Why do women invade male hobbies ?
Why can't they leave us be !?
Btw Portal takes 2 hours to complete , she couldn't manage that .
Why do women invade male hobbies ?
Why can't they leave us be !?
Btw Portal takes 2 hours to complete , she couldn't manage that .
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because women like to be the center of male attention and they cant stand men giving a shit about anything.
>Literally an hour long game
every time
>Playing video games as a source of male pride
get out
> Why do women invade male hobbies ?
>27 downboats
>Is right
Lmao reddit
Less competition from other women for attention. The pretty girls don't go for the niche hobbies, so ugly/average girls do to get male attention.
>when you have to defend video games from feeeeeeeemales because they are your only source of self-identity
Kill yourself.
Because men now invade women life, dress and act like women and get their dicks chopped off
It's only fair.
I love that my wife shares my interests in guns and fitness.
It either means she doesn't really and is just really into me or she genuinely likes those things. Either way it's good.
>reddit whiteknighting
what's special here
tfw dont like games anymore
how does xmoda's comment have -27 points? he didn't even state an opinion
That's because being a female is better than being a male
We need to go back to oppressing women
DESU it's a good goy move to try and find a girl who loves all of your interests and wants to do them with you. Better to find a girl who has a respect for your interests but has her own (feminine) interests.
>tfw didn't even finish portal myself
At least I dont go around buying its merchandise trying to show off my quirky 1337 gamer behavior XD!!!11
Basically this.
Modern women can't stand the thought of something existing predominately as a male space or activity, even the inane, meaningless things like video games.
Men could start slapping each other in the ass in public and label it an activity, and women would either go out of their way to critique it or demand they be allowed to join in.
Because they want to be part of something. Women in general, lack creativity, hence lack hobbies they choose by themselves. Other than that, there are women who genuinely love hobbies anyway.
I will agree that some women can ruin certain hobbies, but sometimes there's nothing wrong with doing a hobby with a woman.
My ex used to hike with me, make music.
My wife likes likes to exercise with me, go fishing, and sometimes go shoot some ducks to cook, as well as other shit.
>people still play video games
That """hobby""" is beyond saving.
the cake is a lie guys lol
Because he posted a comment on Reddit that could he perceived as criticism of a woman.
One day you will love the vidya again.
Name one female streamer who doesn't use sex appeal as the main selling point of the stream
Reddit A K A virtuE signaling harder than twitter
She just said she didn't finish Portal, not how far she got.
Come on, you want to tell me you got every star in every Mario you ever played?
I knew someone who did shit like this for half life. She didn't even know that Gordon Freeman was the name of the player1, she thought that Gordon Freeman was "the guy with the suitcase"
Why are women trying so hard
>It either means she doesn't really and is just really into me or she genuinely likes those things.
no it means some of her last boyfriends introduced her to guns and "fitness"
grats on the sloppy 61st's
women don't want equality.
could you imagine a male noob who barely played the game plastering his face online with all the merchandise
he'd get the same treatment
First portal game was a free demo, how do you not finish that?
What did kek mean by this?
You need to go back
Portal is a short game.
She just wants gamer D.
doubtful. Video games is cucked as hell.
Its actually been a good thing for me because Ive filled the time I wasted as a teenager on video games with going outside and lifting weights
Video games are toys
>Why do women invade male hobbies ?
attention, they want to be the center of your world
>Why can't they leave us be !?
Because they are naturally jealous of anyone or anything that steals their limelight
Remember user, your time is their free time and your money is their source of income
I quit "gamer culture" 5 or so years ago and it's been one of the best things I've done. I still play the occasional game, but often have half a year or more spans between doing so - Usually just look at things I find interesting. Only games I played last year was Deus Ex which I dropped a few hours in and Dark Souls 3. Following releases, discussing them etc., over it entirely.
If you want to see absolutely heinous levels of cringe I should link you some South African gamer gurls "cosplaying".
looks like jennifer garner's chubby little sister, would bang and make sit on the couch and watch me play vidya
link pls
can you even beat a level in 0.5 a presses?
Do it
>lol she didnt even finish this easy game!
>but she still constructed a replica portal gun showing more technical know-how than every male on Sup Forums put together...
same. I play football manager and paradox games, and I fire up an emulator or sim city 4. But Id say less than 2 hours a week. I spend more time shitposting on pol.
