Sup Forums and drumpf BTFO
Sup Forums and drumpf BTFO
What the fuck is Orlando7
Sounds like some shit from a futuristic anime
The fuck is this moron trying to prove. Oy vey there is more crime elsewhere so dont worry about it goy!
>Trump talks about chicago 2017
>report is from 2016
Now don't respond anymore this bait thread
>Cherry picking
>Atlanta higher on the list than Chiraq
>the left accidentally BTFO of Sen. John Lewis
The list is entirely comprised of black cities. kek.
>per 100k people
So without considering this, Chicago is still #1 in DEATHS
to be fair orlando's numbers are a little misleading
Leftists never understand per capita when it comes to taxes but magically when it comes to crime stats.
>1 post by this ID
read the thread, also
>1 post by this ID
Oh fuck just noticed that. It includes to people killed in the pulse attack. Dishonest fucking niggers.
Isn't top ten when excluding the terrorist attacks? Or does this not include them? Because Orlando and San Bernadino go way down if that is the case
I don't read bullshit.
Is that the metro populace of Chicago while the literal population of the other cities? Ie Minneapolis is like 300k while twin Cities metro is 3 million.
What the fuck? Where is the faggot in OP getting 317 from, CNN fucking reports 762.
>he isn't from Orlando 8 Outer Haven
TFW your city is on that list
Every one of those cities is a niggerville. Every single one.
Is Orlando inflated cause the terrorist attack?
>haha trump see chicago isn't bad
>after all, just look at all these other democrat run nigger-infested hellholes
real convincing argument there, heath bar.
>Orlando is up there simply because of 1 guy
Have to admit that is impressive
This is data is from the first half of 2016, in the second half, rates shoot up (bad dum tss)
You don't understand, even when Trump is right, he's wrong!
Baltimore represent. We already have 31 homicides for the first 28 days of 2017 too.
Yay! We did it again, St. Louis!!!
This issue is
>Chicago has such high murder rates in like a 2% area of the city
>if you took the getto area out if Chicago and called it Detroit 2 it would have the highest murder rate
This is hilarious. The cities ahead of Chicago on that list all have larger percentages of blacks than Chicago, excepting the two cities included on the list because of two separate terrorist attacks. Either this guy did not think for one second about this list, or he is dropping a red pill as subtle as a mouse fart.
This. It's literally a where are niggers at list. Jesus H.
>317 murders in one month.
why do people think this is good?
>50 homicides already
shooting victims are at 289
and january isnt even over yet. fucking apes
just nuke that shit hole already
What did he mean by this
Pretty much every city on that list is run by niggers or democrats bahahahahahahaha
Bodymore, Murderland.
I'm very proud of the city of brotherly love for staying off the list. Shit is much better then it was back in 2002
Not an argument
The problem in Chicago is that there was a huge increase in crime from one year (2015) to another (2016). From around 400 homicide to 750. That's a pretty big deal.
Plus, Chicago is the 33rd most populous city in the US, so it does get more attention.
