*sips tea*

*sips tea*

Other urls found in this thread:


>Muh economy increased

Fix'd when Bush was leaving. Will crash again because interest rates will go back up under Trump and it will be blamed on him. Career level jobs were destroyed and replaced with service industry bullshit and the workforce participation rate is literally the lowest it has ever been in the history of the USA.

>Ended two wars

Never ended one. Pulled the troops out of Iraq despite literally 100% of the military telling him it was a stupid idea and would lead to a rise in a fringe group of extremists to take place. Lead to the rise of ISIS.

>Cut the deficit by two-thirds

And tripled the fucking debt.

>I got Bin Laden

Suuuuure you did.


salty rethuglican detected

Name one thing that Obama did to save the economy.
It was actually George Bush who saved it with the work he did before he left office.

>tripled the stock market
yeah coming of a recession

>ended two wars
and started three, not to mention the terrorist funding

>brought gas down to 2.75
how does the president have anything to do with this?

>I got bin laden

Ya cause we can always trust a random quote without proper sourcing.

You poor poor user. You actually believe all of the tripe Fox "news" is feeding you? You should probably try to look these things up for yourself. That stupid meme post is mostly correct.

>unemployment goes down
>LFPR goes up
>real wages go down

hmm... really stimulates those neocortical synapses


t. Ahmed al-Cocksuckeri

Literally responsible for 1 of those (bin laden )

>salty rethuglican

Well, seeing as how "rethuglicans" control all 3 branches of the government, I'd say it's you niggers who are salty. ;^)

Yeah and labor force participation rate dropped 4%. Lowest GDP growth ever and grew the debt by more than all presidents before him

he had the worst recovery after a recesion even worst than the fucking 1929 economic Crisis, your lucky he didnt ruin the country even more

>cut the uninsured rate in half

By doubling/tripling the monthly premium payments of those were already insured, and then taxing people the full Obamacare™ penalty for being uninsured for ONE FUCKING BIWEEKLY PAYMENT out of 24. That's right, get paystub with no insurance literally one fucking time and they charge you the whole 1.5%/2%/2.5%/4% for 2014/2015/2016/2017.

Fun fact, some companies got cucked so hard by their insurance options that it's literally cheaper for their employees ($40k-$70k salary range) to just pay the fucking penalty than buy insurance. Can't healthcare.gov™ because that's only for poor people. THANKS OBAMA.

Wasn't the hunt for Bin Laden started with Bush? It seems like Obama just happened to be president when Bush's operation achieved results.

its funny that they say he increased people under health insurance when its illigal not to have it

Literally only one that happened in real life was bin Laden.

The marines who were bored over the playstation network being down got bin laden. Obama just took credit for doing nothing. Again.

If you look at what Obama did just before he left office. He gave NSA the goahead to buttrape every American citizen without a trial by jury.



Such a hero of the people, huh?

Don't forget all the shit he pulled before leaving office.
Fucking monkey even put his fucking shoes on the desk in the oval office!

If you did so good to everyone then why did you lost the elections?

fuck i remember that, what reward did you get from sony? i got infamous i think, that or little big planet

>most debt
>most children killed with drones
>more nigger imprisoned
why highlight his bad accomplishments instead of these awesome ones

That took him 6 years? Look at what Trumop has done in less than 2 weeks. Niggers really are lazy

>responsible for catching Osama and ending two wars

Where did this spicy meme come from?

I can't remember. Was too busy drinking and laughing how South Park was ominously foretelling in Osama's death like with Jared's pedophillia.

Brave, bored men kill a worldwide criminal, and some oreo monkey takes the credit while they are rarely mentioned.

>i tripled the stock market

now we have 3 stock markets


Shit, Trump's going to have nothing left to do by his first month at this rate.

i read an autobiography of one of the SEALs who killed bin laden (probably a cash grab looking back, but it was a decent book, No Easy Days i think it was called), and it had a bit in it where the author admitted obama used them for political gain, promised them an invite to a presidential dinner, then dropped the invitation to the dinner after a convenient photo shoot and never contacted them again.

thank god king nigger is gone.

