Soon you will be deleted and gone from this site, jackie4chan will continue what moot couldn't do.
Face it Sup Forums
Yeah, knocking the giant wasp hive down isn't going to backfire on you at all.
Delete your """country""".
>we are a leguuuuun
just kys
If Sup Forums is deleted, every board will become Sup Forums.
Oh so now we get flags for made up countries?
Your """people"""" and your non country are absolute garb amd you should kys mudshit.
Sup Forumsacks/drumpfies are the most thin skinned people on the world
you don't even have to try, just post facts and watch them whine non-stop
what the hell are you even doing in that non-country
Sup Forums is the only place that accepts all opinions
Shut up Israel!
This picture conflates name calling with ad hominem as an actual argument. You can refute and argument and still name call.
Kind of like how I just did, you nigger.
>A Palestinian defending the JIDF
Really activates those almonds.
Let's take this step by step.
1. Sup Forums is not one person. Furthermore, while ad hominem is present on this board, it generally follows after the opponent has clearly lost the argument and has resorted to ad hominem himself.
2. I genuinely do not care what you call me, and I feel most would agree. I am comfortable being called a nazi, so I have no problem naming the Jew and calling you a nigger.
3. Tearing down an argument with your own =/= suppression, it just means you suck at arguing. The fact is, when you come to Sup Forums you're free to spout whatever retarded shit you please and no one will silence you. However, I am perfectly within my rights to call out your bullshit and tell you how retarded everything you just said was.
4. Sup Forums is not one person, and the fact that you consider a source dubious does not inherently make it untrue. On the contrary, many left "news" outlets like CNN, Huff post, etc have posted VERIFIABLY FALSE articles, thereby making them actually discreditable as sources.
5. See #3. I fully support your freedom to form your own retarded opinions, but I reserve the right to call you out for said retardation.
6. Got me there
The only one I think is really valid is the penultimate one. It pisses me off that this "bastion" of free thought can't handle the fact that people's worldviews are the product of their lived experiences and not objective, rational thought.
Just think about it, for all the people who actually believe that they have discovered the objectively right and true and correct way: how fucking coincidental is it that the objectively right and true and correct way just so happens to conveniently perfectly align with how you want the world to be? There wasn't a single issue on which you were wrong? You just happened to perfectly guess the rational perfect order in a few years of on-off thought?
It's pure retardation.
Fuck off while you still have your own sliver of land Muhammed bin Muhammed. Greater Israel soon.
Let's a play a game Sup Forums
Who am I?
>arguing on Sup Forums in general
What the fuck did the maker of the image expect? It's an anonymous image board.
Can't wait for Israel to shell you guys tbqh
Someone without an argument?
i bet this flag will skyrocket in rarity within 2 years
>tfw my grandfather didn't intentionally have all your worthless rapefugee brethren poisoned while working with the U.N.
if only he could see what helping such filth gets us.
A Greece wannabe on an island in the middle of nowhere, barring the possibility of a proxy?
We have different opinions even amongst ourselves and coming here to discuss is an implicit acknowledgement of that
I am absolutely aware and accepting that I have a different view on women than the majority of this board, for example
shitskins not welcome
not an argument, you can say that about anything
It's easy to pay lip service to that but as soon as someone strays too far out of the mainstream Sup Forums collapses in on itself in a fit of spasmodic triggerisms.
For example, if I say that traditional capitalist organisational structure is wrong and we should all work in worker co-ops then people immediately respond with
>ok fine, you go work in a worker co-op and I'll work in my capitalist business!
That's fine, and definitely a valid opinion for /them/ to hold, but it's blindingly obvious that anyone who sees traditional organisational structures as /inherently wrong/ isn't going to agree. It's like saying "ok, well if you don't want to murder people that's your choice but I don't see anything wrong with murder so I'm going to go do it." Not that capitalism is literally murder, but that's the way the "why not have both?" reasoning looks.
Saying "we all have different views" is not the same as being able to put yourself in the shoes of those people with the different views, empathise with their arguments, and argue in a way that is convincing to them because it is logically consistent in their - not your - worldview.
Sup Forums is gutter-tier debate with occasional gems. Most of it is just two people with different worldviews shouting arguments that sound convincing to them but are obviously flawed in their opponent's worldview and never being on the same page. It's why arguments can go on for 500 posts and never reach a resolution - because nobody ever bothers making arguments that are convincing from their opponent's viewpoint. It's just:
"If it sounds convincing to me then it will sound convincing to everyone!"
And it doesn't fucking work that way.
>not one person meme, on a board for generalizations
the rest is basically
Dat ass
Arguments are not won by empathy either
They are won from extrapolations based on facts
Granted, everyone on Sup Forums is usually too lazy to post sources of their own and most fall into the confirmation bias trap of assuming that all sources that go against their world view are biased.
However, someone who is not open to rational debate is never going to be convinced of anything unless the entire argument is on a completely philosophical topic.
Delete your life
Listen here you stupid inbred kike shill, I didn't read your lousy post and no one else needs to either. I just sage and report. All you need to watch to understand shill posters like yourself is Iraqi scholar Shormuta abd-Zub al-Hamar (pictured) to get a good appreciation of how JIDF operations like yours work. I know no one could be as stupid as you, so you must get paid for your opinion. God damn it posts like this make me angry. Pol is not all one person, we are very different from the image you posted REEEEEEEEEE
It's silly to try and have technical arguments on Sup Forums anyway because nobody here has the expertise and even if they did they don't have the credibility. Not to mention you can get facts and statistics to support literally any worldview. It might take 700 pages and only make sense in an alternate dimension, but we live in a post-factual era.
Sure, it might be a fact that X does Y, but proving that in an argument can verge on impossibility.