I'm confused...

I'm confused. Why is Trump banning refugees from the United States of America after US-Policy is the reason why the refugee crisis is happening in the first place. Our continued imperialistic attitude, along with Russia and other First World countries, to Africa and the Middle East are what created this epidemic.

Shouldn't we have to deal with the problems we created?

>Our continued imperialistic attitude
fuck off you turbo cuck

Because Sup Forums is mostly white trash who never understood anything about geopolitics or foreign policy.

Not an argument.

This is America.

>Intervene in the Islamic World
>Destabilize shit
>Terrorism and Extreme increases as a result

The eternal Americuck always ruins it.

fucking reddit garbage, go home

That was Obama's mess not our fault

The vast majority of US citizens were vehemently opposed to military intervention in that region. Why should we be held responsible for something we didn't do? I'm all for helping out people in need, but it would be more cost effective for us to help them get to the nearest safe country.

>The previous administration's failures automatically transfer to the next one
Take your complaints to Onigger
Trump is already working on creating safe zones for those people to go back
Them leaving isn't his responsibility, many of these people left for economic reasons after Merkel opened her doors.
if nobody opened their doors they would have never left en masse

Because our country still did it. We must live with the consequences of those who we put in charge.

>That was Obama's mess not our fault
Clinton's mess, Bush's mess. Obama's mess. Now Trump's mess. Our government caused this issue and are now acting like we've done nothing.

You're absolutely right OP. The problem is we propped up corrupt dictatorships to control the in order to control oil reserves in the Middle East. What we should have done is outright colonized the Middle East and wiped out the native muzzies. Now that we can frack our own oil in North America, we don't need the Saudi royal family anymore. Fuck em all

Why must you import people into your country to help them?

What I don't get is why these fuckers think they are owed anything from here? Like just because they are considered human it is their right to come here? Get The Fuck Out!

One, it's a temporary ban
Two, it's not a ban on all refugees
Three, it was Obummer who inflamed the situation in Syria

Because our imperialistic attitudes and need of seizing their resources brought about this conflict. Should we leave them to resettle in their war torn area? Or shouldn't we man up and handle the mess we made?

>Three, it was Obummer who inflamed the situation in Syria
Why continue the Obama narrative? I know it's Obama's fault, much like it's Bush's fault. The switching from one president do another doesn't wipe the slate clean.


If you want to bomb the world, it's probably not the best idea to open your doors to those who bombed you. They might just bomb you back. Do you even war?

Mad cause I'm saying the truth?

You say that like there is an obvious, simple solution to the problems in the Middle East. The geopolitics of the Middle East are too complex for one country, especially a Western country, to have a handle on

The only thing you're right about is Western countries should never have interfered, but they did, so now it's history

No you let them stay in the rubble and stew in their hatred.

Yet they call them terrorists for something the US government started.

The middle East has been a dumpster fire for hundreds of years longer than we've been a country. If you don't want other countries to meddle then just don't be stupid and weak.

>fucking thoughtful reasonable people go home stop ruining my echo chamber REEEEE

who the fuck cares?

we don't need to take care of every poor nation in ruin

I don't believe america should have to take in every one of them, but we should still do our part to clean up some of the mess. It's not all on our shoulders.

>we don't need to take care of every poor nation in ruin
We don't. We should take care of the poor nations WE ruin.

>Should we leave them to resettle in their war torn area?
Their "war torn area" is their country. Do you want it to be abandoned and left for warlords to take over?

Who will rebuild their country if their people scatter throughout the world?

>Because our imperialistic attitudes and need of seizing their resources brought about this conflict
Judge the Bush and Obama administration as war criminals and then help the population rebuild their country. No need to import them wholesale and destroy both their culture and yours in the process.

If you reply "muh imperialistic attitudes" again without providing specifics I'll stop believing you're being serious.


it isn't mandatory to follow moral claims, especially with populations that we have no social contract with

Even if I accept your dumbass premise that Muslims killing Muslims, which has gone on for centuries prior to our country even existing, is our fault, we still don't owe those Muzzies jack shit.

Why the fuck would we condemn our own country and people to extinction just because we fucked over some shitty middle east country. Go eat a dick.

Have fun being on the wrong side of history.

Your virtue signaling is eventually going to lead to civil war.

This is a strawman. None of that argument is relevant to the situation at hand.

>we should let ppl kill us now because we fucked shit up in the past
How about no, you fucking reddit.

