So after all the doxxings, do people support Mike Enoch? As many of you know Mike Enoch is the host of The Daily Shoah and is/was married to a Jewish woman and lost support of much of the "Alt-right". I assumed people had pretty much abandoned TRS all together or at least The Daily Shoah. However, he made an appearance on the HWNDU stream last night and from what I saw people responded in mostly positive support of him. So, my question is, how do you feel about him? I was a fan of TDS but haven't listened since the dox. Has there been more news about his situation?
Mike Enoch and The Daily Shoah
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I like Mike and Sven, but seriously, we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
I agree with most of what he says, he's still a subversive kike and I will never give him shekels.
I still listen to TDS on occasion though FTN was vastly more interesting. Mostly just pouring kiked entertainment into my brain lately.
>Mike Enoch
>Mike Eunuch
>Mike the Eunuch
They can't even respect the gentiles among them
Lmao, that's what I've always thought about that name Enoch sounded like
I'm listening to it still, but im warey of it now and i cringe everytime mike makes a jew joke as i know he has a jewish wife. I wish he would leave her.
Starting to get into the DailyStormer podcasts but they are not as good/funny.
Hope someone cool comes along soon.
stand with trs
stand with Richard spencer
he's fine, whatever. who hasn't married a jew as a joke at least once?
lol... Richard Spencer is a cuck
He separated from his wife, lost his Manhattan apartment and cushy job and his liberal family disowned him. He's alright.
Losing Fash the Nation was a way bigger shame.
she left him. at least that's what he said
he's still a kike lover.
I feel like they are complete wastes of space like most Nazis turn out to be. Milo, Enoch, Spencer, Millenial Woes.... they're all jobless retarded people who don't contribute anything to society but think they can lecture scientists and economists.
>Mike Enoch
No and never did and all you fucking sheep top sucking cock for assorted would be youtube celebs and non entities that no one gives a fuck about.
Pol has no leader.
Honestly, I'm not as far right as them. I feel like I'm stuck between Alt lite and alt right.
However, I used to listen to them almost weekly and having them get doxxed and really see what kind of people they are was kind of a big blackpill.
It was typical do as I say and not as I do. I guess I'm more of a civic nationalist, but to see these guys totally trash and rip on people like ramzpaul and other people that were critical of spencer only for them to be fucking neckbeards was pretty cringe.
I'll probably still listen because they do drop some major redpills and provide good counterarguments for typical leftist attacks, but I'll take it with a much bigger grain of salt now.
Daily Stormer on the other hand is a whole different beast. I'm almost convinced that Anglin and the rest of them are some CIA honeypot. That website is retarded and Anglin is possibly the most unlkeable figure on the alt-right currenty.
Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Goes the sheep who needs a Sheppard.
Thank you for sheeping the record.
If the joke-pol/antifa dox cchased you away from a podcast you enjoy then youre six years old
You can listen to the shoa and enjoy it without making these dudes into your leaders.
anyone else get the lowkey gay vibe from dickie?
From what they've said they've indicated that they've got back together. I would like some comfirmation from him on this. If he's not with her it would make it easier to listen to.
Still listen every week because it's still funny
>From what they've said they've indicated that they've got back together. I would like some comfirmation from him on this. If he's not with her it would make it easier to listen to.
Please explain why boning a half-jew is such a huge problem. Do you really thing that a second/real Holocaust is a possibility at this stage?
lowkey? are you fucking insane? he constantly looks and acts like someone who should be on a float in the Amsterdam pride parade
We can't have a Jew in a white nationalist movement. And Mike is a Jew.
Morrakiu was always my true Alt Right husbandu.
and the way trs reacted to this as if anyone who had a problem with a jew and his jew wife running a radio network and a forum for white nationalists, had to be antifa doxxers was fucked up, i've not listen to a podcast since. wouldn't be surprised if their listeners crash
He outed himself as having juden ancestry. A turbo-jew like his wife wouldn't have married him anyway so it makes sense.
