I'll march for that!
>science is now a religion
>Rascism is a science
Hmm really makes you think
>scientific issues
What do they mean? Are they telling me there are only two genders, only xx and xy? Seems like a scientific issue to me.
I'm a science fag that got added to this group? Anyone else in here?
They're still trying to come up with a diversity statement after a week.....I'm sure Trump is terrified. Everytime someone mentions that science is inclusive, everybody shouts that person down and denounces their privilege?
Queers are science.
>social """science"""
>econ justice
Redistribution emperically reduces short run efficiency
Minimun wages eliminate jobs whose equilibrium price is below the minimum wage
if you aren't a vegan and you call yourself a feminist you have fundamentally misunderstood feminism
fucking liberals man, gas them
t. biology phd
Literally what is this?
Nice science westerners
Always has been.
>Evolution and such
>colonization of western countries by third world savages
>racism by said savages against those who built the west
>mass immigration that makes it easy for savages, but is restrictive amongst western countries
>native europeans are having their rights stripped away in favor of rapefugees
>sexism and pedophilia in mudslime child trafficking rings
>gays facing hate crimes by mudslimes
>economic injustice by putting the tax burden on the natives of the west while the third world scum can get a free ride because they've been "oppressed"
They have a point
>Fuck curing disease and colonizing space, let's research the best way to cut off a guys penis and make the hole we carve out look like a vagina
This is one of many things I'm glad Trump is going to abolish and reverse course on
The Jew has perfected destroying civilization to a science
good b8 but evolution is pretty redpilled
Stop ableism in science.
science is a way to study the world through experiments and observation, religion is a organized belief in god
I can't wait till Chinese CRISPR super humans beat the west into submission. Thanks to the failure of western science to acknowledge racial and biological realities.
These people hold themselves back from the science fiction utopias they crave so badly.
Since when does science make moral judgements?
But scientifically, racism is valid.
Somebody should tell them that social sciences aren't actually science.
The march against reality. Paging antifa! there may be some trashcans left!
This is what happens when you allow ANYONE to go to college and you try to increase people going into STEM. Everything is a fucking science now. This is truly the beginning of the end for academics.
No, its the pseudo scientists using the term "science" like how cuckservative used "patriotism" to push their agendas.
I blame the neckbeard redditors for pushing the whole "you cant be for science or be considered intelligent unless you embrace le atheism first" meme
Thank you for posting this image.
Why hasn't anyone thought that perhaps lumping in current social issues that are actually the furthest thing from scientific studies into your campaign designed against a public leader ACTUALLY FURTHER proves his claim that certain supposedly "Scientifically headed" areas of government are actually just propaganda tools.
Jesus Christ this is like if Gandhi decided to let all of Pakistan and Iran to walk with him in the salt march.
Fucking (((social scientists))) need to be exterminated
t. physicsfag
xxy, androgen insensitivity syndrome etc.
basically hermaphrodites, they are actually born with it unlike trannies
None of these have to do with science but.
....America was a mistake.
The Day of the Calc 3 Exam can't come soon enough brother.
t. senior in electrical e
What is she even saying? Don't they teach communication and grammar?
racism is just pattern recognition
Intersectional Communists can't be purged soon enough.
The CCP are more likely to increase servile genes than giving everyone an intellect upgrade.
what the actual fuck
and everything in that twitter post has nothing to do with experiments and observation
hahahaha keked so much.
Thanks Argentina, very nice white post
>When you are a supersticious nigger and never raed a book
>this justfies the 1% owning all the wealth
Spotted the (((capitalist)))
Now they're taking science.
Soft sciences are a cancer and scourge on universities.
>Be chirstian
>Believe in a form of judaism
>Claim to be white
>Believe in religion
>claim to be redpilled
How is colonization a scientific issue? Who's colonizing who?
do not be of worryings brother, we are still of having mathematics on our side
>made up social bullshit
>significant to science
nigga u wat
>african scientists
>lefties/athecucks have now fully monopolized the the term "science" to be synonymous with their cult
It makes me REeeeeeeeseeseeeeeee so hard
He meant the post was transforming science into a religion.
The United States, among a few other countries, is colonizing South East Asian, Africa, Middle East, South America, East Europe and other locations on earth.
Everything here people touch they ruin. Every single fucking thing, it's almost incredible.
Every word they claim has its meaning inverted, every concept they invent describes the opposite of reality, every institution they take over turns to shit. It's almost impressive if nothing else.
Goddammit, what a depressingly dumb conversation. Regressives really are the new anti science crowd, except their strategy is to co-opt it rather than to reject it.
