What's the UK's problem?
UK Wants To Ban Donald Trump
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Where can I sign?
Muslims and liberals, what else?
Donald Trump is the problem he's is a racist and an Nazi synthesizer
London Cucks and Pakis
Again with this?
Didn't they already do this and it failed?
What a bunch of brain dead commies.
The Queen literally invited him to meet her like yesterday.
you should tune into the commons session, they will laugh it out like the did with the last petition against Trump while Labour/snp cry about how MUH FEELINGS should decide which world leaders we talk to.
They also banned Michael Savage, so that about sets the bar for how inane they are.
Lefties just love to virtue signal
This. I hope he tries to go to England so Antifa can show him what life is about!
>t. Mohammed Akbar Kashmir
To many Iraqis, Syrians and Iranians have an opinion.
Expect 8 more years of this petulance.
Didn't you follow Brexit?
Turns out 48% of our population is retarded.
We also have a lot of Muslims, because a country full of Christians, beer and pork attracted them for some reason.
UK confirmed cuck status
>Nazy synthesizer
Fuck yea, I love cyber nazi
>leave EU
>alienate the US
lmfao they're doing this AGAIN?
this already happened before and nobody cared except for SNP
foreigners can easily vote too
they are attracted to functioning infrastructure and welfare.
The world should follow donald's footstep it will improve tremendously
They just wanted to live on a cold wet rock halfway around the world. What's not to understand?
Maybe they just wanted to experience snow during Christmas.
UK is full of racists
Sothernern cucks, Monarcucks, and "BME" """"people"""". None truly English.
who gives a shit
those clueless retards still worship a decrepit old bitch because they though harry potter was nonfiction and believe that she has magical powers
It's just a temporary ban until they can figure out what the hell is going on. Why user, do you have a problem with governments being cautious about vetting visitors?
I really hope they fuck off. My country annoys me when they do shit like this. Embarrassing! Sad!
too many Pakis, students too.
Why the fuck would the UK even want to do this?
Trump showed immediately that the special friendship is back on, and he showed it in a big way. He guaranteed them front of the line. This is so mind bogglingly stupid. We're fucking father and son countries.
Protest isolationism by isolationg yourself. Hahah, brilliant!
do they honestly think it will happen? Not only has May already met with Trump, the Queen herself invited him to visit.
Fire up the scripts and let's make it to 1 million signs with 300 thousand of them from North Korea
I guess they didn't get the memo the first time, but hey, liberals have never been intelligent. What's funny about this is that many of them actually think signing this petition will mean anything.
Well for one he just banned 250,000 British citizens from entering the US. Citizens from countries who contribute far less or not at all to terrorist attacks unlike best American buddies the Saudis and Pakistan. Really makes you think.
>nazi synthesizer
am i awake
Apparently U.K. already has too many Muslims.
They are voting. They are making their voices heard.
Remind me why you thought this was a good idea, Britain?
University is not a centre for free speech at all. If you don't share the common, stupid libtard ideology they will silence you.
Trump senpai nuke us pls.
make us into japan 2.0, we deserve it.
Because like you we have liberal faggots, the young and mudshits who are anally devestated over a 90 day ban.
Hit London, Birmingham, Manchester and then London again, for good measure.
What about the 17 MUSLIM nations that ban Israelis?
what about the bombs that Obama dropped in Yeman?
Dont remember seeing a petition for that
Fuck these virtue signallers
this, please
they were banned because they're dirty refugees and dual citizens from the middle east
only reason why Saudis and Pakis are still allowed is because they're military """"""allies""""""
London, not the UK.
London is to UK what New York and Los Angeles is to the US.
Went to a Campus in London last year to check it out
100% Nigger and Muslim
We are fucked lads, we're the last.
well its clearly not the whole UK is it? and considering anyone can sign this
>All British must have a problem with us
Because London and Scotland haven't been raised to the ground yet. Don't worry, at the rate they're importing muslims it's only a matter of time before they self-destruct.
>250,000 British citizens
Fuck off back to your hive, London filth. They don't deserve to be called British and neither do you.
Click on JSON data.
Look at the origins of those signing it....
London alone has a population of 8 million people.
that's how it feels around here with the central american/mexiniggers invading us. classrooms literally filled with non-English speaking mud midgets. And this is the fucking south, if that tells you anything. Trump will do many great things and already has, but we're stuck with a lot of these worthless fucks I fear.
