>Donald Trump president >Britain leaves EU >Marine LePen may win >Geert looking good >five star movement in Italy
Is it possible we could have the greatest happening in a long time? Does anyone else feel there is actual division of the world, particularly left vs right? Does it somewhat seem surreal to anyone else of what's going on?
its hope at last. this Orwellian nightmare may be ending. and it will all be because of meme magic and the will of the people
Adrian Allen
More like this is the last hurrah before the crash. That glimmer of hope before its finally gone. Even Hitler believed he would win at one point.
The left has too much power and, if the protests are any indication nothing will change in this country - Donald will just end up inspiring another generation of hippies and SJWs, this time more anti-white than ever.
Its over. Take the black pill.
Charles Wright
5 stelle is shit, they won't do anything and they are trying to get votes for both left and right since they can't choose a side.
Luis Gutierrez
That feel when we are the good guys.
Camden Hall
What if the nip user who posted this before the elections was right? What if meme magic backfires horribly at some point?
>pro jews rising its a sad day for europe and the western world
Asher Butler
I support/vote Lega Nord but my understanding is 5 Star Movement and Grillo are anti EU and will end mass migration no? That's the number 1 priority for Europe now
Wyatt Bennett
But the referendum they had last month was good.
Blake Williams
Isn't 5 Star movement Refugees Welcome libcucks though? Their leader is a comedian.
Landon Phillips
The best you can hope from 5S is a referendum on the euro but they won't actually do anything about the refugees because they are left wing
Dominic Diaz
5 star is complete shit, don't count on them.
Carter Brown
there's 0 political parties in Italy that favour the people they're all schmucks, clowns and corrupt faggots who got where they are because of their parents
Mason King
>Lega Nord maybe when they replace Salvini with someone competent
Sebastian Ortiz
It won't happen because most people aren't radical leftard/rightards. We are moderates/radical centrists that go to work everyday and just want to live normal lives without war and niggers chimping.
Hunter Clark
War is coming because the powers that be both want and need it. The actual reasons for the war don't matter to them. They use it to get rid of the poor, move wealth into the hands of their friends in industry, to take land from competing countries and force those they can't conquer into what basically amounts to fiscal suicide.
Nolan Hughes
so how does italy fix itself?
Josiah Lewis
By hanging people from lampposts.
Benjamin Hughes
yeah. all the hope and idealism of the post ww2 has been flushed down the toilet....its great
Dominic King
you don't simply fix a country that has been continuously been damaged over the course of several centuries. The only hope for the future we have is a massive civil war to decide a party that will take the destiny of the country into their hands protip: Italians are nowhere near their boiling point and aren't intrested at all with protests or whatever besides a select few, thing is italians probably don't have a boiling point, we've already done wars and politicking for over 2000 years before the rest of the world was even considered civilized. All we want to do is just eat nice food, drink wine and live the good life
Asher Hill
I could see you guys getting dragged into a broad series of civil wars across the EU.
It'll either start in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or France. I'm leaning towards France.
Brandon Davis
Five star are a bunch of chemtrails obsessed morons Also the UK is fucked despite Brexit, May is a globalist and just went to crawl and beg for a trade deal in India and Turkey, who wants to bet travel restrictions will be lifted
Brayden Ross
And if germany gets uncucked Sweden will probably start to follow after a while as always.
So.. kindly boot out Satana Merkel asap. Sweden's retarded in this regard (politics) and the waiting period until we catch on will frustrate me.
Caleb Rodriguez
Eastern Europe doesn't have the money for a war. What little it has it gets from the EU
Tyler Davis
If it's an Eastern European country that starts the fire, it'll most likely be from sanctions imposed by the EU over migrants, gun control or other stupid shit. Do you know what happens when you have an entire country get hangry at once?
Ask French nobility.
Because right now, the EU has crowned itself king.
Carter Turner
no you couldn't because you have no idea of the popular feeling towards politics. Italians absolutely hate politicans and modern, because after WW2 only select few can get in the higher ups and an impenetrable cabal has now formed, the senators keep increasing their own pensions and post charge benefits. The italians hate that shit or don't care about it because they have their own life to take care of. People are 100% redpilled about migrants and dislike them but they don't care since they either live in the shitty areas, get mistreated or soon will go to Germany or France. There's no civil war to get dragged into because other nations constantly shit on us so there's little positive sentiment towards other European nations, if a civil war literaly started on our border we would not give 2 fucking shits, maybe a week or two in the TV broadcasts then on to the next story