Being lectured by Angela, he was likely only saying "Yes, mam, yes, I will do so, yes, mam, I will behave."
you wish
>No, Donald. You can't simply "ban refugees".
Poor Merkel having to deal with this dimwit.
yea Ive had to pretend to care about what female have to say too user
Quit trying to project your misery on us, Hans. Our leader isn't afraid of Merkel like the rest of you.
I think not old boy.
she's more likely making a deal with trump to send those muslims straight to germany
>omitted: trump reminds merkel who the real refugees will be when us leaves nato and germany for the russian horror
>you can't just ban refugees Donald
>that's were you're wrong kiddo
If you strive to self-destruct... just do it alone.
dude, he's POTUS. Merkel can't tell him shit.
"Mr. Trump, I am zorry for weesting yoar taim, I'll retreat to zhe cuckshed now"
>yes fraud, extra sauerkraut on that Frankenfurher
>...uh its furter
>I know what I said snorkel
Here's your (you) krautscum
All krauts should be slain and their clay divided amongst their neighbors. They've fucked Europe over five times
Can Merkel speak English?
>I have literally no idea what was happening, but I'm going to make something up to fit my narrative anyway because I'm a massive cuck
>"Mr. Trump, I am zorry for weesting yoar taim, I'll retreat to zhe cuckshed now"
Why don't you join her? :^)
>women in charge of national security
Pic related will be known forever more as a "merkel ball" as early as November this year for reasons that should be clear
She's not doing very well with this, is she? First freaking out because the white house wasn't bothering to keep them in the loop, now she calls to lecture the president. Tsk tsk.
merkel is our puppet witch whore, get over yourselves.
Why is there an unconnected HDD in there
video of Trump on the phone with Merkel:
But we just did, Kraut
roll for /k/
they can't help themselves, it's clearly in their blood to ruin things for everyone else
Get cucked stump
why not?
>implying anybody listens to Angela Kasner.
>Mr. Drumpf you have to take in refugees!
>You can't just ban refugees!
>You also must recognize Holocaust memorial day!
>You can't build a wall either!
>You need to take in 900,000 muslim men
seriously? are you fresh from the_donald or what?
He hates her. Propably is hoping for someone else to deal with eventhough that won't happen since it's Schulz or her again it seems.
I hate my country.
>I hold a PhD in physical chemistry.
>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
Iam impressed.
>tfw drumpf will take away your refugee bf
Seriously, Russia needs to reburn Berlin.
Rollin for >>/fit/
I'm not a member of the Swiss government, but they will join her in no time, I guarantee.
Really OP? You see how the man speaks to people in public, don't you?
You think he'd be MORE polite in private?
How does that make any sense?
roll for /qa/
I'm fresh from your mom's pussy
She's scared shitless just like the rest of the left.
its only been two weeks and his hair has already went from blond to paleish grey
Reroll QA
I'm surprised he actually talked to that bitch. She's clearly an enemy to white people.
Does merkel have an army?
If you're getting mugged try giving the mugger a lesson in morals.
Sup Forums
send it to Sup Forums
the bomb stays on Sup Forums
roll for /qa/
rollan for /ck/
And then he did anyway. No one gives a fuck about what your libshit kraut thinks Hans.
not THAT Donald, Hans
roll for /po/
now I shall trigger it
if not, it stays
Those government secrets are no joke son.
you've got to go back, you uneducated swine. stop shitting up our board with your ape tier questions, anyone who even has a vague interest in geo-politics knows that most world leaders can speak english fluently, especially ones in europe, you fucking moron.
Ok, your digits undid his digits, but now we need to roll again to see where the bomb will actually go.
SEND IT TO Sup Forums!!!
Better not let her see that flag boy
>No one gives a fuck about what your libshit kraut thinks Hans.
Implying he wasn't LITERALLY SHAKING.
Pic related, it's Trump after the phone call.
t. ahmed ibn al muhibd hijadeen faraq tihad
>an real German
>implying Merkel has any authority over Trump
Only in your Islamic dreams. The reality is that Merkel fears Trump, even going so far as to avoid the World Economic Forum, because like most Germans, she is a coward:
>German Chancellor Angela Merkel is steering clear of the World Economic Forum in Davos, a meeting expected to be dominated by debate over the looming presidency of Donald Trump and rising public anger with elites and globalization.
>One European official suggested that the prospect of having to address questions about Trump days before he enters the White House might also have dissuaded Merkel, whose politics is at odds with the president-elect on a broad range of issues, from immigration and trade, to Russia and climate change.
>During the U.S. election campaign, Trump described Merkel's refugee policies as "insane".
Doubly checked. Day of the scissors begins now.
President Trump will make that commie bitch bend the knee.
Fuck liberal Europe and its guilt over the holocaust.
nay, it shall detonate!
send it to /po/
Hope it can wait a few months before detonating.
Guess Trumps IQ
>D...donald please stop making America great again
you wish it you cuck don't you?
>i know about atomic orbitals and shit that definitely qualifies me to run a country
*runs country into ground*
SCIENCEfags need to be gassed
I hope Trump leaks some incrimating things about Merkel before the elections.
But than, after Merkel being responsible for importing terrorism, mass rape and wasting billions for rapefugees, what could the NSA possibly have that is more damning?
Fuck Everyone.
>most world leaders can speak english fluently
She can't, and she has a terrible accent.
Nice, very impressive, but you need triples to detonate, and it has already been sent to the papercrafters. You have been foiled.
care to explain how the teutons fucked Europe?
I thought people said that the average German isn't actually a cuck
You are smug about being cucked?
/mlp/ begone!
germans are really cucked about this
lets blow this bitch up, if not, goes to /po/
t. Tanned german
>refugee convention
you have to let in anyone who shows up like germany? lol go fuck yourself