Catholisism VS Protestantism

Which is the better and why is it protestantism?
>No pedo cult
>Bond between man and god
> Pure christianity
> Doesn't divide europe

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying Orthodoxy isn't the one true way.



>Protestantism is pure european form of christianity
>Catholisism is jewish cult

Catholicism follows the infallible cuckpope a Marxist piece of shit currently helping to destroy Europe. One cannot be a catholic and oppose the INFALLIBLE pope. It also absorbed and bastardised pagan religions to woo converts. It is a bastard from of Christianity and paganism.

Protestantism it it true Calvinist form follows only the scripture, and shuts out papacy, idolatry, and any impurity. It is Christianity that follows only the book. Unfortunately it is very divided and has been heavily infiltrated by cultural marxism which has picked and chosen the bits it wants and ignored the rest like gay marriage and such.

Orthodoxy is all that remains in civilized Christianity.


>Church was infiltrated between 1100-2000, by freemasons, Zionists, ect.. It's obviously not Catholic teaching to lust. > yep Traditional Catholicism was founded by christ through his apostles/saints guided by the holy ghost, protestants founded by Luther, not guided by the holy ghost but by pure ignorance. >The church failed the world by neglecting the Holy rosary, resulted in punishments to inflict the church, such as Protestantism and other heresies..

>all these LARPers
The one you truly have faith in is the one for you.

not something what a christian would call his brothers

>all these low energy posters projecting their LARP

Found the jew



>russia doesn't into humor

I could have called Jews and Catholics the whores of babylon. Would you prefer that, Ivan?

Its the other way around, according to Jonathan Bowden
Protestantism is the most jewified form of christianity, with its extreme individuality
Catholicism, in the other hand, is the most paganic form of christianity.

sounds like you made up your mind.

Fuck off armenian

What is the biblical justification for the papacy? Tradition relies on several texts, but one most especially. In Matthew's gospel, Jesus asked his apostles what sorts of things people were saying about him. They gave him a summary of the current rumors. Then Jesus asked them, collectively, who they thought he was. And Simon answered for the group:

Simon Peter replied, "you are the Christ, the son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but for My Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock I will build My Church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Note first that Simon served as a spokesman for the group, and he uttered a profound doctrine: the dogma of the incarnation (see Jn 6:68-69). Jesus explained to Simon that such truth could not be gained by natural means; Simon had received a special revelation from god. And Simon, with god's help, had spoken infallibly. Jesus then gave Simon a new name, Peter--literally, "Rock"-- a name that appears nowhere in the historical record before that moment. Jesus promised to build a divine edifice upon that rock foundation. He called the edifice "My Church"; for it would be not merely a human institution. It would be, in some sense, incorrupt, too: "the powers of death [or 'gates of hell'] shall not prevail against it." So we see that god himself gave a guarantee to preserve Peter's authority.


Now, some critics argue that Jesus referred to himself when he spoke of the "rock" on which he would build his church. They point out that the word used for "rock" is the Greek 'petra'--meaning a large rock--whereas the name he gave to Simon was the Greek 'petros', meaning a small rock. The critics say that Jesus meant, essentially, that Peter was a little pebble, and Jesus was the boulder from which the church would rise up.

There are several problems with that interpretation. First of all, Jesus probably did not speak Greek in this exchange. It is very likely that he spoke Aramaic, and his words were later translated into Greek when the gospels were written. In Aramaic there is only one word that could be used for "rock": 'kephas'. In Aramaic, there would have been no distinction between Peter's name and the church's foundation.

Still, critics might press the point, noting that the holy spirit inspired Matthew to employ two different Greek words in his written gospel. But Matthew did not have much choice. Jesus was speaking of a foundation stone, so 'petra' would certainly be the right choice; but 'petra' is a feminine noun, and so it could not have served as Simon's new name. A male could not adopt a feminine name; the name would have to be adapted, be given a masculine form. Thus Matthew, guided by the holy spirit, did something that was obvious and practically necessary: he used the masculine form, 'petros', to render Peter's name, 'Kephas.'

