This guy is such a nigger piece of shit. Why the fuck would anybody listen to what he has to say?

This guy is such a nigger piece of shit. Why the fuck would anybody listen to what he has to say?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sup Forums is a board of tolerance

Because he his right OP

He may be a nig but at least he doesn't nog

Fuck you OP, you astroturfing BLM asshole.

Sheriff Clarke is based.

>And proof that Sup Forums isn't really racist, along with Justice Thomas and based Thomas Sowell

The fact that most blacks are niggers doesn't mean that ALL blacks are niggers.

Some black men are excellent men.


He's basically /r/the_donald's (and Sup Forums crossposters from there) version of "le black science man".

>haha BASED right wing centipede black man tells it how it is!!!

based sheriff coriolanus

He's a proud black man who has a verifiable career in law enforcement.

Total badass.


Don't you fuck with Sheriff Clark nigger.

Sup Shaun, hows Soros doing?

He is the whitest black man you will ever meet. dude said he wanted to grab democrats by the throat at the deploraball

First off the guys a cowboys fan, slightly better than Philly but still shit. Also apparently can't take someone making a joke about him for wearing cowboys gear while flying back to Wisconsin after the Packers won.

He is a gift from kek, PRAISE KEK!


He has to go back.
Also fuck off with this civic nationalism shit shills.

>t. tolerant democrat

OP is the greatest of faggot heretics

Daily reminder that civic nationalism is retarded and that shills are the only ones pushing le bro tier and /ourguy/ memes.

>This guy is such a nigger piece of shit. Why the fuck would anybody listen to what he has to say?

You sound exactly like the average liberal.
>Calls out Black Lies Matter
>Supports his country
>Condemns nigger culture
>No nonsense

Does a black man standing up for his flag, supporting Trump and voting republican trigger you this badly OP?

As a cop I love Sheriff Joe and if you don't you're probably a nigger. He highlights all the problems in the black community and he is living proof that they can be fixed, but they'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

>Its okay if Jamarcus ruins my ancestry as long as he doesn't like sjw
Daily reminder. Being anti social justice warrior is not based.

My bad, I always get Joe and Clarke mixed up. Both are based.

Sheriff Joe is not proof they can be fixed. He is one of the rare niggers that has a higher IQ and working brain with empathy. Not all niggers can be fixed.


you sound exactly like a goy
>is nigger
>children will rape people
>children will create more crime
>children will lower national IQ
>le black man
He's a nigger, all blacks are nigger and no niggers are men.

Because he's redpilled as fuck

>how do you do fellow kids

>As a cop
We all know your not a cop.

It will take entire generations, but they can be fixed. For started, single motherhood has to stop. Right now it isn't PC to point out that most black kids don't have dads. That is why PC is bullshit, blacks are never gonna heal if they don't start talking about what is actually wrong with them. It will take a long time, but if they keep getting dogged at by guys like Trump it can happen.

Impressive. The shills are trying to fit in.
So tell me shill, who could possible be shilling Sup Forums with racist sentiment?

But his children don't do those things, so I don't really see what you're on about besides acting like a retard.

I'm pretty sure the average nigger and yourself would agree on a great deal of things. People that don't use their brains are no different from idiots without them.

We know niggers are not going anywheresoon . Lets hope once Trump fixes education and more nogs get red pilled,

Lets hope its not to late to fix them. Or the day of the rope will get them one day. Maybe soon, or maybe by my grandkids.

I'm a beat cop but a cop nonetheless. That detail doesn't even matter though, if you don't believe me fine but the rest of my post was my point.

I'm not a fed I'm just a small town officer who spends his free time here. I don't identify as a Nazi and I'm not racist.

Its purely a genetic thing. The only way they could ever be fixed is eugenics and even if there was a eugenics movement in Africa and they had the same IQ as whites I would still not want them here.
You're still a dumb fucking libtard.
You don't understand what a nation is.

