>drumpfkins will defend this
Drumpfkins will defend this
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Islamic monkey goes to Sup Forums to sand post. Not many leftist tears to be shed for people you don't know. Many such cases! Sad!
Basically what this nice lad said!
We've had quite enough of you brown folks
>ITT: right-wing and rural retards don't want someone making a positive difference in the world in murica because muh shitskins
The system is working, then
I'm glad
Race > progress
This ban is retarded.
>positive difference in the world
Whos world? I don't have a spaz disease and the study of DNA is the study of control. You keep bitching about population control so why should I listen to you again?
>one good example
>justifies thousands of bad examples
You just don't get it OP. Racial & cultural homogeneity is critical to the success of any society. That's why the US is much poorer, much less powerful, and has accomplished far less than 99% white countries like Finland.
You don't know how a J-1 visa works, do you?
So what you're saying is that she's an affirmative action case who's never actually accomplished anything notable? How will we survive without her and her 12 radicalized children?!
Defended and saged.
Are you fsggots old enough to remember when Jimmy Cater booted Iranian students out of the US and banned them from coming here?
>She's Muslim
Nuff said.
Literally another image from today said the same shit. Keep making up garbage
>no job and no place to live
No husband? No family?
Also Dr Asgari is so revered and loved in Switzerland that they don't have a job and good references for her there?
She has to go back.
all of these wasted resources on a non-white.
>appeal to emotion
logical fallacies galore
don't really give a shit either way - people HERE are homeless, people HERE are without jobs, and people HERE deserve those jobs. if she has all those qualifications she certainly doesn't need help getting anything.
liberals piss me the fuck off.
reminder to politely sage
She has to go back.
appeal to emotion is not a logical fallacy
They're back?! No way, the fight goes on.
Not surprised he did a fundraiser in Aventura. South Florida is loaded with butthurt libs, jews and rich new england hillary supporters
She's muslim, which means she believes it's ok to deceive and kill christians. It says so in their shitty quran. The rest doesn't matter.
why is it always FPBP
For such high level research you think she'd easily qualify for another job.
What's it like to fuck a hijabi Muslim woman?
I've fucked Arabs, Pakis etc, but I've never fucked a Muslima.
Does the Islam make them fuck a certain way?
this woman has done more to benefit society than the entirety of people who make up this board. Yet, people on here feel superior solely because of their race and nationality disregarding the fact that they are complete scum, and leech on the works of other people when you say "we" accomplished X or Y, no, it wasn't you along with other people, it was solely their work. I am sure they gave zero fucks about you, would laugh at what you stand for, and would give zero fucks if they started hanging non functional members of society like you.
>Lose post grads, FMGs and current medical residents because MUH DEUS VULT
>Make America Great Again
are u sure this was anything more than a delay
Why didn't you care when Obama made identical travel bans, faggot?
President Obama puts six month ban on Iraqi refugees in 2011 and media…. crickets.
President Trump puts 120 day suspension on Syrian refugees 2017… media explodes.
Obama selects 7 countries for enhanced visa security policy and media… crickets.
Trump uses Obama law, same Obama DHS policy, and same 7 countries; for a 90-day visa suspension and media explodes.
She left her country. They're all leaving their countries like cowards. Brain drain. The people who could help their own people come to our countries and then tell us that we have to welcome the people they left behind.
Ain't life a bitch.
Ho hum.
Who gives a fuck about ((society))?
You're a fucking retard , you do realize they invited HER to help with research . She took up on the offer because she wants to make a world a better place.
>don't import Muslims because they will destroy our society
>who cares about society
You really are dumb aren't you
>she wants to make a world a better place
The she should shut her mouth, sit tight and never ever breed.
yes it is, moron
You Morrocans are more than welcome to take them in.
>The Obama administration has required new background checks for visa applicants, reacting to a case in Kentucky in which two Iraqi immigrants were arrested on suspicion of ties to an insurgent group, according to American officials in Baghdad.
"six month ban"
What neither Trump nor you wizardry worshippers apparently cannot get is that part of what made America great is the ability to attract good scientists everywhere in the world. What was perceived as "brain drain" abroad was a strength there. Nukes, nasa, math, whatever? look at how many top scientists are from foreign countries...
yes it is because the basis is to manipulate a person instead of use factual and logistical basis of argument
emotions can be the backing of a logical argument but a purely emotional plea is farcical
people get emotionally manipulated all the time and later realize it was pure manipulation
She could have declined.
Making the world a better place is SJW-tier faggotry. You make the world a better place by starting where YOU LIVE.
She left her arab country to go to Switzerland in the first place, you illiterate fucking monkey turd
i tried to care but failed
I love this timeline.
She can go back to Iran. Nothing to keep her in the West now.
>muh humanity
I dont care about anyone that isnt white.
Diabetes is a meme anyway
>sand post
>Trump could easily avoid such externalities if he allowed immigrants with college degrees into the country
If Trump had real balls he would block the Saudi's
>diabetes is a meme
what kind of tard are you
sure and Einstein along with other jews that left Germany because they were persecuted should be seen as cowards. I would respect him more if he would have stayed and been hauled into a shower than if he escaped persecution and contribute all his life to improving society.
She'll get by after some screening. It's sad that she got turned down, but sadly we can't just keep the gates open for everyone anymore.
We already have better, whiter alternatives; thx.
Not the biggest one of this board. I've debated a few flat earther's and Moon landing denialist's. Hitler
>still falling for the research meme
This is one woman out of the thousands that globalists want to infect us with.
Your emotional manipulation doesn't work anymore. Your porcine squeals of "RACIST!" don't work anymore.
The right kind, quit eating dogshit.
>She could have declined.
>Making the world a better place is SJW-tier faggotry. You make the world a better place by starting where YOU LIVE.
Your argument is retarded , if US stops importing foreign talent then US won't be the world leader in academics , science , research in the future.
Yeah MUH WHITES because that matters so much when you are already a minority in your country.
I hope she helps her homeland defeat TB. Illegals pouring into Russia from Central Asia have nigh-incurable strains, and these fuckers can easily infect a fuckload of people by using public transport.
>literally wouldn't be using a laptop without Einstein's revelations
Nice proxy, leaf
>being a spherecuck
>Making the world a better place is SJW-tier faggotry. You make the world a better place by starting where YOU LIVE.
I guess meritocracy isn't a thing anymore.
I think we should put the best people in the places where they can have the biggest impact.
But maybe you're right, maybe this PHD biologist STFU back to Iran and... do what, exactly? Iran's Ministry of Science Research and Technology bans women from participating in University programs.
Diabetes isn't a meme you dipshit
Trump is sucking the cock of the Saudis. Americans are cucked beyond belief. The main reason why the US is anti-Iran is because Iran are rivals to Saudia Arabia, the former being Shia and the latter being Sunni. America is also sucking the sandy, circumcised and goat-rectum tasting cock of Saudi Arabia in that they don't lift a fucking finger to stop Saudi Arabia funding and training extremist salafist terror organisations.
Why is the US so keen to suck the dirty sandcock? Because the entire US economy is tied intricately to the petrodollar, and thus, can be crashed with no survivors by the inbred, goatfucking Saudi royal family. Hence also why the US has also been fighting the wars of their overlords, despite the fact that the Saudis are funding the enemies of the west.
Truly, americans are the biggest faggot cucks of all recorded human history, and nothing is going to change about that, as long as their economy lives or dies at the say of the Sauds.