Omar "Clubber" Mateen
Omar "Gayslayer" Mateen
The Commando in Orlando
Omar "LGBTBBQ" Mateen
Omar "The Queen" Mateen
Omar "The Gaydar" Mateen
Omar "Y-M-C-Pray" Mateen
Omar "The Unseen" Mateen
"Mateen Gun" Omar Mateen
Omar "Bear Season" Mateen
Omar "Frag the Fags" Mateen
Omar "Killing Machine" Mateen
Omar "Rainbow Warrior" Mateen
Omar "It's Raining Lead" Mateen
Omar "Shots Are On Me" Mateen
Omar "The Closet Closer" Mateen
Omar "Kiss a man? BLAM" Mateen
Omar "What Did He Mean?" Mateen
Omar " BlastinĀ“ and FastinĀ“ " Mateen
Omar "God Slay The Queen" Mateen
Omar "FUBAR The Gay Bar" Mateen
Omar "One Man Homocaust" Mateen
Omar "50 Gays = Good Day" Mateen
Omar "One-Man Blood Drive" Mateen
Omar "I Just Bagged 50 Fags" Mateen
Omar "Giving Queens the M16" Mateen
Omar "The Fag Killing Machine" Mateen
Omar "Dump a Mag in Every Fag" Mateen
Omar "For the Glory Hole of Allah" Mateen
Omar "Make the Queer Disappear" Mateen
Omar "Wiping the Gay Club Clean" Mateen
Omar "Candy Ass Turned to Glass" Mateen
Omar "The Ass-Driller Blood-Spiller" Mateen
Omar "Blow Him Off, I Blow You Up" Mateen
Omar "Suck a Cock, Get the Glock" Mateen
Omar "Ramadam Thank You Ma'am" Mateen
Omar "Putting Fags Into Body Bags" Mateen
Omar "Can't Ram a Man on Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Pray and Spray the Gay Away" Mateen
Omar "You Lick Bum? Die Like Scum" Mateen
Omar "Judgement Day at the Cabaret" Mateen
Omar "Every Sodomite Shot On Sight" Mateen
Omar "Lick a Dick, Get Bricked Quick" Mateen
Omar "Can't Eat Meat During Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Empty My 9 at the Gloryhole Line" Mateen
Omar "Born this way? Then you die today" Mateen
Omar "Don't Eat Ass During My Holy Fast" Mateen
Omar "Dressed in Rags and Spraying Fags" Mateen
Omar "Think I'm Cute?, Then I Have to Shoot" Mateen
Omar "Gay Demonstration Infidel Elimination" Mateen
Omar "The Doughnut Muncher Ticket Puncher" Mateen
Omar "Adam and Steve, meet Smith and Wesson" Mateen
Omar "Stay in the Closet or You Get Put in a Casket" Mateen
The proportion of blacks is pretty much the best indicator of how violent a city is in America. Very high correlation.
Thankyou for pointing out all the nigger cities are the worst
There are quite safe areas and then there is the rest. If the murders were equally distributed across the city then a percapita number would be pretty honest, but they arent so it isnt.
>Chicago deaths : 317
>2nd place in deaths : 103
Really makes me think
>Omar "Born this way? Then you die today" Mateen
My sides
Official name of land where Disneyland is . Never mess with the House of Mouse. You've seen Hot Fuzz, right?
i mean 3rd*
>762 murders for the whole year
>calculating the same stats, the murder rate is fucking 27.9.
Fuck the media, FUCK THE MEDIA.
All of those are nigger cities.
recap of 2016
>See Donald, niggers are bad everywhere stop focusing on chicago
Is this the interdimensional chess i heard so much about?
It is also a sactuary city, latin population legal or other wist is 34%.
Some one once called me a racist for saying that Chicago has really good latin food. How can we not, there are more latin folks than any one else.
Is drumpf really the best thing you retards could come up with?
>Crime data
>only murders
Oy fucking vey
This is what I am talking about. Homicides almost doubled out of nowhere.
Why are the police and FBI figures different?
Florida is actually another planet thus all the weird shit going on. People just haven't realized yet as it's a mass coverup. Ever wonder why any news from there is always weird?
>first half of 2016
Yes, and these are just the first half of the year. There were 762 murders in all, so the second half of the year was much more violent. 445 murders versus 317 in the first half. Plus, Orlando and San Bernardino are only on the list due to multi-victim terrorist attacks.
>No Omar "Lean Mean Fighting" Mateen
That's the best one
>nod eben in the tob ten
>pol btfo
san bernadino, because of the ISIS shooters
>Omar "Gay Demonstration Infidel Elimination" Mateen
>first half of 2016
How about all of 2016? 317 isn't even half of Chicago's murder rate.
This. These people are deluding themselves. The amount of murders in Chicago is high. Why the fuck are people defending this? Why are they manipulating the data? Why do they want more blacks and Hispanics to die?
