Trumpets will defend this.
inb4 f-f-f-f-fake news!!
Trumpets will defend this.
inb4 f-f-f-f-fake news!!
Saudi Arabia wasn't home for 15 of the hijackers, it was where they were born. Not where they all made residence.
Read the actual EO and the background of it, then fuck off back to r.eddit
>Trumpets will defend this.
>inb4 f-f-f-f-fake news!!
really makes me want to look at the image
They should be banned. Hopefully once he starts a trade war with those camel fuckers he will be able to.
It's pissing off faggots. It's doing as intended.
Ok then ban all of them, would that make you fell better?
i dont disagree. ban shouldve been broader and people like you should be shot
Six of those countries were on a list which was passed by Obama, to order greater scrutiny on visa applications. Trump merely took those recommendations and put an overall ban on them (for only 90 days).
Syria is the only one that Trump actually picked himself and mentioned by name in his executive order.
So, if anything, Trumpfags should be sucking Obama's half-white cock while the SJWs should be calling to lynch him KKK-style.
>tfw liberals are so retarded they now can only argue that Trump didn't ban ENOUGH Muslims
Fake news is fake. Even fucking plebbit is in on it. Executive orders only reinforce to the government how to enforce existing laws. Can't say I'm surprised the 15 year olds on alt-right tumblr don't get that.
Oh, so he didn't even think about it? Just blindly followed the narrative of "Saudi Arabia dindunuffin", despite funding and training extremist salafist terrorists?
Why do you think Trump is so eager to suck the cock of the Saudis? Could it have something to do with the entire US economy being bound up to petrodollars?
I support many of Trump's other stances
But Kek dammit, he needs to get his business out of the government
Otherwise, we can say that he lied about "taking the money out of Washington"
How about you quit bitching and let him run things?
>he needs to get his business out of the government
>egypt, saudi arabia, turkey
Maybe it's because we have friendly relations with them and there aren't currently any wars going on in their country.
You haven't made an argument. He's enforcing laws that already existed and added Syria to the list because it's well known by now that many people pretend to be from Syria when they are not. We need to vet these people. Put down the tin-foil, libtard
The list was made by Barry himself
>HURR, don't question daddy Trump he is literally infallibe, quit thinking
Don't do that, you reinforce the fucked up and retarded leftist narrative that Trump supporters are fascist, hivemind drones.
Tell me, honestly, why do you think he didn't include Saudi Arabia on the travel ban? Why do you think he's eager to appease the Saudis?
isn't it possible they put this into play to give the US some leverage against ISIL and has nothing to do with exploitation for profit?
I'm not going to make an argument, more of a statement:
The US is the most cucked nation on earth.
Trump is sucking the cock of the Saudis. Americans are cucked beyond belief. The main reason why the US is anti-Iran is because Iran are rivals to Saudia Arabia, the former being Shia and the latter being Sunni. America is also sucking the sandy, circumcised and goat-rectum tasting cock of Saudi Arabia in that they don't lift a fucking finger to stop Saudi Arabia funding and training extremist salafist terror organisations.
Why is the US so keen to suck the dirty sandcock? Because the entire US economy is tied intricately to the petrodollar, and thus, can be crashed with no survivors by the inbred, goatfucking Saudi royal family. Hence also why the US has also been fighting the wars of their overlords, despite the fact that the Saudis are funding the enemies of the west.
Truly, americans are the biggest faggot cucks of all recorded human history, and nothing is going to change about that, as long as their economy lives or dies at the say of the Sauds. Trump sure as shit doesn't seem to want to change it.
I don't really get what the shills accomplish by coming here and posting this. You deliberately go the an anonymous origami folding forum which is the most radical of them all basically and think anyone here cares about muslims.
If 10 nukes go off somewhere in south america, africa, middle east or china... you think anyone here cares? Well ok only for china maybe because they have nukes too.
Thus proving the order is CLEARLY not due to religious bigotry.
Which is the whiny ass reason faggot lefties claim is why the disagree with the order.
>Hillary takes a quarter of her campaign funding from Saudis
>she was privy to information that proved the connection of the Saudi government to the 9-11 attack
>trump was a private business man
>left his company after taking office despite not needing to
>doing business with those countries is bad now but not before
I want these people to fuck off with this blind hypocrisy.