I lost 40 lbs quitting gaming and television
Do it
Portal isn't a long game though. At all.
>Not trying for every coin anyways in every game you play
Link me
i'm autism so yes
She probably just bought one from Ebay or something.
ftfy retard, have seen that portal gun before
Women ruin everything, but a woman can be just fine. If your wife is doing shit with you to be with you that is natural, that's where this instinct comes from and should be applied. Its when she doesn't have this outlet, she needs to vent it somewhere else. And that usually means with a bunch of other women.
Breakdown of the family as usual, but its mostly women just cant exist without being controlled for the most part. You see this manifest in their philosophies and reasoning.
She bought it you fucking retard.
Video games are for children, find an adult man hobby to complain about you fucking faggot
>I fucking love playing video games
I played portal with my GF once. The first game, not the second.
It was like watching paint dry. She just could not figure it out. I wound up getting frustrated at her total lack of spatial problem solving ability.
>tfw I built a gaming PC last summer that ended up costing me about $2k (it's more expensive in yurop, especially Norway)
>Can hardly muster enough willpower to actually play any of the more demanding games, instead playing old games from last decade
Kinda of regret it desu
Its not that they invade the hobby its that they turn it into a cuckfest once they do.
A friend-zoned beta male made that for her, but she still didn't fuck him.
My gf and I share no common hobbies.
She literally likes nothing I like
But we still find things to do toghether a lot
>My gf and I share no common hobbies.
>She literally likes nothing I like
Going to work out great user.
hopefully anal?
I refused to believe the picture on the right. That shit must be doctored. The main page has barely anything like that.
Nah I saw when that transgender article was on the front page. Cracked is awful now. Sucks, they don't even have "since 1958" on their banner or anything now. Now it is just buzzfeed 2.0, for hipsters.
Not as bad as user's pic, but still has a lefty article here and there, but once again, much better than user's pic.
It was a moment in time when the SJW whores first graduated with their gender studies degrees and went and sought out every white hobby and turned it into that picture.....We fucking destroyed them though so its no longer like that
We've been 2 years toghether, going for the third.
Sometimes she would show me weird existencialist movies and we would end up watchin movies all day.
Sometimes we just walk or talk.
But she likes her own stuff, and I like my stuff separately.
She does go see me when I play with my band, or sometimes come to see me practicing alone. She does wanna play the drums though.
Oh yes
Somebody post the comic/infographic
WHich is funny because if you go back to cracked in the late 90s early 2000s it would be talking about limp wristed liberals, butch lesbian feminists, and hollywood degenerates.
If you go back even further...well just google Robert Crumb
>Because they want to be part of something. Women in general, lack creativity, hence lack hobbies they choose by themselves.
O rly? Cross-stitch, scrapbooking, making that silly soap, etc., etc., etc.
The difference is that men don't invade female hobbies for female attention.
But first we need to talk about paralel dimensions
Feminist retards lack creativity, but traditional female hobbies like cooking and sewing both require creativity to master.
Time to start slapping each other on the ass in public user
>my entire BUT FIRST folder is on my other machine
Shiete, I'm in the same boat. Reading that made me realize how unhappy I actually am.
>having a BUT FIRST folder
Gee I thought my Bogdanoff folder was sad
>-27 points
oh reddit
I'm male & want to do what women can do, cus I'm actually genderfluid & wants to be a woman.
Did you mean gamer's money maybe my dearest user?
Stay out of warhammer you cunts!
For the same reason they do everything else, attention
There was a lot of OC that came from that meme.
the video of the Gawker "journalist" that posted the Hogan video getting BTFO in court was fantastic.
why do men have to invade our gender?
more like this
Gamer dollars. Guaranteed she fucks Chads.
I posted that in the wrong thread sorry
You suck at being women
Same, I'll occasionally play a game of CIV or some S.T.A.L.K.E.R once a month or so but that's it, I just can't get into gaming anymore
Still relevant and still hurts
because you're shit at that too
cause you're not doing it right, as usual
I'd say that half of the shit we do is because she likes to be with me, and the other half she genuinely enjoys.
Glad my woman can cook desu. Foreign (she's foreign) dishes too. Not just throwing chips in the microwave