Name some good TV shows for a self-respecting white man. They don't need to be red-pilled per se, it's good enough if they're simply not promoting degeneracy or subliminally encouraging girls to go out and fuck Tyrone.
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South Park
Stop watching TV.
are you kidding? maybe the first 4 seasons but have you not seen the last 3 seasons? terrible
This. All mass media is brain damaging including this site.
Member Jawas?
The Sopranos
Westworld isn't bad, there's some racemixing, but the white men are all the best characters.
House of Cards
Member when south park was not a bluepilled cuckfest ?
The sopranos.
Breaking Bad is great... Also, I've only seen the first two seasons of this show, but thought it was good, Peaky Blinders
If you haven't watched the sopranos you should probably rethink your life
The Young Pope.
The Good Place.
No racemixing, everybody is stereotypical, and generally funny show
The Shield
>degenerate faggot (probably pedo) politician
There's a crime show that started a new season in the UK. It is grim but redpilled
Muslims are generally bad guys, Israelis do sketchy shit. Basically reinforces don't trust muzzies (especially that white ones).
The main character is like your typical white woman who thinks Muslims aren't bad, but all the ones she has to deal with generally turn out to be terrorists/sympathizers.
World Peace and Tucker Carlson are the only newer shows that don't suck.
American dad 1-6 is pretty good
Simpsons and Futurama are pretty pol
i do. Last season was breathtakingly pathetic.
"Last Man Standing".
>OP asks for shows where girls aren't encouraged to fuck Tyrone
>Posts a show where a girl literally fucks Tyrone
Try again Schlomo
Fargo and Hannibal
Sadly, fucking Wahoburgers is about the only thing on tv that has no degeneracy now.
Mad Men
And ofcourse the good ol' Bugs Bunny
Mad Men
I agree about this season being a Trump bashing shit show, but literally season before was making fun of all the SJW stuff.
a self-respecting white man
Did you not understand the question ?
season 2 of True Detective is red pilled and pic related--Vince Vaughn is a good bad guy t.b.h. I feel like had he been born 15/20 years earlier Vince Vaughn would be known more for being in movies like Goodfellas than Wedding Crashers. BTW you do not at all need to watch True Detective season 1 before watching season 2
Maybe mad Men. Just try to ignore the Peggy and Joan parts
Depends on who wrote the episode.
>Good TV show for white men
WEW lad
X-files too
Not red pilled but no degeneracy
True Detective
>South Park
All in the Family.
>Westworld isn't bad
Westworld is possibly the worst culprit of this that I can think of, it's literally the reason I made this thread.
>one of the two hugely intelligent architects of the AI universe is a negro
>mary sue heroine AI who breaks the conditioning and deceives all the humans is a negro
>race mixing throughout
>white women commenting on the size of black men's dicks
Could go on but that's enough already, think before posting.
Nigger in the woodshed.
yeah the coverage this election cycle was pathetic
MASH reruns
Oz on HBO was pretty good. Rapey but good.
Not a show, but a simple moive. Just re watched Signs a couple of days ago. I always dreamed of that american type of life. You faggot burgers had the most closest thing heaven on earth back in the 50s and it held up in movies up until the early 2000s. Then the marxists awoke.
Game of thrones
Man in the high castle
>white women commenting on the size of black men's dicks
and they all died :^)
good looking family tbqhwyf
>Spearchucker Jones
>he's a surgeon
MASH was the beginning of the end
do you?
Just checked this on imdb and four of the seven main characters are non-white, I hope you aren't trying to pull the wool over my eyes m8
Mad Men
Twin Peaks (super white, super small town comfyness)
Rome (season 1)
And Breaking Bad, degenerate or not
Breaking Bad is well made, but it justifies drug dealers, immorality and social irresponsibility.
I've heard good things, is it really as redpilled as it looks?
the young pope
what your after is shows for a demographic that's not worth marketing to.
All shows are ad delivery systems.
I like the expanse. But it has a black character so you probably wouldn't like it.
Wire is ok.
>ignoring Joan
Doesn't Daddario fuck a black guy in it?
She wanted Kobe, but had to settle on another rich guy.
I don't really think it justifies all of that... They all pretty much die, except for Jesse... It showed how fucked up and evil that life is.
>How to Get Away With Murder
Nah, just kidding, take a look at The Killing.
Loved it. They fucked up ending it like they did.
San Francisco cocksucker.
dirt worshipers.
*heavily breathes through nostrils*
*inhales deli meats*
>Doesn't Daddario fuck a black guy in it?
Woody Harrelson.
No. South Park was never really redpilled desu, it was always the kind of "civic nationalist", purple-pill commentary.
It was just the only thing to not be completely bluepilled at the time.
>The Killing.
i gave up on that show halfway through the second season. Three whole seasons for one murder mystery that just kept getting deeper and deeper is a bit much.
Mr Robot is probably the opposite of what you describe, as i feel its probably one of the most jewish influenced shows on television.
But its a very VERY good show, great score great plot great everything. But yes also very blue pilled but whatever whats entertainment for anyway.
Last Man Standing (not really redpilled but still funny)
The man in high castle
Breakout Kings (tons of redpills in the show about race, but they potray the character who says those facts like a looney)
There aren't any really true redpilled shows because hollywood is cesspool of humanity
Rick and morty
she's attractive
shame about the kid
Fargo season 2 was cucked. The writers are children of legendary feminists and really pushed it that season. Also invincible Tyrone fucks the daughter and him and Squanto take down the evil literal nazis and misogynist.
>the other grandfather is literally a cuck
Funny show, but no
Except that's kind of the point.
It's the opposite of Law & Order bs clones that make up all Crime tv where everything gets wrapped up in 30 minutes.
I admit it wasn't perfect, especially after the 2nd season ended.
Oh, it also has a needless character assassination of Reagan
>western TV
throw it in the fucking garbage
watch anime m8
Also, the third season was a new story line. Which is why it kind of floundered.
Wow, you are pretty shitty at watching shows.
>Except that's kind of the point.
I understand it's the point, it just wasn't interesting enough in the first place.
Arrested Development
Fair enough....
American Dad is a CIA psyop
I just finished the BBC's adaptation of War & Peace.
It was pretty good m8s. 9/10.
Watch some old bbc tv comedies. Not purely red pilled but enjoyable.
Monty Python
Benny Hill
Fawlty Towers
Are you being Served?
On the Buses.
Actually a lot of old shows from the '60's as well. Was a better time.
>pick related
South Park
Mr. Show With Bob and David
Meet lucky Seth MacFarlane, writer of Family Guy and American Dad.
He was scheduled to fly on united flight that crashed into the twin towers on 9/11, but he got drunk the night before and missed his flight, because he was late.
>World Peace
pretentious hipster shit. very ironic that "redpilled" folks love Sam Hyde when he's no different from any other 2deep4u edgy modern art hipster, just because he says nigger and kike every now and then.
Sons of Anarchy
just in the last season they HAD to squeze in some Trans, gay and blacks...
>no how it's made
the only uncucked show on the science channel
Has somebody watched this?
This is basicly 'Assad and the civil war'
I think this is a pretty good intro into the redpill.
Its showing that these 'evil dictators' are not evil but are just in a position you have to do evil things and that they are not responsible for everything what happens in the goverment
Young Ones