this place sure went to shit fast
This place sure went to shit fast
fuck off jew
are you referring to the Nazi retards or the general shitshow that is Sup Forums?
Yep. No decent bantz anymore, just incessant am-I-white threads and hatred of women.
No idea why I'm still here, I'm beginning to really hate this place.
yup. pure cancer
kids liked Sup Forums because it was rebellious and now it's the establishment.
Been increasingly bad since the election. Now it's an all out shit show. I miss my discussions and real debates. This horse shit is too much.
can i go a single week without these stupid fucking "Pol what happened." post. You guys have been saying for the last 3 year just shut the fuck up already
my beloved goy. i caress you gently.
There's a Palestinian making threads.
Didn't you kikes shut thier internet down?
being delusional is not healthy
Answer my question please
Sup Forums never recovered from the luggage lad cuckening
This election was the final straw on the camel's back.
Can someone tell me what you think is wrong with Sup Forums? We have some decent generals going on, right?
can't tell you, i don't really follow. i wouldn't be surprised if that was the case but i doubt it.
that's because people like you told all the normies about it kike
>Trying to use the Golden Age Fallacy.
>Implying that Sup Forums was ever not a flaming shit show on the blister we call Sup Forums.
idk about you chaim but Sup Forums is getting better everyday
We need to remove flags and ids
Sup Forums was always shit, newfriend
I mean why is there a Palestinian posting on this board. Who's providing them internet. The way people go on about it, they barely have electricity. Why does Israel allow them to spread terrorist propaganda online?
Also, can you please hurry the fuck up and rebuild this god damned Temple.
we memed trump into the presidancy but died in the process. Seeing how the wall is being built and the muslim ban happend id say it was worth it. Ill always miss pre 2015 Sup Forums tho.
Jews are just mad today because they're not getting special treatment for the Holocaust anymore.
Impissible, there aren't any Palestinians. Did you maybe mean Jordanians?
You hate hate it because your're not white, nigger.
That's because the joke ended and became a reality. All that's left here are retards and finger sniffers.
What size hat do you wear?
I'll caress you in return as I reach for the chain to turn my lamp on.
idk im to smart to care about these things
sorry but you're talking to the wrong guy. i'm secretly a lefty atheist anti-theist sociopath masochist who's morbidly curious about Sup Forums. if i had it my way i'd destroy the temple wall and the dome in an instant.
Soyou could LARP as a white lol ?
Yeah that must be it. Couldn't possibly be anything else. Thanks for proving my point.