>french will defend this
French will defend this
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The French dont defend anything. They just surrender.
>muh duh french are cowards
t. american intellectuals
It would be more accurate if you put the French flag on the chicken and killed more of the commies.
Spotted the frenchman.
You should wash your flag, it's all bloody n shit.
hey Vichy
you guys finish that Maginot Defense yet
>a bigger threat than japan
wew lads
>poland comes to the defense of france in regards to their performance in WWII
If only your countrymen were so eager to do that in the same war.
I mean you both are part of the fortnight club...
Japan wasn't a threat, just because your shithole nation spent the entire war trying to beat them doesn't mean they were worth a damn. No one cared about Japan outside of the US.
That's actually accurate
Anyone remember the one where they surrender to Prussia without fighting?
>literally cause Japanese Imperialism by building them a fleet and then screwing them over in the League of Nations
>pretend the largest naval war in human history wasn't a big deal just to deflect from fuckup
tell that to the rest of asia
We only cared because Pearl Harbor and because it gave us a chance to try out the A-Bombs. Now I love Japan and they are the greatest ally in East Asia.
why is there mexican flag lol. american did this?
All the niggers and portoricansyou sent us are still buried in the Appennines,somewhere among the old Oak forests.
Also,RSI fought your kind as well and weall know how you wage war
Nothing anyone else did in the war mattered.
The Soviets, British, Chinese etc. would have lost without the Americans, and without any of their allies, the Americans would still have been able to invent the nuclear bomb and impose whatever resolution they saw fit.
Even french women hate french men
>moors invade and they fuck em like crazy
>nazis invade and it becomes trendy to have Hans bf
>it is now literally more common to see a french woman with a foreigner than a french man in southern france, dont know about the north
Must be a good place to be Tyrone
>Brits aren't a swarm of pterodactyls
Learn your history
> Russians in charge of zerg rushing
Look's like somebody forgot what a huge swath of asia the japs conquered
>italy bigger than japan
Learn some history you buck toothed tea sipping faggot. Japan was raping and pillaging its way across most of Asia and would have kept going.
The only thing that stopped them was Americans in the Pacific theater and finally, once Germany gave up, the threat of Russia marching across Manchuria and continuing on to relieve Japan of a few islands they were able to keep by surrendering to the US.
The atomic bombs were completely
unnecessary and a black mark on the US' history. They were an obvious show of strength to the rest of the world, namely Russia, but tbqh the Japs were acting like God damned savages and deserved all the suffering they could get at that point. What they did in China and the cruelty imparted upon foreign prisoners and subjects was beyond anything Hitler ever conceived of doing.
1904, the Japanese Navy sent the Russian Navy to the bottom of the sea.
See the Battle of Chemulpo Bay
Japs were savages and good conquerors, some of these countries would have been better under rule of Empire of Japan.
Holly shit m8!
I keked harder than I thought is possible...
to be completely fair all Japan did was swim over and shoot a bunch of primitives.
They easily took your colonies.
It's the flag of fascist Italy you dunce
There were no dinosaurs in ww2 or ever you spastic, they're a trick by the foul Jews to stop people believing in Christ our saviour.
Go read Genesis
Get fucked you curry cunt
A south Asian and a weeaboo you must be a devil with the ladies
Without straya you all would've been fucked we were the stop gap until the burgers came we are the best soldiers youse are all fags.
all that does is confirm that Pinoys are fucking shithouse, desu
that's partially wrong.
Other than Singapore which I admit didn't go to well (although this was because of cowardly leadership.) we held out for the entire war defending burma and Australia despite being surprised attacked and fighting a militant nation half way across the world with a sliver of our full army.
No one ever thanks you guys..
Eurofags would be speaking german if it wasnt for America
how am I supposed to know if the Resistance actually had any impact on the outcome of the war ?
I cant help but feel like our govt just exaggerates everything in history books
I don't that's accurate...btw in the end the rooster won alongside his dinosaurs friends
>1 post by this ID
Germany could never have defeated us though. Besides if anyone saved europe it was the Soviets.
They would've taken London if they didnt have to mobilize against the soviets
Wait, mexico was for Axis?
>a threat to anyone but China
>not even noticing Italy is almost out of the picture
they can be our friends
and be weak
at the same time
Sure were a lot of powerful militaries in those strong unified countries they took over.
good to hear france had 9 good men, finland had one guy kill over 500
>a threat to anyone but China
As well as much of Oceania and Australia
There was legitimate concern from both British and Australian leaders that Japan could invade Australia if left unchecked
U.S. involvement in the European theater is largely over rated, but we did do most of the work in the pacific
what can i say..sucess breeds jealousy
lel they had napoleon, best man since Hannibal ATT
>Ukrainian Intellectuals
They didn't save a god damn thing, only destroyed it and sold half the continent into communism. It would have been better for Europe if the Axis had won.
