Why do lefties think we would be against Native Americans actually nationalizing and defending themselves?
Why do lefties think we would be against Native Americans actually nationalizing and defending themselves?
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If they could do that, they could've protected their lands. But they were backwards savages, and they lost all their lands to the white people. Makes you think...
Is this comic pro-immigration, or not?
Irony so thick I can't even cut it.
There is no greater argument for national security than the story of the Native Americans.
>implying Sup Forums didn't get triggered as fuck when they stood up to the (((oil company))) building a pipeline through their land
They had a chance to dictate what happens to their land when it didn't belong to us.
>try to make a pro-immigration point using an anti-immigration argument
How can you be so blindly stupid?
Because we would? We would see it as aggression, take away all their benefits, and begin strong arming them. The only way they can exist is for them to roll over to the US government when push comes to shove.
they can try to stand up to oil companies but they have no power
Why do leftists use this comparison all the time? The natives literally died off because of the whites.
>let pilgrims in
>native americans get btfo for all eternity and are sent to cuckshed reservations
>liberals still say walls are bad
Leftists are retarded
More news at 9
What does this comic even mean?
The Native American's were destroyed by the 'invading' europeans.
oh sweetie, you thought the world cared about your feelings? sorry honey, the strong have the power.
>if you let in immigrants, they will kill you and take your land
Yeah, it's anti
That comic illustrates exactly why the wall is needed. The Natives wouldn't have been genocided if they kept the Europeans out.
>But they were backwards savages, and they lost all their lands to the white people.
That's ironically sounds from a kebab.
Say it with me, guys. SOLUTREANS.
>five fives
Kek absolutely confirms
A roach telling the truth. What universe is this?
Hey, it's a lesson for everyone. I'm not excluding my country. If you don't protect your own, someone will take it from you.
The comic just proves the point of wall building. Where are the Indians today?
Bacause natives dont even fucking think about shit like this so white libtards are the only ones vocalizing for them, indians are so fucking concerned with muh casino muh gimmes and muh seperate tribe that has eighteen people in it.
If indians were even close to smart they would have gathered every tribe and demanded a place for themselves but this is what smart people do, not natives
If Indians had built a wall on the beaches like OP's pic, they wouldn't have been "genocided" by white colonials.
>is this supposed to be criticizing trumps wall or supporting it lmao.
digits confirm
No I just didnt support it
They should have. Where are they now?
>enforce your border or your culture will be destroyed
Got it.
>Why do lefties think we would be against Native Americans actually nationalizing and defending themselves?
If the right takes the stance that it is wrong for non-americans to live in this country then logically all non-native americans should leave.
Since the right will never go back to europe it is an effective statement.
but since when have native americans ever thought themselves as a united entity?
>current year
>replying to the wrong post
That or you're an idiot.
I mean i'm all for everyone leaving other than the orignal settlers if I could figure out who those original settler were.
>Implying there weren't open ocean voyages to the Americas tens of thousands of years ago
>Implying Polynesians made it all the way to Easter island but couldn't have completed the shorter journey to the Americas
>Implying civilization appearing simultaneously at the end of the last ice age in five/six totally distinct locations on multiple continents, with similar mythologies, star lore, and stoneworking tech is not evidence of a common seafaring ancestor civilization
Maybe they were even white, Sup Forums.
I bet the Natives wish they did build a wall
thanks for proving our point Jeff Parker
>shitskins would be content to bury us under with cheap weed and licenses to build VR arcades while glorifying the 'noble white' to their kids when calling the shots
I do not think we would come away that easily.
>If the right takes the stance that it is wrong for non-americans to live in this country then logically all non-native americans should leave.
No my stance is that you should defend your land or you will lose it
>burn it down
You have to defend your fucking wall
This is one roach who does not deserve the motel.
Checked and Kek'd.
Liberals dont like this society. They might not even like Muslim society. They just want to keep moving until they can mold society into their image, whatever that is.
>natives lets whites in
>whites are outnumbered at first, not much of a threat to the natives
>whites outbreed the natives
>whites start getting violent with the natives
>whites now outnumber natives
>whites commit slow genocide of natives
>very few natives left
>whites let Arabs in
>Arabs are outnumbered at first, not much of a threat to the whites
>Arabs outbreed whites
>Arabs start getting violent with whites
>Whites projected to become minority
>some whites see what is happening and want to stop it
>other whites point out the native Americans and how they tolerated the whites
really makes you think
You are incredibly naive.
>implying there aren't many different tribes that butted heads within pre-colonial America
So which tribe would be building the wall?
Kek has spoken
And you didnt answer the question. What do they want?
The one with the biggest casino, duh.
no, they're saying that new cultures don't assimilate
>not mentioning the fact that they tried to
>not mentioning the fact that most (more than 50%) of them went to war against the european settlers
>not mentioning the fact that the native americans got totally fucked by the european settlers
Liberals enjoy denying reality.
Nice gets.
So you're saying we should also go to war with them, if not also build a wall.
Its comparing the current situation where liberals are absolutely opposed to a wall to one in which liberals would be overwhelming supportive of, in Native Americans (or anyone non-white) building a wall to protect themselves.
Its cleverly Anti.
Being a liberal political cartoonist.
I don't know, they must think all Native Americans were part of the same tribe too. I guess it's convenient to ignore that some tribes were brutal to other tribes, some very territorial, etc. Also the irony of the comic is absurd.
except if there was a wall they would fucking breach it.
It was a conquest not an imigration
Watch this video
I would be against that. Fuck those chinks, America is the white man's land.
fpbp. give than man an airbnb flat.
if you want to genuinely compare the natives with current america, then look at an equal situation.
If native americans tried to fight back against the settlers, they would have gotten fucking slaughtered, like they did later on, because the natives were savage oogaboogas.
Meanwhile if america today violently fights against immigration, then the mexicans will get slaughtered.
Sup Forums like most leftists, are totally ignorant on this subject. Basically what happened is
>Britbongs and Frogs begin trading in North America in the 16th century
>Some injun nations ally with Brits, others with Frogs
>They use different Eurocuck countries as allies to fight against their neighbors
>Underestimate the amount of europoors coming to America.
>Conservative tribes tried to kick out Europoors but it was too late.
tl;dr Conservative tribes = Republicans Liberal tribes = Democrats. Also, some east coast tribes successfully survived due to alliances, but their numbers, obviously, are significantly diminished.