Can we all just take a moment to laugh at the fact Germany has never won a war and will vote for Merkel in a landslide

Germany isn't peaking. We just started. We are importing millions of Eastern European white Christians every year. We are gearing up to have 100 million people soon.

This has all happened before, and it all will happen again. Remember that, Burger, remember that. The youth groups, the rallies, the proud nationalism, the discipline, it will all come back.

You faggots should be deprived of the privilege of self goverment, youre a danger for yourselves and everyone around you.

>Europe first.

I seriously and everyone else also wishes this was true.
Sadly just a meme dream

The Eternal Anglo and America will finish the Krauts off and take over Europe

we all hate anglos. that will never change.

Hey Hans, thanks for starting all those wars you lost and simultaneously dragging America into the conflict. Do you feel bad because you have to rely on the USA to protect you from the Ivan?

I hope Germany invades the Netherlands whenever Neo-Hitler comes along. Netherlands are as cucked as the British due to protestants and merchant colonialists. Germany needs to wipe out that non-country.

children can't consent here

our turks breed below 2 children per woman. Only Afghans and Arabs are problematic. You are full with Pakis - by far the lowest quality towelheads

>bragging about the blitz

germany's population isn't growing you will fall behind the UK and France in 20 years.

You forgot to mention

>Mass raping attacks by rufugees
>USA: 0
>UK: 0
>Germany: daily after morning prayers

You mean Eastern European immigrants who have no national allegiance to Germany, and subsidize their homelands through remittances earned in the former. Keep dreaming your dark dreams Kraut, prepare yourself for a nightmarish reality check.

What do a few doctors, nurses and black kids from Louisiana who play PS4 games all day "protect" in Germany? You do understand there is virtually no active US soldier in Germany left, right? It is all depos, logistics, hospitals and admin shit.

tbqh if the US spent as little as germany on military they would also have a big surplus

those countries are growing too comfortable on US defending them if needed

i think it's time for US to flex their muscles and just stop defending everyone, hell even declare fucking war to those who dont comply and see where you fucking end up

the world shouldn't expect the US using their own resources to defend everyone

That's no longer true

Don't forget rape is now the norm, and the majority of your people are brown.

2 world wars and 1 world cup
doo daa
doo daaa

2% Germany. Two fucking percent

>America and Britan
Didnt kill 6,000,000 jews

Killed 9,000,000 jews

military bases you need to bomb isis

pay for it.

Britain is the last country in Western Europe with hardy men. If any country in this part of the world is going to survive a collapse, it's going to be England. People here love to fight, it's a part of our culture.

>europe first policy
falsch und homosexuel

Given the quality of your new arrivals, a rising population for Germany means only a rising dependency on the welfare state. Besten Glueck paying for the European Army. Hahaha!

You must be a newly arrived Burger in Burgerland. Otherwise you know that if you lose once, you try again and again and again until you succeed.

Germany will not stop until it has taken over the world. and this time, we are gearing up to really do it. We already got Europe under our control, we will incorporate Russia into Europe soon and then the rest of the world.

Germany forever. One People, One Reich, One Germany.

look at more recent data

>germany's population isn't growing you will fall behind the UK and France in 20 years.
>4 days ago, it was announced Germany reached 82.8 million people as of 31 Dec 2016, the highest in Germany's history, mostly due to Eastern European immigration.

You were saying, Muhammed?

you keep on saying "we"

are you a neocon jew? if not then you are not apart of the "we"

They are afraid of very high energy Schulz who will

You are currently paying us to have bases in Germany and additionally US soldiers spend their American wages in Germany.


Dude yes,

In addition to cute German girls they have loads of Balkan chicks and Poles aswell.

Go to a German nightclub or gig, all the men opperate like white nights, if you act even remotely forward and are horrific looking you can get a 9/10 or 10/10 girl so easily. They love foreign guys.

If you have tinder make sure your profile says something like "American visiting your lovely country"

Its like the polar opposite of UK, you match with like 80% of the girls and they are fucking gagging for it.

They all told me German men are just so nice and polite and essentially have no balls, even the big and good looking ones.

The girl I hooked up with, met her friends and literallt 100% of them are dating foreign guys, mostly other Europeans and some Africans.

you gained an extra 1 million people during the migrant crisis but unless you plan to do that again, no Germany will be down to 60-70m in the near future.

>Don't forget rape is now the norm, and the majority of your people are brown.
Rape makes women stronger and redpills a large section of the population. All part of a plan. You hardly find any raped women who are "refugees welcome" SJWs... and neither are their families and friends.

Oh right, so you are saying that if Russia decided to engage in offensive attack against Krautland, the US would be under no obligation to protect you? So you are saying that you would have the means to deflect a Russian strike? Hahahahaha! It is no accident that Krautland has produced those philosophers most renowned for constructing fantasy worlds . . die Welt als ein Vorstellung!

>tbqh if the US spent as little as germany
we are the 9th biggest spender worldwide

>US defending them if needed
we have helped in nearly every one of their wars since 45
most of the time with money and logistics, but still

get some perspective
we contribute towards the American world order although we don't have to and American interests often run against ours
there is a reason they haven't complained for decades :^)

Not quite sure what you are trying to say here, Burger.



>mostly due to non-germans
what is the rate of reproduction for acutal germans, 1 birth per month?


good that Anglos soon can't come anymore

we are a nation of autists
stay off our women

You have contributed minutely, and in a way that any of your Slavic neighbors can now replicate. No, rather we subsidized your prosperity at one time to prevent you from being annexed by the Soviet Union, but now just out of the stubbornness of policy changes. You need us, we do not need you. Militarily, you couldn't even stand a chance against the Poles. On the economic front, significant tariffs against your imports would send your economy in a tailspin, while doing little damage to us.

Because you were willing to peace out.

>1 birth per month

that's not how one measures fertility or the birthrate

They are.

Merkel is taking a gamble to offset the aging population.

She wants to take in like 15 million immigrants to prop up the tax paying pool.

Problem is most EU migration is net positive until they have a kid or are low skilled wage cucks who pay next to nothing and will cost loads in the future.

Her idea is essentially import 15 million Africans and Asians and they will all pay moderate jobs in future so Germans can retire at 60 and there will still be enough money for pensions.

In reality, all thats gonna happen is their society will completely unravel and there will be a lot more "sexual emergencies".

In addition the refugees wont learn German mostly or get jobs and actually just cost more money.

This is what the UK tried, it worked for Afro-Caribbean and Indian immigrants but fucked up badly with Pakis. Thats why they are starting to sort it out now.

>This comming from a brit

>Export world champion
>Yet middle class is sinking lower
>quality of life is getting worse
But hey at least we sell more shit, am I right?

The weak usually hate the strong.

>what is the rate of reproduction for acutal germans, 1 birth per month?
Irrelevant, as the only thing relevant is whether there are white Christians in Germany or not.

We need to keep the ratio of whites in Germany above 92% at all costs and Eastern Europeans are welcome to help us with this goal.

I understand Brazilian negroes will never understand the goal of Europeans to keep negroes to an absolute minimum... but well, as you are an absolute corrupt shithole, it is no wonder really.

>we are the 9th biggest spender worldwide
and that's not even 1/15 of US military spending