>bans fascist (caliphate), women hating, diversity hating pigs
>left wing retards hate him for it
The countries chosen for the travel were based on a list drawn up by the Department of Homeland six years ago. So unless they were planning a Trump presidency, this has nothing to do with Trump making a profit.
He should ban Nigerians too
*for the travel ban
No. Obama also picked Syria.
Iran Iraq Sudan Syria:
Libya Somalia Yemen:
At least he's banning some countries, he did say he was gonna ban more countries later too.
>Liberals want trump to ban even more Muslims
list of those 7 countries was developed under obama
go away David Brock
That means there is not a muslim ban
This is good because it's redpilling people about Saudi Arabia being behind 9/11
I'm for him I was trying to find out who created these policies originally (ty for answering my question)
It's not blind projection. It's intentional. Did manage to change the narrative so that if you even bring up Hillary's connections they can say "yeah but Trump did it too!".
Because owning a hotel and taking millions in direct campaign funds are equivalent.
The countries with a far higher Islamic terror risk are obviously Pakistan, Russia and the Saudis. The banned countries are very high risk but no reward, either financially or through strategic cooperation.
The countries he does business with are some of the highest Islamic terror risk. He is not banning their people coming over because it would cost the US and it would cost him when they nationalised his golf courses.
>Call it a "Muslim ban"
>Doesn't even ban Muslim countries
Are Liberals retarded?
Where was all this hate for Saudis when their bought and sold candidate, Hitlery, was campaigning?
>Iran, Syria
Where ISIS is based
>Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan
Shitholes with no real government.
Why would Egyptians be banned when Egypt is an ally?
Another ally, and anyway it's coming don't worry
NATO member, ally.
Libtards are fucking insane.
>The countries he does business with are some of the highest Islamic terror risk.
The countries he's banning are from a list Obama compiled.
Shouldn't the response to this by the right just be "yes, add saudi arabia." Im failing to see the liberal advantage to making this argument.
Thank you for the high level of discourse.
Tell me, is there any way to distinguish between the taste of camel rectum and goat rectum on the Saudi cocks going down your gullet?
I have this propaganda shit. They even highlight the key thoughts you're supposed to think from now on. There is no fucking news anymore, just thoughts for you to absorb. So you read something like "TRUMP IS A DICK". Whoa. Didn't see that coming!
It's a fucking mind abuse. It should be a criminal offence! With surname change to DICKHEAD for a punishment.
>The countries he's banning are from a list Obama compiled.
Why is that relevant? Obama is no longer in office.
If Trump is suggesting that he is banning entry from those countries for security reasons, then Pakistan and Russia have to get restricted. France and Belgium also.
The bottom line is that these banned countries are full of dangerous people, but no more so than a lot of places. Their real common factors are economic and strategic belligerence or irrelevance and the absence of Trump business interests.
Trumpets don't have to. Those are the same 7 countries that the Obama administration singled out before him; he's just using their template. Fuck off if you're not going to do basic research on the opposition.
t. Bernie Supporter.
move aside Israel, we have a new greatest ally
>Getting liberals to loudly shriek that Saudis were responsible for 9/11 after years of never speaking ill of any Muslim
>Being able to say, "oh yeah, Saudis can't come either" literally whenever the fuck you feel like
>Why is that relevant? Obama is no longer in office.
they are countries of concern obama has noted, he's only been in office nine days he's going to go off intelligence gathered from the past 8 years
county of mild concern, also an ally
country of very mild concern, likely to be one of none sone
not a country of concern, also an ally
not a country of concern, also an ally
>Being able to say, "oh yeah, Saudis can't come either" literally whenever the fuck you feel like
Except for the fact that the petrodollar is tied so closely to the entire us economy that the Saudis have your balls in a vice, which is why America has done jack shit to fight Saudi funding of salafist extremists fighting against US interests :^)
I like how this is the first time norms gave a fuck about Saudi Arabian involvement with 9/11, somehow forgetting how this I shit has been known to the gubmint since 12th Sept 2001..