Is there a more insufferable annoying fuck on the planet?
Sargon of Akkad
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Based ally
>TYT exists
If only we could remove all of the sub 100 iq americans
Truth hurts.
In this case tho, the truth seems to be annoying.
If you haven't noticed that these people are just making bank on you you're kind of a fool.
He's not that bad.
Think of him as "baby's first redpill".
Liberal/humanist/rational/skeptic/atheist types are the bane of my existence and I do not view them as human.
So yes him and all his liberal (in the classical sense) friends are the worst.
I like him. TWIS is pretty good. I wish these "genre" of people would talk about different stuff often. I hate the repetition, but it's only a reflection on reality. Not even sure what else I'd enjoy hearing about.
Is this the guy who got banned from Twitter for harassing people by sending them interracial gay pornography?
ya mum
His brand of red pill is the only acceptable one, the only one that can be taken seriously.
i enjoy sargon's slow transformation into the next hitchens, he will waste the next 20 years drinking and talking about how shit islam is until he croaks
We get it lad.
You lurk on Sup Forums.
Keep up with the memetic warfare, you magnificent shitposting bastard.
Can you give me a list of how the redpill progression goes? Got into Sargon recently. He's rational, gives out good information very well, backs everything up by good sources and just overall seems to be ideal.
He was trolling a SJW on Twitter. But yes he sent a gay picture of a black dude sucking a dick.
Hitchens was fun to listen to because of the diversity of stuff he talked about, and the fucking incredible control of language. Sargon doesn't come close to Hitchens where it matters.
>Liberal/humanist/rational/skeptic/atheist types are the bane of my existence
>admitting defeat this openly
Is this a joke or are you guys talking about another Sargon of Akkad?
He's afraid of race realism, and will jump through hoops to justify black crime rates.
Is this the guy who poured hot oil on his dick? All of these self important e-celebs blend together.
>find over the top tumblrina video
>pause it every two seconds to spend two minutes pointing out the obvious
It's not completely insufferable, but not very good either.
To add on to this, I enjoy listening to Jordan Peterson partially because of the way he speaks. It's the same level as Hitchens when it comes to his use of language.
He sent me gay interracial porno as well, and I am most definitely not a SJW.
I responded to some alt-right people and since he was flooding them, I guess I became a collateral victim.
That was months ago though.
this is why i said transformation, sargon needs to go outside and spot it with the neet life, he would be a great speaker
Sargoy is /our goy/, we need aristotle skeptic dicksuckers like him to redpill the normie masses
He can spot a demagogue so he has no problem attacking the right too. Thats why some people here hates him.
>Just listening to hist last This Week in Stupid as he is saying he is not really fond of blanket ban on all muslims
No, he needs to write more... a lot more.
no, he's the absolute fucking worst
I thought you had a cease fire? Fpbp
>in the classical sense
that's not the classical sense tho
classical liberal is libertarian, which is absolutely not what these types are, these types are welfare statists
I am 1, 5 and 7 simultaneously
How do I get to stage 8?
Pretty much everyone left of him?
He's one of the few leftist who can actually joke around and doesn't get triggered at everything while screaming "RACIST" at anyone who is against uncontrolled immigration.
I don't agree with him on a lot of stuff, but he's infinitely better than most leftists...
>that recent broadcast where him and some other cuckold proudly declared they keep a folder of gay interracial porn to "trigger racists"
>"it's even better when you send them an image of a white guy sucking on a huge black dong!"
This guy needs to be taken out back and shot.
7 or 8, baby. Gotta start working out regularly though.
His pills aren't even red, at best they are purple but he dilutes with typical bong shit of race egalitarianism, atheism, and Marxist economic principles.
>faggot trying to cash out on yt by acting like /pol's personal ambassador
>lure "edgy" kids over to make them feel like they're redpilled af
>forced laugh and serious tones.
Nope I think hes probably the gayest fucking human on planet earth right now
he's a dumb arrogant shitty speaker
his type rarely develops into anything worthwhile, he's too far up his own asshole
Nice broken English faggot
no thats not at all why
Just listen to people like Molyneux, Sargon, or Styx. And brose Sup Forums regularly.
The transformation comes naturally, as you are just following logic.
>he doesn't have adblock
Sargon is great. Love his videos.
None of these things are bad. Hell, even that fedora looks high class and stylish
im a gril so all I have to do is marry and reproduce with a 10 to automatically get the benefits without having to think :^)
that's why I said baby's FIRST redpill
when you finally took the red pill did were you immediately exposed to it or was it slowly introduced to you until you finally took it?
kek nice
lmao nice troll
>Guns, Germs, and Steel
>not bad
What up cuck.
nu/pol/ everyone
you forgot to turn your canadian proxy on before posting this
The only bad things about this are the bong and tacky t-shirt, everything else is perfectly fine.