Has your country ever won a 100 years war ?
If you count Scotland then yes
We won this war against you, Anglo.
You can fuck right off, think of God damn Changi POW camp. You forget that Brits were in those Asian Colonies.
I am Scottish not an Anglo, you know the belligerent against England.
>The atomic bombs were completely unnecessary and a black mark on the US' history.
Boo hoo a few dead gooks. The bombs ended an already costly war and saved untold numbers of lives, both American and Japanese, by preventing a ground war on the mainland that would have almost certainly resulted in the complete destruction of Japan as a nation.
Well they might have if they weren't tooled for a different type of war, but that's beside the point.
>Russian Navy
That's not an achievement considering Russia is autistic when it comes to Navies.
Correct, the British did some fighting in Asia. If you're trying to argue that it had anywhere even slightly near the impact the American fighting, particularly the naval battles and capturing of Islands on the way to Japan than you are out of your mind.
Also, what does that have to do with my comment or the comment I was responding to, which was
>Japan wasn't a threat, just because your shithole nation spent the entire war trying to beat them doesn't mean they were worth a damn. No one cared about Japan outside of the US.
Oh you mean the soviets that US gave lend-lease to? The soviets that rode around in American equipment?
Did you miss where I continued on with
>but tbqh the Japs were acting like God damned savages and deserved all the suffering they could get at that point.
Also, contrary to popular belief, the Japs did not surrender because of the bombs. We had done more damage to other cities with conventional bombing. They were prepared to surrender previous to the bombs dropping due to the Russian advance through Manchuria. They were holding off on that as long as possible, but the Russian threat, that would have removed ownership of key islands that they could keep if they surrendered to the US is what made them finally resign to their fate.
The whole "they surrendered because of the nukes" was a line sold to the US public to avoid backlash over the use of those weapons, which was a tactic to intimidate Russia and the rest of the world from further hostilities and land grabs.
I'm not one to point fingers nor do I have sympathy for Japan, they reaped what they sowed.
>implying americans and not germans and jews invented the nukes
I mean Russia sent a few thousand troops and btfo millions of Jap niggers.
pls be a troll, otherwise we'll have to annex you again.
a favorite meme of the left
>heh im gonna use an edgy joker meem heh
>this bro
how's that asperger's-fueled drive to practice parkour going?
>this entire post
>reaction images are edgy
>"this" is bad and no one on Sup Forums should do it
When the fuck did you get here? Yesterday?
Reaction images mean nothing beyond the demeanor they communicate and you are the only person on Sup Forums who has a problem with "this".
>the lend-lease program
>muhammad doesn't understand that i wasn't disputing reality
>just pointing out the context of perpetually lionizing anything contrary or subversive at the expense of the dignity of their own country
when did YOU get here?
insulting your fellow posters is a Sup Forums pastime, go back to le_donald faggot
we don't serve your kind
how about you do something for the dignity of your country and stop to shitpost you underage faggot. your posts are cancer:
>haha, it doesn't matter what I said was stupid because I am just using an insult, haha
>when did YOU get here?
2007, September or October
>''hey guys, let's mock the most powerful european country that have been through a thousand wars and remind its people of this one last disastrous war''
Sure is great to be an american with an overly big country with no identity and piss on europeans
Why are americans so fucking puerile, it's always ''muh murica'', just fuck you, 60%
I like how the British t rex has a hat
you burgers have the chance to be separated from germany by a whole ocean
>the most powerful european country
which is Germany right now.
French foreign legion i bet
That's literally Italy.
You're retarded
Damn right. Fucking yanks took our east indies and look at them now. Glorious nippon folded shinto disriprin would at least have kept them in check.
don't you have something to shoot or bomb, achmed?
i've played Sup Forums longer than i've played runescape, which i started playing in november 2004
what i said wasn't stupid and i never tried to downplay it, i stand behind what i said
if you're posting joke reaction memes you're a fucking zip
if you have to "EXPLAIN" reaction images to someone, you take yourself too seriously
We'd be talking Russian you dumb shit.
>Nazis, Nips, Yanks and Ruskies try to conquer world
>Yanks succeed in hijacking the Nazi objective and colonize the entire world by building military bases everywhere and keeping them forever
that's jokeR
>9 Prisoners
Still surrendered. Look up the Alamo. Thats how a last stand works.