What makes them think that this will work after it got shot down the first time they tried? And more importantly, why do so many Brits suffer from mental retardation?
signatures_by_country":[{"name":"Afghanistan","code":"AF","signature_count":1},{"name":"Albania","code":"AL","signature_count":2},{"name":"Algeria","code":"DZ","signature_count":3},{"name":"Anguilla","code":"AI","signature_count":3},{"name":"Antigua and Barbuda","code":"AG","signature_count":6},{"name":"Argentina","code":"AR","signature_count":5},{"name":"Australia","code":"AU","signature_count":944},{"name":"Austria","code":"AT","signature_count":132},{"name":"Azerbaijan","code":"AZ","signature_count":5},{"name":"Bahrain","code":"BH","signature_count":17},{"name":"Bangladesh","code":"BD","signature_count":8},{"name":"Barbados","code":"BB","signature_count":5},{"name":"Belarus","code":"BY","signature_count":2},{"name":"Belgium","code":"BE","signature_count":289},{"name":"Belize","code":"BZ","signature_count":3},{"name":"Bermuda","code":"BM","signature_count":38},{"name":"Bonaire/St Eustatius/Saba","code":"BQ","signature_count":1},{"name":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","code":"BA","signature_count":3},{"name":"Botswana","code":"BW","signature_count":5},{"name":"Brazil","code":"BR","signature_count":30},{"name":"British Antarctic Territory","code":"BAT","signature_count":1},{"name":"British Indian Ocean Territory","code":"IO","signature_count":1},{"name":"British Virgin Islands","code":"VG","signature_count":5},{"name":"Brunei","code":"BN","signature_count":5},
And so on and so fourth.
Not a chance we'll ban him. The lefty MPs will bitch and moan, but nothing will happen.
We'll probably say something along the lines of "blanket bans on refugees are wrong... misguided... divisive... don't help" but nothing more than than. May will most certainly not directly condemn Trump.
That's on change.gov, a US site to promote US petitions to the White House.
UK government doesn't have to do shit.
I'm from up North you thick twat.
If you think Iran getting banned makes sense you are a thick bastard. Loads of Iranians came to the Uk to escape the Islamic Revolution because of our fuck up in their country.
Why didn't we ban America when the funded the IRA and continue to fund ISIS?
Keep sucking that Israeli and saudi dick cuck.
{"name":"Canada","code":"CA","signature_count":1057},{"name":"Cape Verde","code":"CV","signature_count":1},{"name":"Cayman Islands","code":"KY","signature_count":15},{"name":"Chad","code":"TD","signature_count":1},{"name":"Chile","code":"CL","signature_count":14},{"name":"China","code":"CN","signature_count":35},{"name":"Colombia","code":"CO","signature_count":26},{"name":"Congo","code":"CG","signature_count":2},{"name":"Costa Rica","code":"CR","signature_count":4},{"name":"Croatia","code":"HR","signature_count":9},{"name":"Cyprus","code":"CY","signature_count":72},{"name":"Czechia","code":"CZ","signature_count":77},{"name":"Denmark","code":"DK","signature_count":190},{"name":"Dominica","code":"DM","signature_count":3},{"name":"Dominican Republic","code":"DO","signature_count":3},{"name":"East Timor","code":"TL","signature_count":1},{"name":"Ecuador","code":"EC","signature_count":3},{"name":"Egypt","code":"EG","signature_count":27},{"name":"El Salvador","code":"SV","signature_count":2},{"name":"Estonia","code":"EE","signature_count":6}
>{"name":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","signature_count":584237},
Yeah... no.
*What the fuck is LONDON's problem?
Anyone care to set up a counter to make sure the state visit goes ahead?
The Chinese had a state visit even though the can't into humans, so this must absolutely go ahead
where do I sign?
So you're a scottish cunt then, even worse. Go get bummed by Ahmed while you rub your stub to the thought of eating Sturgeon's haggis, you moslem sympathising nonce.
I bet it was also those fuckers in scotland and london who voted remain :^)
I think trump is the best thing to happen in the West since brexit.
The truth is there are a lot of paki loving white women and gay men in London that really don't like anything non partisan to their idea of multiculturalism.
The rest of the UK is against it because we see what pockets of blacks and Muslims results in.
London is just a cancerous shit hole full of liberals morons putting up petitions
facefuck.CUM / graham.guest.397
Faggot who created the petition btw. Have fun messaging him if you feel like it.
