Hi, I'm a liberal who sides with the right wing on every single issue.
Hi, I'm a liberal who sides with the right wing on every single issue
Reminder that being to the right of most liberals doesn't make you right wing.
blue eyes but still a quadroon, fuck him.
sounds like another word for faggot.
>Reminder that being to the right of most liberals doesn't make you right wing.
Mention one social issue where he leans left.
>except for not being a cuck because I'm raising my wife's son
he's in denial
he'll come around eventually and join UKIP
>everyone who disagrees with marxists is not a liberal
He's your perfect image of a Civic Nationalist
You know what's right but you don't want to kill all the brown people
It's not his fault that the rest of you are fucking mental.
He's actually pro-choice, anti-police state, anti-racism, anti-discrimination. He's on board with basic equality. He believes in socialist aspects, such as government provided healthcare, and he's not all that against welfare.
The guy is pretty liberal socially. But conservative in just about everything else.
I don't actively follow Sargon, by liberal do you mean classical liberal? If so that's not surprising because just about all classical liberals are socially conservative/"alt-right" or do you mean the American version of the term liberal which is commie-lite insanity enablers?
He'd like to be a lefty, but lefties are so goddamn retarded.
Marrying a woman who already has a child.
Not finishing Kickstarters you drag on for years.
Using interracial pornography to harass people you don't like.
Oh wait, the last one is actually a Sup Forums tradition.
>a quadroon and he's still whiter than you
Seriously why do you hate him? You know it annoys him right? His twitter is suspended now and it has really bothered him so please be considerate. he is on our side after all.
Honestly the last thing he wants to see when i come here is inability for discussion, and bullying
I dont hate him though, he is a cool guy but I dont see anything special about him at the same time.
He has no massive intellect, he has no unique insight into what is going down in the world.
He just started making youtube vids at the right time.
It's part of the brainwashing. A lot of liberals don't want to associate with blacks, but they wouldn't dare get caught speaking their true thoughts in public due to fear of loss of social capital.
I think he's an octoroon
Socialized healthcare you deft twat.
Fuck. I meant daft.
Liberal doesn't mean left wing dipshit
he's fine with gays I think
Socialist economic things like health care.
We need a grand compromise with the left. We will give you your free healthcare and free college...but, you have to let us kill the shitskins.