I listened to Molyneux for about 6 months during my drives between home and school, during the election. He makes a LOT of leaps without substance. For example, I listened to one about the mall shooting where he went from the facts of the event to "civil war" in less than 30 minutes, and every jump was, at best, an opinion. On the climate change stuff he also failed pretty bad.
Great response to his climate change stuff. This guy is all around pretty good at going through science and the media.
Thanks faggots. HAHA!
>Is there a more insufferable annoying fuck on the planet?
lol I read that in his voice
anyone who shares a Occupy Democrats post
>truth hurts
>post a Drumpf meme with false quotes and simplified criticism of him as inept with no nuance
holy fuck triggered i hate british people so god damned much
I live how everyone consider him to be "rational" and "logical" yet he is the one to spam gay porn on twitter to annoy a group of people that he oppose
very rationnal indeed !
Can you imagine Socrates instead of going around questioning people about what they think Justice is he would just show his dick to "trigger them" ?
If anyone can make it to the end of this video without experiencing intense Sargon hate, I will be amazed.
>fall for effortless bait
>t-the evil jew tricked me into doing it
Pathetic. Even a 12 year old kid could upset you on the internet.
I literally went from SJW to white nationalist in about 6 months of browsing Sup Forums. Diluting the red-pill just gives people an comfortable fence to sit on and act like smug cucks.
If I had tried to red-pill myself with today's nu/pol/ I would probably be a lost cause. Too many redditfugees and Trump-bandwaggoners about ignoring board culture.
Fuck I can't even remember the last time we have a nigger hate thread, and I don't have a big enough folder to start one myself.
>Fuck I can't even remember the last time we have a nigger hate thread
I must have missed it, did it reach the post limit or just die?
It's lettuce dog thread
Ah yes, because most people who get redpilled will land on Nazi
I didn't jump in really, HWNDU shitposting kept my attention
Saw one today.
I often confuse him for TotalBiscuit
Nah, he's a good lad. I like him. Plus, he's got good taste in cigars.
I clicked through this video in the past, there was some part where the Woes guy starts saying his brother is stupid, he is the smarter one, he deserves better, stuff like that, and I tuned out.
Still have no idea what they talked about, this just made me cringe and close the tab.
I found him entertaining a while ago but its alwas the same whining. well a little mire light hearted then the other side but still whining
Hey, fuck you second-class nigger, I fucking love big titties, Kiss and Trump.
Now go die in a earthquake or something.
I haven't been browing that much last week DESU, too blackpilled about how cancer things have becoming. I guess I am part of the problem for not supporting good threads but I just can't stomach half of the anons here.
>ITT: Sup Forums demonstrates it hates the things it hates about itself
there's literally thousands
I've started working out recently, figured while im in school "training" my mind (STEM major) I might as well strengthen my body so I can be proud of everything i have. What a coincidence. solid 8, interested in learning German and reading the original literature
I mean, I have read translated German philosophy, but apparent the meaning changes too much
Move on to Jim's stuff next
He's ok, very self-centered though
Dick thinks he can give a summary and critique on Rousseau's noble savage nonsense in 8 minutes. My ass
He speaks to the hearts and minds of a lot of internet users. For how long, who knows. The Amazing Atheist is probably experiencing a downfall, hence The Drunken Peasants exists. Maybe we'll see something similar with Sargon until the whole youtube fade is over.
Strap yourselves in, may be a good 20 years tho.
his magic takes too long
Hes a good mediator for the right wing and the center left. As long as he serves his purpose, he can help us btfo the hardcore leftists so we can have a voice.
hes pretty based in my opinion
Why are so many people only capable of going partially redpilled? You've admitted some truths to yourself, what's stopping you from admitting the rest, apart from fear?
Awww, does he [trigger] you?
He's great. Op is a cuck.
>I literally went from SJW to white nationalist in about 6 months of browsing Sup Forums.
Hate to break it to you, but you're an idiot.
Castrate yourself.
Jim is impossible to listen to- he creates videos which are counter-arguments to children and retards. He doesn't even fucking try... Watch this:
"These people are retards, look!"
As a white guy, I like him.
>Castrate yourself.
I'll leave that to experts like yourself.
Well, he's fine. Informative, entertaining and he slams liberals, even if he says he's one. You don't need to share his more private opinions to appreciate his analysis.
Also, this
Why learn German m8, be proud of your own people and your own country
I want to make an outfit similar to that one, which says "Fuck fat people", and then go stand next to him, her, or it.
>When the first post is the best post