Border wall is a great idea. It's not like some sort of cutting edge wall defeating technology exists

Border wall is a great idea. It's not like some sort of cutting edge wall defeating technology exists.

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Tell that to Hillary. She also supported a fence.


you better have a huge ass ladder nigga

>Dirt poor village people living on $1 a day are going to be afford a steel ladder


cameras, microphones, patrols

you retards make me sick

>siege warfare

get the oil lads

Mexico gonna pay for that too? How many dollars a day do you hate Mexicans? Don't ever talk about the debt again if you blow billions on this bullshit.

Yes, that worked well in Israel and China

Good luck getting past the razer wire along the top.

I'm so glad we'll fund the auto-turrets.

How many dollars a day do we on illegals in the prison system, in the emergency room?

How about the Hispanic woman who came here with a zika virus ruined baby, and kept it so othat she could use it as an ancor

>CDC says it will cost 1-10 million through the childs development

Once Trump releases the "technology of tomorrow" we will have laser beams on the top of the wall that blast the invading beaners

>a great idea.
100 million dollar boondoggle.

While American infrastructure is in catastrophic downfall.

Atta boi Caesar Drumpf.

They don't have home depots in Mexico

From TexasDPS

"Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data

According to DHS status indicators, over 210,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and December 31, 2016. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 559,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 1,132 homicide charges; 66,687 assault charges; 16,304 burglary charges; 66,289 drug charges; 682 kidnapping charges; 39,689 theft charges; 43,723 obstructing police charges; 3,677 robbery charges; 5,903 sexual assault charges; and 8,375 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 139,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.

According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 251,000 convictions including 464 homicide convictions; 24,928 assault convictions; 7,919 burglary convictions; 32,818 drug convictions; 228 kidnapping convictions; 17,956 theft convictions; 21,480 obstructing police convictions; 1,861 robbery convictions; 2,674 sexual assault convictions; and 3,495 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 167,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."

we make the wall taller you fucking retard. a 20ft ladder can't climb a 30ft wall

Because guards wont see paco and his buddies climbing the wall you fucking retard.

A wall is fucking necessary unless you are one of the retards that believes the "illegals don't commit crimes hurrrrr durrrrrr"

It's gonna be Hillary-ous when trump cant build that expensive ass wall.

Source for that fairy tale, or is this hypothetical scary immigrant banter?

Mexico isn't going to pay out of their own pocket for the wall. Instead, it looks like American companies and Mexico will instead deal with import and export fees as high as 20% per item.

So, they can either stop importing/exporting stuff to Mexico, or pay for a wall.

whats preventing border patrol from just pushing this ladder over, successfully foiling their plan?

Why not use drones with hooks?
>patrol wall 24/7
>see shitskins trying to climb wooden ladder
>attach hook to upper part and drag away from wall
>see shitskins splat

hell it would be amazing training grounds for new operators

They walk a little bit and drop the ladder somewhere else.

You are trying to insult a leader by calling him Caesar. Caeser Augustus was one of the greatest men ever to live.

So just take a 30ft ladder ?

(Just shoot them on sight)

Heh, it works in Israel.

>build a ten foot wall
>"good luck getting over that, beaners!"
>beaners get eleven foot ladder
>put razor wire on top
>"good luck getting over that NOW, beaners!"
>beaners get twelve foot ladder

Yes, emotionally normal non /polfag Americans would love footage of border rent-a-cops gunning down women and children on the evening news.

Because if they cross over we get to shoot.

Not the same article, but if you want more info just search "Hondoruas woman zika virus baby florida etc etc CDC"

How can you put up a fence while a border agent dumps 5.56 into your chest?

Damn. If only some sort of invention existed that could take them out as they climbed uniformly over the wall...

The Israeli wall is a known ploy by the Jewish ladder industry

I'm writing you a prescription for Pfizer red pills

Take 50mg anally before each post

>American infrastructure is in catastrophic downfall.