Shills use racist sentiments too you retard, it's called being "undercover" for a reason.

>we know niggers aren't going anywhere soon
Thats what you think
>lets fix niggers
Your so blue pilled it hurts
>the only reason these Gorillas are acting like Gorillas is because their education system is broken. Its the only possible way.

You fucking cuck, will never be as patriot, based and lawful as this senior negro.

Go fuck yourself and keep chanting stupid mantras to a fucking wall, never marry and reproduce

Fair enough.

fuck off, Buzzfeed

read my other posts, i know its more than education, its HOW their BRAIN works!

Does not mean they can not be tamed.

Since slavery ended, they have not been tamed. or even attempted. there might be a chance to live in peace with them, maybe not.

Man actually realizes the state is and shouldn't be omnipotent and omnipresent.

Your entire post screams reddit shill.
Nigger = black people. It does not mean people you don't like. All blacks are niggers. All niggers are black.
He is not at all living proof niggers can be fixed. He is an outlier.
its so clear that you are a shill.
If you aren't a shill you would feel no need to mention that you are a cop. Your entire post is screaming, I know what i am talking about, i am one of you, this is the agenda I will push.
If you aren't a shill you have five seconds to prove you are a real cop.

>in Africa
I don't care what happens over there.
>you're still a libtard
Because I hold out hope for a race? I spend most of my day dealing with niggers, and that time is also spent working with blacks. Not all of them are bad, I know a lot who are decent people. I realize a few don't speak for all, I realize this probably more than you do actually. But I still have the hope to see the good in people and hope that change can happen. I'm sorry I can't be as cynical as you.


it makes white people feel good about themselves. White conservatives who buy into the whole "racism is the most ebil thing in the world" mantra need to convince themselves that they are still good people after being called racist by the left. They do this by lionizing low iq coons like this dumb nigger and trying to show that the dems r da real racists. It's the ultimate in cuckdom. They are playing by the left's rules and at the same time signaling that they would let a black man fuck their wife if it somehow proved they were not racist. The guy is not smart and has nothing intelligent or novel to offer. Anyone who pays any mind to this fool should immediately be written off as a cuck and ignored or ridiculed.

Are you retarded?
>its called being undercover
Again are you retarded?
Shills are paid to push an agenda. You are paid to push an agenda.
OP started this thread and knew that his co workers would storm it with
>le not all strong independent black man are nigger
>le civic nationalism
>I hate white niggers.

Because he's my nigger OP.
If I had to have one nignog in cheeseland it would be this one.

We got what we wanted from the 1488'ers, now it's time they got 86'd.

beause that's one of the very few actual black men in your nigger country. fuck you OP

Because if the NRA will put him in all their youtube commercials than he must be important, right?

Fuck off shill

CTR shill pls kys

>t. BLM

The common ancestor of all dogs lived only about 10000 years ago

>Nigger = black people
In your opinion. I work with black people all the time. And I deal with niggers all the time. I don't mind black people, I do mind niggers. There is a difference, if you don't think so that is fine we're all entitled to our opinions.

>If you aren't a shill you would feel no need to mention that you are a cop.
It was one minute detail because Sheriff Clarke is a cop, and so am I. I don't care if you don't believe me and it isn't the point I am trying to make here. I don't care if you believe me and I'm not posting my coa or badge so you can somehow track me down and get me fucked by the pc police because I posted the word nigger.

> I don't identify as a Nazi and I'm not racist.


Niggers are animals. This is not how you tame them.
You can't just tell a lion to do something and expect it to do it.
We did tame niggers once before and thats by lynching them every time they look in the wrong direction to show them who is the alpha while also rewarding them for their good behavior.

Police officer and a democrat? The fuck?

>you are paid to push an agenda

fuck off cunt

Black conservatives are the ultimate trigger. Watching the libs rationalize racism against them is glorious.

Blasts music of public transportation and tries to rob you when you get off.
>Black people
Help you push your friends dead car to a parking lot.
t. Chicago.

