Should moderate muslims be allowed to stay?
Should moderate muslims be allowed to stay?
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no such thing as a moderate muslim
They need to stand up, condemn terrorism and out anyone they think is radicalizing to the authorities, and claim their citizenship first before all other identities.
She's dead already, isn't she?
starting to notice that all muslim women have huge eyebrows
is that the reason they have to wear bags on their heads
wasn't the whole trump thing to make America more white
"Moderate muslims."
Even if they existed the answer is no.
The day they report all suspicious activity within their community to the authorities. Perhaps even start turning in actual zealots and fanatics. Until then, they're in cahoots
Don't be stupid. What do you think happens when their life goes to shit and they "find God"
Even the moderates support sharia and the actions of the extermists.
They all need to go.
Moderate Muslims are only moderate while they are a minority.
Absolutely haram.
what is taquia?
>moderate muslims
Also this.
Is that a 2020 image of Cara Delevingne wearing a traditional british hijab?
At last, she's westernized! EVERYONE REJOICE!
This pic remembers me about that lebanese girl I know who smokes and drinks more than most guys and is a lesbian with a gf but posts constantly 'islam facts' on facebook and doesnt eat pork becaus its haram
That's just a spic in a scarf.
Shes a true western "woman" now
"moderate" muslims are in direct violation of the quaran and the hadithe. if they are not actively plotting/trying to murder the rest of us, they are committing an act of heresy. but the real issue is that through their secularism, they give islam a false, positive rep as being "peaceful" when it is in fact absolutely disgusting and worthy of eradication.
tl;dr moderate muslims are nonmuslims lying both to you and themselves who make isis look peaceful
moderates are the worst. Just don't be a muslim you fucking autists
>tfw I can tell someone has researched this subject
It hurts to live.
Pick one.
Send them all to the ovens
There are three types of muslims from what ive met in america.
The old school imigrant muslims who love money, family and tradition (typically your patriarchs of a clan)
Their off spring (ghetto culture loving with more money because they are capable of running a liquor store)
And They arab muslim haters. They hate muslims and love money.
This bitch is obv an offspring. Do we rrally need more of them? Seriously
Was she stoned?
If it ain't white, it ain't right.
Moderate mudslimes are a meme. It's like saying you are a moderate Christian.
they already are allowed to stay so yes
Ain't no thing as moderate muslim. They just don't know that they are not muslim or they don't know islam that well.
Moderate Christians are considered as protestants since they're more tolerant to gays/lesbians.
fpbp. if you are moderate that means you're not following islamic law.
Only the women who glorify whites and who are willing to be enslaved for free.
No room for degenerate child rapists in the West, sorry.
No, moderate Muslims are just as much part of the problem. They are the Muslims who might not explicitly endorse barbaric teachings of their religion but they play the jihad in a different way. They go around unirocally saying "Islam is peace" and get very, VERY defensive when you say otherwise. They pose as "moderates" and "reformers" but never criticise Muslims or mainstream Islam, while nursing a huge hate boner against the West. They go aroudn trying to spread the narrative that most Muslims are peaceful "just like me" and only a tiny minority are the problem, and you are racist if you think otherwise.
Ex-Muslims should stay, but they are ALSO SJW cancer, all blue-pilled libtards. Unless they explicitly support the right wing, they need to be held in deep distrust.
There are quite a few like that, it only proes just how cancerous Islam is. Even if they go lesbian and some and drink, it still has a hold over their sandnigger brains so they are still promoting sharia.
No, there is no moderate goat fucker pedophile OP once again is a faggot
You mean the ones we actually land the plane for before letting them out in the Middle East?
Yeah, they can stay alive. But they have to go back.
They are all ticking time bombs, just one hurt feeling away killing everyone around them. There is not a single justifiable reason why we should have even a single muslim in our countries.
Aw sweetie theres no such thing as a moderate muslim :)
Where do Muslims like the ones who were the majority in Iran back in the 50's stand?
The whole "No hijacks, women are allowed to have rights" lot
How do you cucks live with yourself now that Saudis aren't banned?
>moderate muslims
Persianfag here.
A Muslim is a Muslim. If you treat Muslims like actual people they'll fuck you over. They always do.
they're naturally hairy people and thick eyebrows are trendy right now.
fun fact: all muslim women need to remove all of their pubic hair from the age of 10 until they're bedridden.
>tfw >A >FUCKING >LEAF is telling me i researched the subject
>tfw i watch too much of blackpigeonspeaks
>tfw even his views on the subject were too left-leaning for me
No. A moderate muslim is just someone who will vote in shariah law when the opportunity arrives.
The only 'good' muslims are people who are actually shitty muslims and only call themselves muslim because their parents did.
Anyone who is actually has muslim beliefs is a threat to the developed world
Moderate mean they aren't the ones tossing the homos off roofs but they are ok with it happening.
All muslims should be executed on sight.
There's no such thing as 'moderate', all muslims are taught to kill all who don't believe in islam so they will forever be an enemy. Kill them all.
No, only extremist Sunni Muslims.
They are ultra-conservative...
They believe in a patriarchy...
They are againat degeneracy...
And they kill liberal degenerates.
No moderates allowed, only extremists.
The vast majority of the Muslims in North America would fall under this category. The Muslims here are so westernized that they drink, they watch porn, they host parties, and a lot of them don't even wear hijab. At worst, they are just annoying SJWs with a victim card, but there are so many white people who do the same thing that it's hard to hold their faith responsible for that.
>moderate muslims
How come "moderate muslims" never take to the streets and protest the murders and atrocities that the radical muslims are doing? Truth is that the "moderate" muslims support the things that the radicals do. They just don't have the balls to those things themselves.
there is no such thing as "moderate" muslim
they all the same, so they get all the same treatment.
specially those moderated once, these are infact the most dangerous onces to take care off, those are the invaders via the womb they all talk about in the muslim countries
Stay in the gas chamber, yes.
They should be forced to convert, desu senpai
They are just like Black people except they have an ideology that allows them to kill anyone they dont identify with guilt free. If they got the numbers and could they would, its human nature. Power and control.
>tfw no slutty hipster fatima gf
i think it's that drink that has a worm at the bottom of the bottle dude
Good pic.
her eyes look like it but i think she's just drunk really
feed me more punchlines
Pick one.
This is 100% true. Even the most liberal Muslims I've ever met are vehemently anti-Semitic and completely in support of sharia in the west
Atheists in Muslim countries who still wear the burka or whatever everyone else in their country wears are fine.
>moderate muslims