Because if you blow people up, you don't immediately let their friends and family move into your country.

Holy shit people are retarded.

>hey I know I killed your family and stuff, wannabe roomies?

Ever heard the phrase 'those in glass houses?'

Not too worried about works of fiction senpai

It's stupid to let your enemies in to kill your people.
Enemies are enemies.
They are for killing.

Have fun baiting.

WE did not cause the problems, our politicians did. THEIR fuck ups and wrong doings should not fall on the shoulders of the American people. Maybe Obummer and Clinton can run refugee centers and live with them, but they can fuck off with trying to impose their fuck ups on us.

Ideally we really should just focus on resettling refugees into safer parts of the middle east.

There will be no history if you reddit cucks let usa die.


keep using that word

So what if we cause it? That doesn't mean we have to go out of our way to bring in people that are threats to us.

Just because you hit a beehive doesn't mean you have to let everyone of them sting you.

Refugees need to figure their own shit out. Why the fuck should we be involved in settling anyone other than our own citizens?

>you destabilized the ME
>now you must take all refugees from the ME

Says who? The karma police?

Because Trump doesn't think Americans should have to pay for the mistakes of their past leaders. Rather than engaging in more stupid conflicts, he is securing the borders. I think it's great.

You're right OP, but what happened already happened, and there's not much we can do to reverse it. The only way we can help is to stop interfering in the Middle East and let them handle it. I hope one day we learn our lessons and stop fucking with other nations and start respecting their sovereignty, but history would tell us that will never happen.

In the grand scheme what you described isn't even that bad. I mean fuck for the vast majority of human history you were worried about you little tribe, city state, or civilization getting conquered, looted, raped, and destroyed.

Now I guess the worst that happens to you is a country comes in and destabilizes your shitty-about-collapse-into-civil-war governments and dictators. I agree it's shitty and a bad policy but a human tragedy? Not really. It wouldn't happen if he countries weren't shit holes to start with.

Inb4 photos of Syrian boy on beach.

The "wrong" side is the losing side, and in case you hadn't noticed, we're winning. Maybe I would feel as guilty as you if I had voted for a war-mongering neo-lib.

I agree, I meant if we were to do anything it should be resettlement programs within the middle east rather then importing them to the west.


It would be nice if your government could stop sabotaging and intervening in other countries in their own self interest.

I think that Trump might be a step in the right direction, since he clearly knows shit about geopolitics and wants to reduce costs by downsizing.

We had 25 years of a bloody military dictatorship thanks to your friends at the CIA.

Just leave the rest of the world alone please.

Here here

>Shouldn't people who have nothing to do with what happened have to deal with the problems the kikes created?


We changing course, cutting losses. Gonna fix thembISIS boys them stay the fuck out that shithole. Not ideal but great over the long tetm.

>Shouldn't we have to deal with the problems we created?

>thinks the world is fucking rainbows
If I rape your mom it doesn't mean I have to pay for her psychiatry afterwards.

Learn2real life.

People do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences, and so do nations.

>Shouldn't we have to deal with the problems we create?

No. Problems should be externalized. Not even being ironic here

what the actual fuck am I looking at here?
inb4 niggers

It's your greedy control freak government's fault

You Americans mostly can't see beyond your own belly anyways, then you fail to understand why the rest of the world hates your guts

>retard neocons and bought out liberals fuck with the middle east for oil money
>its the citizens' responsibility to deal with it
Kill yourself.

it's a thing called parenthood

>t. military welfare baby

I hope your other inbred hick friends died for Israel on tour

>1 post by this ID

nice try naacp

That is fucking disgraceful, what a complete and utter injustice.
It was a way over the top way to conduct oneself.
But luckily that nice police officer was there to put an end to his disrespect of that flag pole.

no. we must SAVE THEM ALL.

islam and its effects will be churned out soon enough through justified indoctrination. in the meantime, we must save those that can and should be saved, leaving the true madmen behind to rot.

why would we do that?

makes absolutely no sense.

"we killed these people's parents, let's make sure to let them in and give them welfare, no hard feelings, right?"

Because restoring the shithole you bombed out just threatens israel if they come into power.

Making them impoverished refugees in your countries adds to the total amount of debt your banks can collect on.

In the end it's always jews.

debts are absolved when you're dead m8

>little girl just sits there
poor kid

i bet she got redpilled though