Any of your want to form a counter protest to the inevitable Trump protest that will happen when he arrives?
I mean, the banter could be immense, especially if we all wear MAGA hats and bring giant American flags.
I do have a Donald Trump costume to hand, including a MAGA cap.
I seriously don't want Trump to arrive and have NO public supporters.
It's full of muslims.
North doesn't just mean Scotland you fucking nonce.
Go back to Pakistan or Saudi or whichever shithole you spawned from.
>File: 5UOPIr0r.jpg (190 KB, 1438x806)
nice future funk
Didn't they already make this petition when he visited scotland last year?
There's no way you're from Northern England, lad. I live in Rotherham and not even the cunts here sympathise with those goat-fucking shitstains.
Don't lump us in with these traitors. Is this petition even exclusive to british citizens? It's just uppity liberals trying to make a fuss. If by some miracle this actually goes to parliament, it'll be considered for all of two seconds before they scrunch that shit up and throw it in the trash. You don't ban the most powerful man in the world because some butthurt faggots told you to.
You get ostracised for liking Trump even in conservative circles. Not the best idea. Plus I don't fully support him due to his Israeli/Saudi ties.
>trying to act on behalf of the Monarch
If my history doesn't fail me that falls within the realms of treason. Day of the hangman soon?
>Online petitions
>Doing anything, ever
Pick one.
A guy from Leeds created the petition, look at the JSON data and just look at the amount of MP's from Glasgow and Scotland have signed it...
I feel sick, Scotland sort your life out, seriously sort your fucking life out you disgusting cucks.
Look at the fucking JSON format of it and look who's signing the petition you idiot flabtard.
the UK muslim problem is worse than i thought
Yes... but that's why we do it user with sunglasses or Trump masks/wigs.
Idiot, read the fucking thread.
>Pretends to be anti muslim
>Sucks saudi dick
Really made me think.
Most iranians in England are secular and came here to escape Islamic persecution.
Having syria on the list makes sense as do most of the other but having iran and not Saudi/Pakistan is plain bollocks.
Hey anyone else remember when the British Parliament was debating whether or not to ban DJT from traveling to the UK. Everyone, even the PM said that he was a stupid racist who would never become President. Rather ridiculous of them to try and comment on our internal politics like that, especially considering now that he won. I wonder how stupid they feel now.
Is that why they keep raping people in the North and have blown up parts of London and ghettoised them?
Shut the fuck up you disgusting cuck.
Based UK
I am singing up
I want to give each and every cuck who signed this a rebar pullthrough.
You'd probs be forced to remove it by the police for elf an safety meanwhile people walk around in Niqabs no problem.
then the guardian would plaster your face across the net as literal nazis photographed at rally.
This is just like the post-Brexit whining petitions.
Why the fuck don't they make it so that only UK residents can sign these petitions? Can our govt not even afford decent web developpers?
Hope it happens and they lose all military support from USA
fuck off ahmed all mudslimes are the same
Eternal Anglo feasting on Aryan blood
>Jeremy Corbyn MP","signature_count":3553
>Caroline Lucas MP","signature_count":3790
>Ms Diane Abbott MP","signature_count":3973
>Mr Douglas Carswell (UKIP) MP","signature_count":325
this desu, iranians on average are the most chilled types of muslims contrary to popular belief, the majority that come to the uk came because they hate all the islamic bollocks back home.
>muh rapetherham and Bradford
you don't live in the north but half those council house girls would be fucked by their own families. The welfare class are more alien, degenerate and disgusting than any muslim immgrant and certainly any pole.
The Eternal Anglo is nothing but a mere Jewish lackey, he must be eradicated.
name the last time a petition did anything
>protip u cant
Those arabs you spastic and people from Saudi/Pakistan.
iranians are Shiites. They're the ones who self flagellate instead of blowing people up likes your mates the Saudis. Or are you just a subversive zionist?
>Most iranians in England are secular and came here to escape Islamic persecution.
And yet 4 out of the 6 muslim gang rapists that got charged last week in Rotherham were Iranian. Why should I fucking care about what they want when they're coming over here raping, killing, and poisoning our bloodlines?
Fuck off with your civic nationalist bullshit, you cuck.
Holy fuck you dumb nigger, Trump banned the countries that are a threat to the USA and not your mother getting fucked by Pakis
And Saudis don't rape
Martin Luther put up a petition and now we have Swedish cucks building a Somali encampment in Minnesota.
Didn't they do that already? Like a year ago?