guess the country
Guess the country
Queens,New York ?
Germany or Sweden
Or foggy with a chance of UK
a war-torn country that produces nothing but doctors and engineers?
It sure as hell ain't Sweden
44 years divided by 5 = 8 years each
out in 4 for good behavior
Well it's definitely not Sweden since they haven't been whitewashed and got sentenced to 44 years
>not asian rape gang
Not UK
Yeah no.
Should be given the death penalty.
Maybe england? but the fact they were served justice makes me think US
Birmingham UK
Is it really rape though if a whore decides to go home with 5 shitskins?
I am sure she wanted to fuck one of them but ended up getting 4 other uglier ones
>when you hit randomize on the character creator
44 years? Not germany or sweden. They'd get a sentence of like 5 at most for durgging and gang raping girls. Sexual emergencies and all that.
But they are all ugly
Belgium 100%
UK, they actually get put in prison here. If this was Sweden or Germany there would be no images of them and they would be rewarded with 1 trillion Euros each and 50 white baby girls to rape.
Tower Hamlets
>That Milhouse looking jihaddy cunt
>jailed for 44 years
No they fucking weren't. Who the fuck counts total years over several people? I can't tell if the media is just incompetent or lying anymore. Lowest one got 18 months.
why are we tolled not to judge people on how they look when its an important survival instinct that we humans have?
If that's "44 years each," then it'd have to be America, because the rest of you are pussies who don't know how to clean up human garbage properly.
If it's cumulative, Sweden or the UK.
probably canada or UK
Sexual emergencies?
All shitskins are ugly but whores still sleep with them.
They get a special pass when they are brown because the judische propaganda
>Khan was jailed for 14 and a half years and Bourne 13 and a half years, while Kelly was handed a 10-year sentence.
>Woolcock was jailed for two years and Chaudhry was sentenced 18 months.
>sup bby u want sum drink and drukqs?
Australia ?
"The 20-year-old migrant, who had been taken to the Austrian swimming pool to be taught how to integrate into his new community, was found guilty of serious sexual assault and rape of a minor and was sentenced to six years in jail."
Wtf I hate Austria now.
UK i googled the title haha
thank you for doing OP's job.
I want to say sweden but the maximum sentence there is 20 years
It can't be Germany because they're a mixed race rape gang. Arabs and blacks don't really get along that well.
So by process of elimination, i'd guess France
>blonde, blue eyed white teenage girl
>get "wooed" online but the most ugly niggers and arabs ever
She went for money or drugs. White women are the most degenerate whores on the planet.
No way? I want to go to Sweden and murder and rape as many children as I can now. I'll be out in time to do it again after relaxing in their resort prison paid for by the mothers and fathers of those children I used for my own gratification.
Why are these headlines written like this? This is the second or third article with similar crimes that was written "plied them with drink and drugs", I know it is grammatically correct...but why not just say supplied or provided?
Any time a mudskin is with a white woman it's rape, regardless of circumstances.
Khan 14.5
Bourne 13.5
Kelly 10 year
Woolcock 2 years
Chaudhry 1.5 years
Sentenced for "attacking" two teenager
At least 6 other teenager and 5 of them under 16 where involved/targeted
>gangrape kids
>1.5 years
dbh I'm more concerned about whether or not the toll was fully paid
They look English to me.
>jailed for 44 years
Definitely couldn't be Sweden or Germany.
> """"""""""""drink"""""""""""" and """""""""""drugs"""""""""
The whores got what they deserved, fuck them. They are even worse than the sandniggers
Hey fucker, if you want them planes building you better stop with your cheek.
Don't forget about 22 days community service for raping qt 12 year old Swedish lolitas
"Plied" as in 'made willing"
Implying they were innocent angels and not degenerate sluts who were asking for it
I'm not sure if there've been any changes in the legal system (probably not since the Swedish government is naturally incompetent, no matter what party is in control) but i recall a life sentence being 20 years.
Keep in mind that Swedish prison is basically a hotel. The budget for a prisoner's meal is about 21sek/person. The budget for a school lunch is about 7sek/person
>getting "wooed" by those
Nothing of value was sullied
Paki lovers who never listen to the warnings get what they deserve, I grew up around some, believe me they are a waste of time and oxygen and the more they get raped the better because it just helps more people wake up.
