Allright Crofags

Allright Crofags
How do we with the eternal kebab problem?
Any thought about this?
Better solutions?
Another suggestions?

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Only solution

this is a low populated area.. if we remove Bosnian kebab, somali/african/subsaharan muslims will move in that area or it will be a wasteland

bosniaks are ok IMO.. let them be.

>roach is that you

You had the right idea back when you were genociding them.

It's your 5th thread today. Nothing better to do on sundays? Fucking serbs.

but you must be aware that this way or another Republic of Srbska will most definatelly become independent(i mean it already kinda is, de facto)
what the rest of You are gonna do?
stay with mostly populated muslim dominated country?
>somali/african/subsaharan muslims will move in that area or it will be a wasteland
and wtf are they supposed to do there in the mountains?
they'll be going to germany for gibsmedat.
they don't have any reason or business to populate those area.
nor they would be given

fucking turks larping inside germany for gibsmedat

>genociding now
nah bruh
just remove or deport them like to some muslim sharia country
you know the countries that would gladdly accept them like pakistan, turkey, saudia arabia, germany

Serbs too. Why? You had a war or a bombing or something? Pls stay in your shithole. We dont want either turks oder serbs here.

then's gonna be a wasteland lol.. we have negative birth rates. we are dying out and you'd start another war to speed that up?

And as I said, I don't mind bosniaks compared to other filth that could come into our countries.. since you know.. negative birthrates.

t. for the advice

You serbs are Full of your shit. It's really funny. Serbia is a 3th World country but you turkish inbreds think youre someone in this World. But im glad your here. Thats how the West can test New weapons.

also, you act as if land mass is important. fuck land mass, you need human quality resources for a strong country.

it's not like bosnia has huge oil/mineral reserves lol.

I'd like to populate that whole region with Niggers and Spics so you faggots realize what a real subhuman looks and acts like instead of fighting other slavs like yourselves

it's really simple
invade germany, break him out, and have him continue the fight. the trumby will not intervene like bush sr. did.

same problems here
but as i've said
trought political activity, lobbing, PR, marketing, shitposting, memes, UN legal apeals, unions, allliance, you got the picture

the reality of Republika Srbska becoming independent in this decade is absolutelly 100%
you also nedd to be prepared
>then's gonna be a wasteland lol
nevermind it's your land, you only kinda need really small amount of resources to assert your controll over the land, and being it is mountains it's a bingo
just look the countries like mongolia: population of 3 000 000, the size of the Europe
don't forget about the resources exploitation and shekels

Serbs are better than turkish roaches.

And without Serbia and the other Balkan states we would be flooded with immigrants be a bit more thankfull Kamerad.

fuck off you muslim piece of shit ALL KEBABS SHALL BE REMOVED including (you)

t. Golum

I already realized when I saw some Swede praising bosniaks compared to subsaharan muslims.

Those stupid fucks (swedes) believed if you take 60 IQ Somali niggers, feed them and try to educate them, you could convert them into 100 IQ productive citizens lol

give back banja luka

Fucking serbs. Your not Europes Anti Immigrant Wall, you're actually the Immigrants. Pls stay in serbia and wait for the next Nato bombing. Would be cool if all your neighbors would attack you and share your country and your ugly women.

is it true slovenia is 3.6% muslim wtf?

Serbia will leave the Adriatic coast to Croatia?

erm we kinda do
see kosovo albanians
see bosnian muslims


but serbs are turk rape babies already

what resources does bosnia have lol?? montains? pyramids? wood?

fuck all those resources, croatia, bosnia and serbia need innovative people who can invent new tech and patents.

we need more people like pic related, and not wars for land resources.. lol wtf is wrong with you serbia


screeeeech harder Smeagol

>your ugly women
top kek

just wait for whole europe to wake up and purge all your inbred moronic islamists for once, you'll get BTFO'd soon

e daj bre znaci ne smaraj vise
ali najozbiljnije

I hope i hear serb screeches when the bombing begins. Last time the were only sd Videos of the bombing im serbia.

Never seen an good looking serbian girl. They all look like crack whores here in germoney.

woods, timber, minerals, iron, steal, clean water, startegic position, tourism sking resources potentiall, comunication relays, agriculturall land most suited for wine industry...
>innovative people who can invent new tech and patents.
agree, you already got that Rimac electric supercar Guy
>we need more people like pic related, and not wars for land resources.. lol wtf is wrong with you serbia
4.4mil of croatians the 20% of YU didn't want to live inside YU, the war should never happened, you should have been granted independece ASAP
today 1.4mil serbians the 39% of bosnia doesn't want to live inside Bosnia and want to unite with the rest of the serbian people
what's wrong with that

we don't screeeeech
we fight, you islamized mongol
17 000 000 turkoraches vs 700 000 serbians and yet you lost your empire
i don't see anywhere here the ottoman empire
do you?
free kurdistan when?

>39% of bosnia doesn't want to live inside Bosnia and want to unite with the rest of the serbian people
>what's wrong with that
I don't know.. sounds like divide and conquer by politicians. Serbian political class wants more power.. and they don't even give a fuck if they start a new war.