On top of that, too many black people live in the cities listed here.
There are 47 shooting deaths in Chicago as of yesterday, some being high schoolers and 20-year olds. Where's the outrage?
>Savannah number 11
I used to live in the 2nd shittiest part of that shithole. I lived on the same block as at least 3 of those murders, including my neighbour.
Also, that stat for Savannah is probably understated. It probably counts homicides in the city limits only. Savannah Metro police and "Savannah" is pretty much all of Chatham county that ISN'T claimed by another small town.
Mexicans are always killing each other on the strip of Hwy 17 between Garden City, Richmond Hill, and Downtown Savannah. Also the Liberty City sandwiched between West Savannah, Garden City, and the Army airfield unincorporated community. Murder city.
I'm just gonna take a wild guess and assume the black population of these cities is staggeringly high.
The crime rate per 100k black is about 55.0 in the worst city, and it's about 34.0 in Chicago. Breddy good.
2017 is already looking worse off.
It's called the Ferguson Effect and the trend can be seen in many urban areas and cities. Basically the police are pulling out of minority areas because they're afraid of doing their job lest they get demonized by the national media as racist murderers.
I don't remember the city or incident but I saw stats for one place last year where after the media shills an officer as a racially charged killer there was a spike in crime in that city on the following months because the police stopped policing those neighborhoods.
>first half
Trump used the actual numbers, this Brad guy instead used just a few months of Chicago murders.
OP is half the year, which is why it's 317 instead of 700
#not your shield !!
How fucking arbitrary to list the murders for half the year when 2016 was Chicago's highest homocide rate in 19 years.
And to blatantly misrepresent that fact is disgustingly unsympathetic to the people who have to live with this violence in Chicago.
>St. Louis
>New Orleans
>North Charleston
Gee, I wonder what all of these cities have in common?
Well the 2016 murder rate probably is a record for the last thirty years or so.
Its beside the point to argue about what numbers are exactly right and what city is n1 in murders, because what Trump is talking about is that the murder rate in cities like Chicago has risen significantly since Obama took office.
Democrats would rather try to embarrass Trump because he doesnt lay out his facts exactly in the way democrats want them to be published, BUT Trump's point still stands, and democrats still dont give a rats ass about fighting crime and stopping real OGs in the hood from killing each other.
>hut, hut. HIKE!
"""only""" 798 murders in Chicago last year.
Trump BTFO, how will he ever recover.
Say it with me "Madame.....
Okay, but what about Orlandos 1 through 6?
>I-it's not even in the top 10 guys!
>triple the homicides of secnd place
lmao libs.
Other major cities can conduct themselves appropriately. Toronto, Houston, New York, LA aren't beating Chicago, why can't southsiders act civil?
I don't get you guys. Look at the map. Chicago is one of the most segregated cities in the country. the north white part is literally like all white and there is barely any crime. all of the crime is in the west and south sides, where there are like literally no white people. it's minorities killing other minorities. why are you simultaneously like "we're going to fix it" and then "fuck minorities'???
>When you're so tolerant that you're defending murder
Hamfisted idiocy
Look at this asshole trying to defend this stupid-ass calculation.
>All black cities
>Except that one city that had that terrorist attack committed by radical muslims, one of which immigrated here from a Muslim country
Nice fucking run-on sentence, Mohammed.
There Trump goes again - making his enemies tell the truth lol
In all fairness user, those people are white here.
>b-b-but the rate!
What a fucking cunt.
Why would you ever use complete numbers when you can just use the first half? The numbers are smaller and easier to work with, and I am sure the answers will be the same user.
Not accounting for the 2 and the comma. Faggot
It's some discount Shlomory. Chicago has far more people so even though it has more murders it LOOKS like less because of population differences and thus QED Chicagovs murder epidemic is overblown even though Chicago's population is as big as most other cities' metro areas.
Rich culture and diversity?
(Democrats and niggers)