Was Jesus giving Peter a unique role in the church? The answer seems obvious from the remaining pages of the New Testament. Peter is everywhere, shown to be the chief spokesman, preacher, teacher, healer, judge, and administrator in the newborn church.


>doesnt divide Europe
it divided it and almost destroyed it, while catholic countries like Austria, Spain and Portugal were saving Europe from Ottomans the protestcucks were chimping out and caused a war that killed almost 40% of the german population

B-b-but Protestants reject the Vatican. I go to a Latin mass thing that, well-- yeah it also rejects Vatican, but it rejects the Vatican in a more traditional way... like since the 50s or something.

Did Peter exhibit any signs of infallibility when he taught doctrine? Critics might point out that, almost immediately after Jesus commissioned him, Peter fell; he contradicted Jesus, telling him he must not suffer. Jesus then reproved Peter in the strongest terms, calling him "Satan"! Critics note too, that much later in Peter's life, he found himself in conflict with Paul over the treatment of gentiles in the church. And Paul publicly corrected Peter! Now, how could a man graced with the charism of infallibility endure public correction by both Jesus and Paul?

We should note right away that both Jesus and Paul were reproving Peter not for his doctrine, but for his failure of will. Indeed, there were faulting him for not living up to his own doctrine. In Matthew's passage, Peter had moved from confessing the lord's divinity to rejecting the lord's will. In the conflict with Paul, Peter had moved from eating with gentiles himself to forbidding other Jewish-Christians to practice such fellowship. Both Jesus and Paul were exhorting Peter merely to practice what he infallibly preached.

Is there biblical justification for our calling Peter the "vicar of Christ"? Doesn't that put Peter in a place occupied by god alone? No, because Jesus himself had said to the apostles: "He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me" (Lk 10:16). Jesus is clearly assigning the twelve as his vicars. He is telling them that he will act vicariously through them. And what Jesus said of all apostles is pre-eminently true of the prince of apostles,

Catholics are full blown heretics.

The Filioque, purgatory, papal infallibility, idolatry, worshipping Mary, praying to anyone but God, confessing sons to anyone but God, counting prayers... The list literally goes on and on.


Catholicism is the western church and Orthodoxy the eastern
Everyone else are nonchristian heretics


>Doesn't divide europe
Protestantism has dozens of different branches and national churches. Are you autistic? Do you think all protestants are one monolithic entity?

But individuality and success are THE BEST parts of Jewish culture. Protestants get that along with the Aryan genes.

Meanwhile Italian Catholics get all the genes of Jews with the crabs-in-a-bucket mentality of, well Italian Catholics. Hell, at least the Irish Catholics have those Viking genes going for them!

Zika is a pagan demon that can only be erradicated by the True Catholic Faith.

I always love how Roman Catholic faggots claim Rome is more important than fucking Jerusalem. Kek. ORTHODOXY!

And that's why you need condoms to fight it. Whoa bean, whoa. Blown the fuck out.

Orthodox see Constantinople as their capital.

>ameriQuan education
Leaving the fate of the western civilization in hands of the USA was a mistake.

All of Christianity is Jewish, but Protestants are the most Jewish with their obsession with the Old Testament and desire to get back to original, pure Christianity.

Are Argentinians even real?

Holy Jerusalem is the capital for all Christians, idiot. Constantinople was a place our church father sat in mammon. The muzzies own that mammon.

I think this is more of a conflation of northern europeans being less prosperous(historically) and ostentatious, with the theological underpinnings of the divide.

good goy

>this weak banter
No wonder Stacey is having children with Tyrone, you are boring as fuck, step it up

Catholicism is the only true path to heaven. How can you desire heaven if you don't fear hell at every waking moment?


Zionism does seem to be a particular problem with protties.

-t. Orthodox.

>Holy Jerusalem is the capital for all Christians
schlomo pls

Argentina, isn't it about time you had another fiscal crisis and fascist dictator? You need to be cleansed.

Which is why Catholics see it important as well. Youre just asshurt that your religion got cucked by Islam.