It's always delicious to see him lecturing some BLM asshole ore some feminist cunt and telling them how fucking racist they are against whites

>I don't care about africa
>I hold out hope for a race
The fact remains that they do not belong here.

This entire post is liberal garbage. What the fuck does holding out hope for a race even mean? Do you hold out hope that if you believe hard enough your rusty door hinge will one day magically be fixed?
>Not all of them are bad, I know a lot who are decent people.
Blacks are not people.
>But I still have the hope to see the good in people and hope that change can happen
Congratulations. The most retarded statement ever made on Sup Forums.

This place used to be a libertarian board. I guess I'm a leftover relic that hasn't gotten with the times.

>le black man
no such thing.

I'm a libertarian but...the left keeps pushing me towards the far right.


>What the fuck does holding out hope for a race even mean?
I went to mostly majority black schools and was fucked with by niggers but I also knew some pretty cool black folks. My first girlfriend was black. My current best friend is black. Every year we do a Christmas thing for black communities to try and build up trust. It doesn't work in my opinion, but when you spend a day talking with kids and playing basketball with them you learn that they aren't like the niggers we deal with... yet. Something happens as they get older.

>blacks are not people
You're entitled to your opinion.

>in your opinion
No, it is a fact. This is what you just said
>toast = bread browned by heat
Thats just your opinion. I think toast means bread too.
>There is a difference
By definition no there is not.

Just block out any identifying information you retard.

>Goal is small government
>OK with Trump's fuck-load of executive orders

This place has always been a natsoc board. Your so full of shit you stupid fucking shill.
How much is JIDF paying these days?

Based Mexibro.

>Something happens as they get older.
The pressures of black culture to act tough and thugish combined with the failure of schools and their family to teach them otherwise is what happens.

Yeah they get older and reach and grow out of the maturity level of 14 year olds and reach the maturity level of 16 year olds. Usually around the age of 40.
Niggers need to go. Civic nationalism is retarded.
Holding out hope that niggers will get better is holding out hope that one day Chimpanzees will build their own city because you one or two old chimps were actually friendly and calm around humans.

You keep talking me down while saying all this shit, in reality you're probably a literal cuck behind a keyboard. The fact that you're not even familiar with what Sup Forums was like past a year or two ago is proof that I'm not the shill here. Before Trump, Ron Paul was our guy. Ron Paul isn't a Nazi.

>can't read

Pretty sure it was natsoc as a joke, however Descartes yada yada yada.

user I'm CIA.

>le culture
No. If it were a cultural issue at least one country in Africa would be developed.
>inb4 arabs

Modern day lynching?


Don't take this shit here. Sup Forums is a board of peace

KYS nigger, that man is based as fuck and did way more than you for your country, you should be praising his name shaking his hand.

People like you belong to NY or CALI. Go to your gutter and die.

Nice false flag Antifa shill

>Ron Paul
We voted Ron for the same reason we supported Trump. He is the best choice we had. However if a hitler had ever been a choice, we would have chosen him.
>our guy
Stop with the plebbit memes shill
>its all satire bro lol XDXD

For now

Terrible bait, because based Clarke is whiter than you are, niggerfag.

>Worshiping nigger cock
Hows your bull been doing?

>all these consensus cracking shills.
Keep going. It'll work any day now

Disregarding some good man deeds cos he is black.

>Fuck your trips, you are retarded.

>work at non profit org
>opportunity for me to get my truckers license
>people are nice, one black person
>managers come down and warn me hes a thief and to report him if he steals anything
>on my first day he steals fucking chicken feet

its insane

>>on my first day he steals fucking chicken feet

ch-chicken feet?

yeah, some dudes box of chicken feet

You'd do well to remember that fascism and national socialism are leftist.

He's based and right. Fuck off OP, you massive faggot.

This guy is an American Hero user

You've never eaten chicken feet?

Op is a racist scum