Good. Lock them up.
>mfw the ''victims'' are fine and being showered with help instead of acid
perhaps this is nature's way of letting naive bitches know that, while they do enjoy certain rights, their rights aren't defended in real time
a classic example of justice coming late (in court after the fact) that's much worse than immediate justice (use of concealed carry weapons followed by acquittal in court)
>gypsynian calling anyone incompetent
>budget for a prisoner's meal is about 21sek/person
>budget for a school lunch is about 7sek/person
maybe cuz there's more schoolchildren than prisoners? this isn't america
Has to be some Eurozone shit hole. The mugshots even look digitally altered with some kind of fish eye lens effect to "protect the identity of the poor innocent gang members."
They all look deformed
With those looks I can sort of understand why.
why doesnt julian assange turn himself in, he could be out again raping young swedes in no time
Why are Pakistanis so fucked looking? Is it because of the inbreeding?
>>gypsynian calling anyone incompetent
>I'm going to make assumptions about people on the internet because i saw he's posting from gypsyland
You'd think my extensive knowledge about the Swedish prison system and their budget distribution would tip you off that i'm a Swede
But i guess it's my fault for expecting Czechs to have an IQ higher than room temperature
> guess the country
What's happening by citizen volition (or violation) is what was once done by top-down planning. A caste system is forming: with pale people at the top, and muds at the bottom. Smart muds will breed up into the whiter castes, stupid whites will breed down into the darker castes. Latin America, India, the Near East: these are all models of what all civilisations must become eventually.
Es geht weiter. Just as Rome created Europe, and was overshadowed by it, so Europe is being subsumed within the greater body of a Euraframerican civilisation, that it unwittingly seeded in the first days of the slave trade. Imagine a 1700's European witnessing twerking for the first time, and you'll realise that we're already quite far along in this process.
I would say Germany but the punishment seems way to harsh to be Germany.
Nope, there are no nigger in Turkey, only shitskins
PS: trips of truth. It's too late, nothing to do now boys, just get power and wealth and crush your swarthy enemies with your industrial and political might
Sweden tolerantgay libtards.
Sh'amir "12 Year old in my heart and in your pussy" Muhammad: Will lure you with deceptive age tricks before fiki fiki
UK or Germoney
Ho-lee fuck is that squidward bottom right?
I'm gonna have to go with Sweden, Steve!
oh no
now I have to sage and report you, reddit tard
Jamal "Take your wallet and white women" Ahmed: Makes your white women go insane and breed out chocolate milk babies while getting welfare
Wtf... those inbred faces.
Muhammad "Steal your weapon along with your chromosomes" Ahmed: Demands more welfare and tolerance, and then steals your chromosomes.
Happened in the UK from the dailymail
I recognize that shitty font anywhere.
>facebook rape gang
>probably had a group literally named "rape gang"
>nobody did anything about this
Tyrone "Wuz Kangz" Jaffiki: Won't do much, but might distract you by yelling barely legible "wez wuz kangz" lines in your face.
>nobody did anything about this
are you retarded? they were arrested and put in prison
the uk
the guy on the bottom right actually looks like a native born britcuck, i bet hes a mixed man
Is there still a country left in this world that's not riddled with raping niggers?
Why is UK always trying to compete with Sweden with these rape gangs?
Aieh "Ayy lmao" Lehmaos: Final boss of the group; can use telekinesis to take your white women/welfare/houses and control your countries with mystic runes. Avoid at all costs, can only be stopped by kek himself.
that must have sounded awfully funny in your head
something happened in the womb
after they raped people
>come to Sweden and rape the shit out of some gross Swede woman
>get 44 years in Swedish prison
>gibsmedats for life and they're much better off than in their home country
I'm jealous, if I go Breivik 2.0 can I go to Swedish prison or will I be extradited to the U.S.?
hmmm yes that's usually how the justice system works
it's the wrong way
an ideal justice system would drop all charges against those would-be victims after they'd unload supersonic lead on would-be rapists
Ladies and gentlemen, this looks like a prophecy. Kek has spoken. I'd he giving us a glimpse of the future? Praise kek.