>literally got thousands of TRSodomites to refer to themselves as "goyim"
>a word that means cattle
>farms them for shekels by spreading disinfo and countering National Socialism with amorphous "white nationalism" and the "alt-right"
Wake up you fags
The thing is he was probably bullshitted by the Jewish side of his family into believing that it was a reference to Enoch, a Jewish patriarch that lived before Noe, but no real Hebrew that respect his root (aka the ''orthodox'' ones, or more truly the descendant of the Carthaginians that lived in spain, whom descended from the Phoenician, whom themselves descended from Semitic origin) would call himself after a patriarch that lived so long ago since it would hold little to no link to his current lineage aka the familial clan he is part of. Lineages are really important in hebrew culture, as it explain who you are and what was the path your ancestor threaded for themselves as they fought against others, even their own kin and to forget those roots would be to forget oneself.
It also explain the massive spiritual crisis that is affecting Jews in general as the majority of them know next to nothing of their ancestry, thus don't have any clear link to the knowledge therein as they can't see how it shaped them into their current shape, since they don't know where their story actually started. It's one thing to say your part of the descendant of those who wrote the book at first, but what about the inbetween? The Ashkenazi, whom compose the majority of the modern worldwide jewish diaspora, have unknown origin, they theorize they could be the lost tribe of Ephraim but imo it doesn't work, especially given where they were located in Israel itself so there always the possibility that they are actually the descendant of the tribe of Edom or something, its one hell of a pandora box, heavy with implications, especially since they compose +95% of the worldwide Jewish population
It's almost like we are not really Nazis with a litmus test.
Not news or politics. Just bitch-tier feminine status concern of a group of literal nobodies. Aaaaaaand sage.
>lost job
>divorced jew wife
>disavowed by family
>not that fat and funny looking now
He's ok, not great but ok.
Any doxxings on the FTN side?
nope. They went radio silent and shut down the site to avoid that. Jazzhands said they'll be back.
Yeah i can understand his predicament, and they are still providing good entertainment tbqh.
>Retards ITT who doesn't understand the implication behind his wife being Jewish
It would mean that the entire website was actually an honeypot, whose purpose was probably only to nurture and promote an absurd depiction of the concept of racist nationalism so it could be easily pointed out as utterly absurd by forewarned peoples, basically a scarecrow, a parody of what the entire thing is even about. Also there the whole lot of implications as of why he'd do such a thing if his own wife was Jewish, or should I say was allowed to?
>do people support Mike Enoch
Water under the bridge.
Did take a hit losing FTN, Fatherland
Mysterium Fasces
Radio Derb
Am Ren
Current Year Report
Red Ice
he's jewish too, and sven has said more than once that trs isn't possible without mike.
Andrew Anglin is a holy man GTFO bitch nigger
He has explained the philosophy behind his site (the most popular on the Alt-Right) many times. Quit being a coward.
Fatherland is still around.
I still listen to TDS. But I feel much different about it in good and bad ways. It kills off some of the purity spiraling, which was out of control LARPing and it brings to front the nuances and hypocrisy of life. But its hard to see a figurehead have his image shattered.
At his best though Mike can be very interesting to listen to.
This is some of the stupidest shit I've ever read.
I don't know why, but too many people, especially the older amren crowd, seem to think anglin is a caricature of 90s white nationalism.
He's less serious than you probably think he is, just try reading some DS articles as if they're mocking.
You can be a hypocrite in the alt right. The prohibition of hypocrisy is a cuckservative ideal (see Ben Shapiro).
Read ace (remove space) comment(dot mu dot nu) /?post=368084
I didnt even know what TRS was before the wr with 8pol and honestly i dont give a fuck,
they are pussy ass larpers that will change nothing.
Sup Forums still wants to listen to podcasts, and the shoah is as good as it gets without FtN.
I don't like him. Plus he's a manlet
>leaf shill
No he has a daughter unlike you. He is better than you in every way
The only think I can say I dislike about anglin is how shitty of a writer he is compared to how popular his website is. His site reads like a 8th grader's english paper. Also, he's not really helping us separate white nationalism from white supremacy. Counter Currents needs to start pumping out more content.
>Counter Currents needs to start pumping out more content.
morakaui is the only good guy on there tbqhwy
svenpai did nothing wrong
do not bully the ghoul
bulb was based too
thats because your a civic nationalist cuck