There should be a war, against political class who are the parasites of society..

also, pic unrelated lol, its just criminal stats in germany by nationality lol

Last time i checked the ottoman Empire cucked serbian people for like 500 years. Thats why you look the same. All serbs are like 1/4 turks. It shows.

>Never seen an good looking serbian girl.
>Thats why you look the same. All serbs are like 1/4 turks.
>source: my kebab ass

i've seen much more of those statistics maps and we are not even close to the albanians
so not correct
>I don't know.. sounds like divide and conquer by politicians.
yes and no
as long as we're tied inside and troughout that failed state, we're risking the chance of internal struggles being exploited aggainst us troughout proxies
ITT if we don't solve trough peace bosnia, (((they))) will always use it to stir the shit between us
>There should be a war, against political class who are the parasites of society..
before that happenes we need to have resolved our etnographic and state affairs of bosnia or else it will be used aggainst us by the same politicians by divide and conquer tactics
IF WE partition the Bosnia appropriately, then theres no reason and opportunity for them to use divide and conquer tactics and pit us against eachother

>croats are 15% of population
>have same rights as bosniaks(50%) ,serbs (30%)
>basically a minority
>demand same rights as them and a third entity

kill yourselves EU bootlickers

still it doesn't exists
still it took you 154 years to conquer the land populated by the size of the average village
still your potato sack tier inteligent leaders needed to import Janisaries from all over Serbia because them being to dumb to lead the country
so in that way we KEKED you


there are literally millions of imported albanians today in turkey and who knows how much greeks, serbs and other balkanites

they cucked themselves lmao

what do you exactly mean by this?

Croats are a minority in bosnia and aren't entitled to shit

Can't we just, get along?

daily reminder
average Turk height is 174cm
average Albanian height is 174cm
average Serbian height is 182cm

average Serbian IQ is 97(adjusted without Kosovo Albanians results)
average Turkish IQ is 88
average Albanian IQ is 82

well, as far I know bosnia is pretty libertarian right now (low taxes, low regulations).

it's thriving right now (at least compared to the surrounding areas and even croatia) and I doubt your politicians could do better.

They (politicians) just want more political seats and government jobs. The average citizen wont get anything out of it.

>i've seen much more of those statistics maps and we are not even close to the albanians
you are pretty much in top 10 in every stat I know.. also its incredibly hard to find the homicide rates for germany by nationality.

found these sex offender stats on some random twitter.. seems like some censoring is going on.. or my google skills are shit

trebamo saveznike, a hrvati imaju celu zapadnu evropu iza sebe
glupo vise da se koljemo izmedju sebe
nemamo snage i resursa za realpolitiku
bolje 49% posto nego nista

I had a talk with my dad the other day about the war and his service in JNA during the 80s. And he told me about how arrogant the croats were and how they looked down on the other ethnicities and kept to themselves and how based the serbs were. Basically he got along the best with serbs and he felt sick and betrayed during the war because he always viewed serbia and serbs positively.

t.b.h bosnian war was very complex, many people don't know this since it's not talked about much but some conflicts in city of mostar and that general region between croats and bosniaks were much worse than those between serbs and the rest

Too ugly borders. But give us picrelated as well and you have a deal. Gotta expand the clay around Karlovac.


maybe if all the teenagers who go to zvezda and zeljeznicar football games and fail in school can be taught that all 3 are basically same

>you are pretty much in top 10 in every stat I know..
well you should know that most of "our" people who immigrate to germany and other european countries are fucking gypsies who identify themselves as serbs. fucking hell

look its the country that puts fags into military lol

What are you a pacifist?
You are going to be removed as well.

yeah, I ain't going to war for nikolić and vučić :-DDD


My city of birth (Zenica) was shelled exclusively by Croats so i imagine there was less animosity against Serbs i imagine. But the birth place of my grandparents (Modrica) was annexed into RS and most of the male members of the family were executed so yep, it was quite a complex war. (and we havent touched on babo and velika kladusa muslims yet)

its emberassing man.. all top stats go to muslim countries including Albania.. and serbia pops out among them.


Kebab needs to be removed, I agree, but teaming up with Kurwats to do it is retarded. They'll stab us in the back the first chance they get.

Dutch army spawn talking about betrayal.

lmao that image

>well, as far I know bosnia is pretty libertarian right now (low taxes, low regulations).
still is shit, you google skils are god, but your economic, not so much
you're forgeting about the isis and mujahedin training camps, mosques infestation, leftover jihadis, saudi arabia money for brainwashing and indoctrinating etc etc
internal divide and conquer on Dodik-Izetbegovi-which ever croatian politician
>it's thriving right now (at least compared to the surrounding areas and even croatia)
just NO on so manny levels
>you are pretty much in top 10 in every stat I know..
yes that can happened when you dont realize the consuquence of of international geopolitical shift (see fall of soviet union) and lose a main ally and go full retard invading and shit and then you got BTFO
and then they invade and bomb you (see albania)
you loose people, factories, property, land, everything
and now the Eu shock neo liberal doctrine destroying our economy(same as with your country, but on a smaller scale)
it would be a supprise if we weren't in the top ten
but still though not worse than albozergs

>that headline

What the sandwich fuck?

