Stop spamming this kike e-celeb. He made one red-pilled statement. Big deal. Bill Maher is red-pilled on Islam. Is he 'our guy' too?
Stop spamming this kike e-celeb. He made one red-pilled statement. Big deal. Bill Maher is red-pilled on Islam...
shut up, nerd.
>is anti abortion
>is anti welfare
>believes in borders and nationalism
>knows the 14 words
>believe there is a (((globalist))) conspiracy to create a global communist dictatorship
>doesnt like richard spencer being punched at all
>says hed fight by the alt-right's side if the civil war came
>hes almost our guy
Checked, digits confirm.
> this
I liked jon anyways. It was a huge bonus to know he had these opinions. He's /my guy/
Thank you. this guys a faggot, I don't know why people are riding his dick all of a sudden. it's like 12 year olds need another reason to like this idiot
He's Iranian
>centrist makes sensible statements
Jon is what normies used to be before the SJW bullshit infiltrated our society.
These youtuber fanboys need to keep the circlejerk on reddit or Sup Forums. Im so fuckin sick these beta edgelords
This guy gets it.
Did you listen to the stream? He aspoused more right wing ideals than the typical /r/t_d you find on Sup Forums.
So what you're trying to say is he is our ally.
Pretty much this. He sees what's going on in the world and he doesn't like it.
Like I said, I liked him anyways, this is just a bonus. Oily ts good to see someone popular on our side. He's an alright guy.
Would fight in civil war with.
Who gives a fuck. Just like Milo, he would denounce whites who advocate for white interests. Let me guess, is Milo your guy too?
I always loved his work but was afraid he would just be your typical leftist libtard. I was so happy to find out his real opinions
Incorrect actually. In the stream he is basically on the side of white separatists, nationalists, and the like
He gets it.
Milo on the other hand is a fag whose business it is to arouse people's anger. He is capitalizing.
>Supported sanders
He really is
I'm not gonna watch some fucking stream of his. What exactly did he say about white separatists?
As for Milo, I like him, but he's either hopelessly deluded with regard to the issue of race or he's controlled opposition. Whichever scenario, he has become irrelevant to me.
This guy's content is literally the reason i've failed the 7th grade and had to repeat and now he's on the same political side as the vietnamese origami instruction site that stole the best years of my youth.
>Jon isn't redpilled
wow, you sure convinced me, bruh
I've seen that hentai.
was really hot. great taste.
>What exactly did he say about white separatists?
They were talking about the rise of white nationalism and saying its the left's just deserts, that their race baiting led to this. Call someone a racist and that's what they'll become.
Jon even said at in point something to the tune of "If you have all these black people wanting to be seperate from the white people, maybe that's what we should do because its clearly not working this way".
He said that if shit goes down he's siding with the right. He pretty much identifies as a white winger now but realizes he's actually right-of-center, but things have shifted because of the left agendas.
This user has a pretty good run-down of his views: I'm not trying to shill go the guy or anything, I'm just saying I liked his content already and its great to have an ally in the popular media.
That's Futabu
google "Futa Club". you will then see some stream websites.
I think the screenshot is from Episode 2.
so yeah, hope you're into futanari, user.
otherwise you probably won't like it.
"Futabu" works too, yeah.
>Is Bill Maher /ourguy/?
Unequivocally, yes.
>Failing 7th grade
You are just retarded.
I was just lazy. Everyone has some sort of phase during puberty and that was mine. The following years became the best years of my life until i discovered nu-Chan.
Let me guess, you have crippling depression now.
>shut up, nerd.
Why is Jon siding with people who will lynch is sand ass if they rise again?
SJWs have already declared him as white, so they'd lynch him anyway.
Civic vs white nationalism i guess
>Jonathan Aryan Jafari
>Not /ourguy/
>sexy get is sexy
Srsly, anyone else happy as fuck we get to keep one e-celeb we grew up with?
pic semi related
his kiddy fans have outgrown his content and he needs to pander to edgy teens/young adults in order to stay relevant
same as pewdiepie.
more like they are growing up and adopting their own beliefs other than which cartoon character does the most imaginary damage.
shoo shill shoo
Jon just got older. it's kinda sad in away.
I wanna be in my early 20s again as well.
Fucking this, I never understand why non whites try to kiss ass of the alt right.
The 14 words?
SJW lynching = mean tweets.
>fuck niggers fuck chinks fuck jews gas them all they're the problem with our entire world
>nigger/jew/chink says or does something "based"
>except that one!
Wir sagen ja zu MDMA! The reason I l almost failed 10th grade.
Can we meme jerma into being /ourguy/?
>"brave liberal stands up and fights against the nazi hitler hacker known as Sup Forums"
Cap it guys, it's gonna be a news article soon
>leftist libtard bashing is only for white "people"
ayyyy lmao subhuman
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
this desu
But his views aren't influencing his content, with good reason. He's way smaller than pewdiepie, who caught a lot of shit for his recent exploits. Jon would be destroyed if he did what pewdiepie is doing.