The wall is not the only thing that he wants to do. He wants a infrastructure bill.

Can't drop the ladder if they are dead.

That jackals won't respond to this

>wall leans into mexico
OP the galactic faggot BTFO

> (OP)
>While American infrastructure is in catastrophic downfall.
That's why we need it my confused friend

how's he gonna pay for that, Drumpf-fag? make the inner-city chimps pay for it?

So you go into the seas with the aim to cross them or die trying, thereby automatically eliminating any obligation or responsibility of the whole world towards your death,
and yet you still expect sympathy if you die?

Come on now. Grow some logic. I know it's hard, but do try. Nobody in this world is responsible for the deaths of those willingly and courageously walking into them.

Women and children can go through legal channels.
Why would anyone cross illegally, unless they are criminals that would be arrested by ICE?

Maybe now they will be, obama admin made ICE "catch and release" illegals for all but murder, gotta get those rapists out to rape again!

Literally only edgy teens on /pol and child raping
stormfags want to massacre immigrants. Ya'll spout this sociopathic shit between loli fap sessions and then get worked up about "cultural degeneracy."

Sorry, NSA probe is up there already.

Us champagne socialists will suffice.

No one wants to massacre immigrants. Lots of people are victims of crime committed by illegal aliens. Stop conflating the two

Your kind believe that there are too many people on this planet, that abortion is a good thing,
and that women and children should not be discriminated against (sexism/ageism).

Seems like all of those issues are tackled at the same time by wiping out female and child criminals who opted for the illegal way when they could have chosen a legal one.

I don't see why you have to be so edgy with your insults and so mad. Are you compensating in some way?

All of the "just shoot them on sight" people in this thread are literally proposing that. Also, an ultra militarized superwall sounds a lot like what they had in Berlin, to keep people in (under the guise of protecting them.)

We have a solution for that.


>what are border agents?
this is as stupid as the people yesterday talking about mexicans swimming in the ocean here....coast guard

Walls work, here is a statistical proof

>pasta of john oliver


Based Hungary. God Bless Eastern Europe.

>shooting intruders is the same thing as a massacre

>All of the "just shoot them on sight" people in this thread are literally proposing that.

Illegals may only be shot as a response if they use violence to break through. Even then it is likely that non-lethal means will be tried first. If you think Trump will begin to mow down anyone who approaches the border Wall, then your brain is rotten by leftist propaganda.

>Also, an ultra militarized superwall sounds a lot like what they had in Berlin, to keep people in (under the guise of protecting them.)

Comparing a defensive border Wall to Berlin wall (a prison wall) is beyond idiotic and an insult to victims of communism.


Mexico isn't part of the United States. The legislation authorizing its construction passed in 2006. They've had 10 years to do their part in getting their own shit together and they haven't.

I'd rather we do what the law requires our govt to do, which is protect its citizens, over worrying about whether Mexico will be butt hurt.

And see above in thread-2,674 rape convictions in my state committed by illegals. That alone is too much. That's PC politics using US citizens as cannon fodder and it's disgusting that MSM doesn't report on it.

This. One petty crime is too much, let alone rape or murder

Pop your head over the wall and see what happens.

What a nice stepladder.

The worst part: "Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 167,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest."

66% were already in DHS database. They'd been arrested before. 66% of the crimes earlier in thread could have been prevented. It's the biggest example I've seen yet of the failure of the obama admin to protect US citizens and MSM doesn't give two shits. Wrong state and wrong political party I guess.

Tile the top of the wall in two foot sections. Beneath the tile is a big spring and a pressure sensor.

As soon as the tile feels the increased pressure when the ladder makes contact, the sensor releases the spring and flings the ladder off the wall.

You could even set an appropriate pressure threshold or timer to allow the ladder climber to be higher up when launched.

don't you mean a shitty step ladder? it has to be leaning on something or else it will fall down, real ladders stand on their own.