I am bosnian diaspora u dumb cunt. Don't you have a country to ruin?

That sucks man. My grandfather's house in Croatia was burned to the ground, luckily I didn't lose any close family memebers... maybe some distant cousin died in Krajina idk...
I know many of Sup Forumsacks try to be edgy on online imageboards but war is not something funny.

.. it's even more funny because its real.

"They declared a peace dividend and made a conscious effort to socialise their military – that includes the unionisation of their militaries, it includes open homosexuality. That led to a force that was ill-equipped to go to war," he said.

"The case in point that I'm referring to is when the Dutch were required to defend Srebrenica against the Serbs. The battalion was under-strength, poorly led, and the Serbs came into town, handcuffed the soldiers to the telephone poles, marched the Muslims off, and executed them. That was the largest massacre in Europe since world war two."

He added that the Dutch chief of staff had told him that having gay soldiers at Srebrenica had sapped morale and contributed to the disaster.





Please start spending more time learning english than going to zvezda matches ,it legitimately triggers me when people don't know the difference between lose and loose

Its always fun to see a Serb bitching


o v o

balkan switzerland when?

sure we can negotiate, im not expert,
just putins the memes into the minds
spreading the good message
just wanna know how all of you are feeling about and what are your expactations and wishes
the division is mostly based on the ethnicity criteria
that area is moslty populated by serbians as far as i know
we give you that, do we get sea port in exchange based on the economicall value and potentiall

I can already imagine scene kek.
Too bad they didn't tell us they are faggoots,those where the 90's so they would have probably had a hike with the Mussies.

i've said trought PEACE

You ain't negotiating over shit until you learn English,Miloš

then we must be on a maximum avarenes and alert
just don't give them the chance, and if they wanted they couldn't do much of a anything given that bosnian population(moslty serbian and croatian) is compact
still thoguht it would be so much more easier for all of us if we include them and partition the bosnia

>Serbs came into town
>handcuffed the soldiers to the telephone poles
>marched the Muslims off, and executed them

I bet those dutch faggots thought this was gonna be some sexual game with handcuffs. They probably had rape fantasies too lol

imagine if now a war broke out, with all those numales, women and faggots in armies in western european countries.

>negotiating with Croats requires knowing English

You're a special kind of retard, Alija.

>do Vukovar and countless other atrocities
>let's be friends, ko nas bre zavadi

Never. Fuck off with your divide conquer memes. Bosniaks and Croats fought together against genocidal Serbcucks in WW2 and in the 90s too and will again, if needed.

Pozdrav od Hrvata iz Mostara, picke cetnicke

Meh if we need a war somewhere it is Kosovo.

- as soon as bosniak 'WE WUZ BOSNJANI' realize that we could gain even more
- as soon as serbs 'MUH MATICA' realize we're not serbia nor will ever be
- as soon as croats 'BEST CROATS' realize the same two above mentioned things


bunch of stupid fucks that essentially care only about money, so we use national identity as super asset for status quo which is stupid and should be replaced with better jewing which is what i proposed earlier

>finansiranu od saudijske arabije, katara i kuvajta
>bukvalno isis nacije i jihad mentalitet
nece da se desi

the first time you negotiated in 1991 went really well and didnt backfire at all

t. tonibler

I wouldn't be surprised if civil wars broke out through European countries.

They take in millions of foreigners, yet the blue collar jobs are getting scarce. Once the money and gibsmedats run out, all hell will break loose..


Lel, literally MUH 6 GORILLION. What a pathetic cuck you are.

>moving goalposts

Did the syphilis you got from your goat fry your brain already?

>hehe srebrenica was great the professional soldiers really did show those unarmed civilians what kebab removal looks like
>no no srebrenice wasnt a genocide commited by serbs

pick 1 miloš

German autism ensues and they forget the teachings of Oto.
Sweden and Denmark lose all shit again.
Balts and Ukraine have a talk with Russia.

This isn't good though the eternal American will profit again selling weapons to all sides.

>Pozdrav od Hrvata iz Mostara, picke cetnicke
A da, šta ćemo sa time što je Mostar podeljen grad?

Bosnia having investments from 3 rich oil countries meanwhile Serbia begging for crumbs from russia (which we all know is poor and depressing and would get crushed by NATO in 3 days tops)

>hehe srebrenica was great the professional soldiers really did show those unarmed civilians what kebab removal looks like

>putting words into my mouth

Great job proving what a waste of oxygen you are, tbf.

>when terrorists hide their guns in the basement they magically become innocent civilians

>implying we were not ethnically cleansed from krajina after the war
>implying I can't invoke muh NDH and jasenovac now
pls :-)

it could happen.. but US might get fucked too with the polarisation SJW+niggers+muslims vs conservative white males lol

Also, when Ron Paul issues a warning, I listen