I could only make it halfway through that jesus christ mama mia
Are they going to be math issues next? KEK stop this insanity.
Fucking faggots fagging up my STEM.
Look out Drumpf! Diversity committee has been formed!
>economic justice
Someone get the helicopter started.
Fucking end me, Jesus Christ.
And they wonder why they can't win an election or get anything done
Science has long since moved on from, you know, actual science and into mostly virtue signaling and pc culture.
>libshits want to appropriate science
why do they need to ruin everything?
>A fucking white male
> Native Rights
I assume they will march for this in Europe?
t. physics phd
>People get paid 6 figures to be this stupid
Really tickles the neurons
If racism was a scientific issue, they would confront physiological and mental differences between races that are by nature, not nurture.
But, hey, let's ignore that and just keep the word "science" close by just in case people try and discredit us.
>diversity and inclusion is pro science
Hi Argentina
Bringing "diversity" to the forefront of ANYTHING means you're focusing less on what the thing is actually about. Bringing diversity to the forefront of science therefore means to give less of a shit about THE ACTUAL FUCKING SCIENCE.
Man, this angers and frankly scares me so goddamn much because this is *precisely* how things started to go irreparably to shit in the science-heavy skeptic communities I used to frequent. It all started with individual ideologues crowbaring their cancer into every conversation and ultimately declaring the person behind the argument to be just as, if not *more* important than the argument itself, and it all went predictably downhill from there. Just kill it while its still in the larval stage.
That long-ass list top fucking kek. This is so hilarious, I love the 21st century. I can't wait to this where this all goes.
>tfw I have a ba in math and prog but I let my skills witter away
I still hate the left.
as a phd candidate,
I hate ppl who watch vsauce and claim they love science. And the holding hostage of science by edgy atheists and political faggots disgust me.
Leave science alone.
>while you're at it please accept our infallible evidence that there are 108 genders
wew laddie
>Jennifer McCreight
Could you post what she said? She's the woman who birthed Atheism+.
W-what is this?
>Scientific issue
Natural science has nothing to do with social sciences. Literally lies
This might not be normal in your neck of the woods comrade, but here the lefties lost god and are trying desperately to replace it. They are beginning to worship science as an absolute truth instead of what it actually is, the quest for answers.
Right now they think science has all the answers, any new ones conflict with their new world views. They cant allow science to actually be science or it wont be an absolute truth anymore since it constantly corrects itself over time.
Maybe they mean space colonization.
i rly doubt that they mean physics, mathematics or chemistry. they probably mean "feminism" etc studies. such science.
How much more effective would be an organization that was more or less explicitly mono racial? Strictly speaking, the organization would still be less about its stated purpose than a non discriminatory one would be, but then again the cost of enforcing a one race policy would be substantially lower than one trying to achieve some murky notion of equality and diversity, while at the same time the potential conflict risk associated with inter ethnic strife within the organization would be eliminated.
If we start from the basic idea that diversity basically means the exclusion or marginalization of white people, it seems to stand to reason that there ought to be some all white or almost all white organization which will spring up as a result of the continuous formation of entities which include a reverence for diversity as part of their mission statement. By clearly delineating its moral grounding (i.e. explicit tribalism) such organizations might be able to avoid the pitfall of those who are trying to coopt the name of science so as to associate it with anti colonialism, racism, sexism, and so on.
I'm tired of the left. I have no wish to associate with them anymore or treat them as equal.
>insert x for science
These niggers don't love science. They love the idea of science. These are the same people that happily admit they're terrible at math.
I once jokingly compared economics to Cryptozoology and my liberal friends nearly lost it. I was confused because i thought the comparison was extreme enough to be funny but ironic enough to be understood. Well turns out economics is a hard science to them, same with climate science and social science.
My thoughts exactly.
None of that has anything to do with fucking science
What are you going to do, make accurate models based on who is sexist or not? That would require making generalizations of human behavior -- which would mean they'd also have to accept the dispropriate amount of crime done by blacks and minorities.
That's brillant, actually.
>liberals do research on transphobia, sexism, ect
>find patterns in human behavior that the majority end up having (racists being more likely to be white or some shit)
>inevitably find out blacks commit more crime and contribute significantly less then other races
>become redpilled
>social darwinism comes back
I'll have to see if I can find the post, it was several days ago
Excellent post, sir.
no. it works like this
>be liberal
>find unconvenient truths
>double down on the lies attempting to """change""" reality by bending the collective perception
This is from their official website.