What does the word "ally" mean?
>he doesn't know
For now.
Moon Man/Glue Man crossover?
Ally, more like useful idiot until he gets ethnically cleansed to make a white ethnostate, right?
Redpilled means you question even your pride, Maher doesn't question shit.
No. If you have allies their is there no need for forceful methods. Compromise is achievable. Allies help you rout out the left and achieve your goals.
Jon sympathizes with white issues, even white nationalism and separatism. He is an ally.
Didn't he have a fucking Quran (Koran) in his room in a video once?
You sound like a fucking cuck.
>Lol, taking the BBC up my ass is okay if the bull sympathizes with white issues.
Useful idiot.
lol, I have no fucking problem with westernized jews like jon, I'd support him, help him fight, and id cover his back.
He isn't raised with a book in hand telling him to backstab us, same with the "greek" in the HWNDU stream, he seems cool, and he is obviously arab, but he wasnt raised muslim.
But jons
Our age
>dude tolerating a guy who agrees with you in a way 80% of people don't is the same as taking it up the ass!
You're so self sabotaging.
No, but Bill Maher is definitely above SJW TYT level. Not above smug asshole level.
Ad hominem and unreasonable statements? Really?
You have no argument.
Jon isn't even white.
Agreed OP
>Wow, you're red pilled on Islam and Feminism? In 2017
>What other low hanging fruit you going to call out next?
>Golf Clap
he's hungarian too, apparently
Persians aren't Arab, they're Indo-European and they're literally aryans
It's like when someone white joins #BLM even though most of the gist of it is "Kill whitey!"
Bill Maher has the air of an old liberal, and while infuriating on some issues, at least he's not a cock gobbling faggot like neo-libs.
I'd be proud to put a bullet in his head.
Who is that? Shitty beard
Is that the drake and josh faggot? IDK only seen pics of the cast never watched
>literally the first aryans
>not white
boy do I have some news for (((you)))
>I'm upset people are finally seeing the truth and taking my side
>Let's be condescending to them and hope they go away
What is with you faggots. People are waking up. This needs to be encouraged. We are inching closer to favorable climates.
Further, Jon states that he'd realized all this some time ago, this just the first time he's come out and said it.
My understanding is that he's half Persian. That's it. You're not even close to your envisioned 100% pure ethnostate so you better at least settle in with some people if you want to have a chance to push the Overton window to the point where your views actually have a shot at the mainstream.
I don't think you guys have a good grasp on the outside world's opinions to be so flippant about these things. I mean you can call them out for trying to pander for views or whatever, but pandering to the "alt-right" is one of the worst PR moves possible since people on Sup Forums turn on people with the drop of a fucking hat. I'm not saying watch his shit or donate to him, but spitting in his face is so fucking retarded.
He's cool, but he still needs to fuck off back to Israel. He can take Ethan and Hila with him
>Another 'Sup Forums is one person' post
I like this faggot. He's a nationalist and a good boy.
>knows the 14 words
Because the conservative values does not equal ethnic purges despite what Sup Forums and SJWs wants you to believe
These are the people who called me a Racist and a Sexist for years, and now they understand my point of view, when it's too late to fix anything.
Fuck them
somebody pointed out that this was just a cover of something else and that the items only looked remotely similar to each other.
Koran isn't the only book in the world with some oriental design on the cover. I mean come on, even you have to admit that.
is this satire
He's not Jewish. And those h3 kikes do good work being anti SJW and all that.
More than you're doing I'd wager.
Fuck off. I'm addressing people in this thread. No where do I say everyone is like that. A few in here agree with me.
If you agree say it. If you disagree say it.
>dresses Jacque in a little birb-sized nazi outfit
>makes a vine playing 'uber alles'
How much would the internet freak out?
>He's not Jewish
>your post
utter poop, cancel your internet license pls
I have no other choice but to assume you are trolling at this point.
No its faggotry. He's just on his way to visit his local gloryhole. Pay him no mind.
He's actually Persian.
>M E M E S
Fantastic arguments friend, 10//10 would debate with reason and logic.
So does being /ourguy/ mean we agree with each and every thing anyone on this fucking mongorian pepekura message bored says at all times?
Or does it mean we are good with slanging memes like we're Steve Urkel saying "did i do that?"
Why reason with an idito?
You = kek'd
But he's my favorite musician.
>YouTube e-celebs have millions of subscribers apiece
>no one in the real world knows who they are
Why does that seem weird?
it's because those millions are dotted around the world and are generally teenage boys/young men without social lives
Here's your (You)
I like Jon when he's being real and I don't give a fuck what anyone else has to say about it.
Not your sheep, bruh!