>Ass-sore cucklick

Shouldn't you be cooking speghetti for Achmed so he can eat that slop after he's done seeding your wife?

>being this mad
calm down schismatic

Well we're still around, 300 million of us. And we're not currently being overrun by a Muzzie invasion. Good luck with that "muh, ples take more muzzies intuh yah home or it's anothah shoahhh" hahah. Cathcucks BTFO.

>Christ committed adultery first of all with the woman at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: "Whatever has he been doing with her?" Secondly, with Mary Magdalene, and thirdly with the woman taken in adultery whom he dismissed so lightly. Thus even Christ, who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died

~ Luther

>doesn't divide europe

last time I checked you absolute fuckers provoked countless wars across the continent (and the world)

Not to mention, Martin Luther was only successful because of the support that the HGE was giving to him

In summary, Protestantism was a political move only successful because of Prussian factions that were butt-hurt with the church

Martin Luther's last words literally were
>I'm going straight to hell

I fucking swear to God, these fucking Germans will be the end of us

State church is the worst form of Protestantism. It leads to cuckolding.

I hate to say this but France does it best with being a secular state without a state religion.



Protestants are practically Jews, the only good thing about it is the pagan parts. Which is why orthodox Christianity is better than Catholicism as it has even more pagan influences.


so you're saying fuggin what? Druids are best? Talk about LARP zones hahah

-t Orthodox.

In the long run I don't see how Protestantism is any good.

In Britain it has brought war, division, secularism, and eventually atheism and degeneracy. It has reduced charity and replaced it with a harsh unfeeling capitalism.

>TFW your weak demigod is forced to embrace one of our normal fathers.

Protestantism was the uncucking of christianity from the papist bootlickers.

>not even once

>No pedo cult
Stopped reading

I was raised a Catholic and fully endorse that message

Also, it looks like is sending a package

I support you insofar as you fuck over catholics, pleb. Godspeed--

Roll for /qa/

Agreed. Protestants are better than Catholicucks.

Also, you forgot the biggest one:
>no papal authority

Is there anything more pathetic than watching Catholicucks sniffing the footprints of the Pope?


Roll for the Glory

>The Bible of the Old and New Testaments is the only divinely inspired book and the only source of divinely revealed knowledge
>But only the parts of the Bible that I like, so let's tear these parts off

Down they go

send it to /lgbt/


You need abstinence, not condoms.

Using a condom is cucking yourself.


>letting Being X deceive you

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be redpilled

Roll for /h/


As a guy that thought the pope was going to be good...I think popes should be European and not anything else.

>Gets AIDS

Bergoglio is Italian for most purposes

>tipping fedora this hard

>> Doesn't divide europe

They both have massive issues when it comes to following the word of God with their doctrines.
Both tend to put the traditions, philosophies and edicts of men above what the bible demands.

You're fucking shitting me. Catholicism is centered in the greatest European and unifying city in human history and Protestants are the ones who constantly name their shit with Jewish Old Testament names.

>South american marxist liberation theology

I don't think you're into fashy Europe zones mate


Jk guy's Im not actually a christian.
I just wanted to see how much divition I could create with one post.

This proves why we can't have nice things in europe and why kikes and marxists still have influence on our societies.

Hell Oden, vår Allfader


We have our winner! now who will do the honors?



snownigger gods are disgusting and ancient kekolds

>No pedo cult
Forget about those fucked up protestant sects that are just an excuse for old men to abuse young teens
>Bond between man and god
> Pure christianity
How is any retard having direct intepretation over the bible a good thing?
>Doesn't divide europe
Yeah those religious wars weren't a thing

No you just proved how easily Protestants gobble up memey bullshit.

Is this your "fashwave aesthetic" I've heard so much about?

You know it. ;)

I'm not a cathcuck tho. Orthodoxy all the way.

>tfw Protestantism is overtaking Catholicism in South America

There was an earlier get

>says the escaped (((Nazi)))


good, fewer huehues in heaven





Hell is the only place for "jew".

That's an incredibly cruel thing to say. And anyhow, even you're Catholic churches have been infected with protestant influence, we've become a lot closer than you may realize.