>tripled the stock market
created a new bubble that will inevitably burst again

>cut unemployment in half
with shitty low-paying jobs while continuing to destroy the middle class

>ended two wars
and started five or six terrorist rebellions

>brought gas down
undercutting to reestablish the petrodollar monopoly so the saudis can price fix again

>cut the deficit
and sent debt through the roof

>got bin laden
gave the green light to an operation that had been going on since the bush administration

Hey, remember that time Obama repealed the law prohibiting the government from waging misinformation campaigns against its own citizens? Good times.

1: Obama has issued drone strikes to bomb 7 nations simultaneously.

and the Gaza Strip in Israel.

In the process the membership of terrorist cells has gone up across the Middle East due to outrage over the drone strikes.

2: Obama also tried to start a war with Syria and was made to look like a fool by the Russians and covertly sent military hardware to Syrian rebels who later became ISIS.

3: The Department of Justice gave military hardware to Mexican drug cartels under operation Fast and Furious. Attorney General Holder still has his job.

4: He gave hundreds of billions of dollars to the banks just like Bush did.

5: Obamacare is an utter failure that does nothing to drive down the absurd prices set by the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry which is frequently 10 times the price charged to Canadians for the exact same drugs and procedures. That's why the Pharmaceutical industry spent over $500 million dollars on advertisements supporting its passage.

6: The IRS was actively involved in rigging elections by disproportionately auditing conservative groups. The 3 year on going investigation into this behavior was covered up until after Obama's reelection and then the head of the IRS plead the 5th and resigned. The President considers the issue resolved.

7: A trillion dollars blown on a stimulus package that failed to stimulate.

8: Over 18 trillion dollars in debt and he continues to increase spending willfully ignoring the European debt crisis.

9: The NSA is spying on everyone and Obama supports it despite campaigning to repeal the Patriot Act. The heads of the NSA (Alexander and Clapper) both lied to Congress, the American people, and the courts set up to oversee them and they both kept their jobs.

10+: NDAA, GITMO, Bengazi, etc...

>accumulated more debt than all other US presidents combined
>fucked up fulltime manufacturing jobs, replaced them with part time sevice shit
>started an unprecedented amount of wars, bombing operations, regime changes, started isis, funded isis, prolonged the syrian war as long as possible
>unprecedented spying on citizens
>unaffordable healthcare doubling in cost yearly
>giving the internet over to the UN
>race relations at all time low
>wasted time and taxpayer miney on golfing
>tried to stat WW3 with Russia
>lied about what he accomplished
>is bin laden
>not even american

nice argument

He probably had a good reason. Even if he didn't give a fuck about their contribution he would still be worried about the PR.


and? i really don't have too many complaints about Obama.

he was decent. Trump voter btw.

>doubled the debt in 8 years

still pisses me off though, you have an entire governmental agency dedicated to feeding you and your family, but you can't get them to whip up 10 extra plates of food for some guys who nearly died for your country?

This animal didn't prosecute the international bankers. Their business model was fraud so O gave them 16 trillion, or even more that we don't know about.

one of these is not like the others

Die in a ditch, facedown


>the phone call that saved Western Civilization


WASHINGTON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's King Salman, in a phone call on Sunday with U.S. President Donald Trump, agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, a White House statement said.

Trump, during his presidential campaign last year, had called for Gulf states to pay for establishing safe zones to protect Syrian refugees.

A statement after their phone call said the two leaders agreed on the importance of strengthening joint efforts to fight the spread of Islamic State militants.

"The president requested and the King agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen, as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts," the statement said.

They also agreed on the need to address "Iran's destabilizing regional activities," the statement said.

It said the two also discussed what it called an invitation from the king for Trump "to lead a Middle East effort to defeat terrorism and to help build a new future, economically and socially," for Saudi Arabia and the region.


its funny when obama is credited with the fag marriage rights when it was the supreme court who passed the law; obama, from day one, was totally against fag marriage but he is paraded around like an lgbt icon by the liberals. disgusting.

>cut uninsured rate in half
By making it illegal to not have health insurance

*sips tea*