Did we fuck up

>riots everywhere
>protest from the left left and right
>Rallies in NYC where people are now starting to shout "Refugees are welcome here"
>Canada getting ballsy trying to start conflict with us. The fucking leafs man
>China admitting that war with US is likely
>California will break apart soon
>Civil unrest within the country
>everyones going apeshit
>other countries barring U.S citizens from going to their lands
>Isreal sucking our dick and we sucking their dick more than ever before

All because we meme'd trump into office. Maybe we were the bad guys this time. I just got a bad feeling. Maybe we should have betrayed kek's will and gone with Bernie...

Other urls found in this thread:



>riots everywhere

Centers of shitlibery. Nothing to worry about, friend. This will all blow over.


I know, I'll pretend to be one of them, emotionally suggest that they are failures (despite the most successful first week in presidential history), and then repost the same damn thread eight times.

You're in on it too, jew. I know you guys are pulling the strings. What's your end-game?

It will all blow over when he gets impeached and we become new germanistan. That is where we are headed.

Yes, let's let crybabies run the civilized world.

>riots everywhere

Because TPTB still has a death grip over the majority of the earth's population. As much as people are waking up, many more still take CNN/MSNBC/WaPo, Celebrities and the like as gospel. A large portion of the population has literally been brainwashed to hate Trump no matter what. You could show them a video of him curing cancer and they would still call for him to be assassinated. They are beyond helping. Things will get messy before they get better, assuming he can stay alive for at least 4 years.

As an user once said on here, "If a president ever wants to unfuck this country, he's going to have to do it from a bunker."

The people that own our government and countless others don't like getting beat at their own game. They flip over the table before that happens which is what you are seeing now.

I voted for trump and have supported him since day 1 just like the rest of you. I've been in all the kek worship threads praying for the god emperors success.

But now it just seems.. JUST. Why exactly did we want him again? To become friends with Putin? How did we not take into account the consequences we would face? Is this REALLY better than what would have happened with Hilary? Is war with China better than war with Russia?

America found it's balls again and the rest of the world doesn't know what the fuck to do. It's wonderful.

All of this needs to happen. The divides within our country are more likely than not too deep to be mended peacefully at this point and further cowtowing to the ideology of leftists, which only undermine and subvert the fabric and ideals of free western society is a death sentence. The longer we contine in the current frame, the less likely those in the right (i.e. those who see to uphold the institutions which maintain secular liberty) are to lose. Bloodshed will happen at some point in our lifetimes, that is my prediction. And I don't say this as some /k/ race war LARPer, but as an average joe who just wants to live peacefully looking pragmatically at the country and world around him. Even though I will not kill, even though I am likely to die, those who fight for secular liberty are in the right and I would rather a world burn sooner for a greater chance at preserving those ideals for some of those in future generations than for the slow march of engineered globalist despotism to continue.

>Did we fuck up

No. This is exactly what we wanted.

Chaos for the CHAOS GOD KEK

memes and happenings for the lulz.

>riots everywhere
Shills pushed over some trash cans. Disrespect surroundings, acquire money.
>protest from the left left and right
Women menstruating hard and cucks mad wife fucks bull.
>Rallies in NYC where people are now starting to shout "Refugees are welcome here"
Some people want to watch the world be gangraped.
>Canada getting ballsy trying to start conflict with us. The fucking leafs man
Turdeau pandering. He's butthurt Trumps probably fucken his wife and didn't let him slob on his cob to clean up.
>China admitting that war with US is likely
Listening to the actual communists. Kek.
>California will break apart soon
>Civil unrest within the country
See points 1 and 2.
>everyones going apeshit
Is the Hillbot stuck in a loop?
>other countries barring U.S citizens from going to their lands
1 country no one gives a shit about is made they can't below people up anymore.
>Isreal sucking our dick and we sucking their dick more than ever before
OP trying to shill his fanfic.

Ctr is here

>Wants to revamp immigration system to ensure American safety
>Logically proposes to stop immigration from hot zones to until new plan is rolled out
>Does so

I don't care if a bunch of people without jobs are rioting about how we should allow more people without jobs into the country. As for Canada, they can go ahead and welcome the people without jobs. And their currency will become even more worthless when doing so.

>Is war with China better than war with Russia?
Yes. A war with china would result in a much more favorable outcome than a war with russia.

Yes, you did.

"You", meaning dishonest liberal crybullies. You are not fooling anyone.

>what the msm want you to believe: the post

You're not fooling anyone, you realize?

I believe we need a world of peace and understanding rather than putting our pride first. I dont want to fight with my fellow man just because of my world views. So m-maybe we should find a compromise with the others rather than debating and fighting? That does not seem possible now that Trump is in office.
I think..it is time to put him down. He's had his week of fun. I love the big guy but, what needs to be done must be done.
It isnt funny when nuclear war happens and you get burned in the hell fire
When a kid throws a tantrum you don't just ignore it. They will keep getting louder and eventually fuck your shit up. Soon they will start a mass revolution, round up all the alt-righter/trump supporters and take back the government. We need to compromise with them before hand. Maybe even sacrifice pence.

It's all 24d chess and we're playing at a 8d level. We can't win like this

Today I didn't want to burn a leaf

What is wrong with maintaining a good relationship with another country? Would you prefer that the US and Russia perpetually be on the brink of war?

>praise a god of chaos through synchronicity
>achieve chaos


you realize liberals live for the chance to congeal and circle signal at any opportunity right

they are not a people to be taken seriously, they are LARPing for their own entertainment and self indulgence

Let the liberal faggots and their mainstream media make noise

That is all they are good for.

They NEVER get anything done.

No weapons, no training, no effort.

They just lose, lose, lose

>vote dolan drumpf


Who didn't anticipate this shit, especially initially?

This was for the long haul, bros. I was ready to leave this place before Trump.

That's a better alternative than allowing Muslims to replace you and beat you in to submission.

At least when the financial depression comes around, Trump and the red states will purge the traitors.

These protesters are often the same people who years ago rallied in the 99% protests that were popular. Yet, they wished to vote in a lady named Clinton. The biggest benefactors of Clinton happened to be some of the largest recipients of the bank bailouts these very people rallied against.

They don't know what they are protesting for. They rally for Planned Parenthood not realizing that not only do Planned Parenthood clinics not exist in many rural, poor areas... but that they also do not actually "preform" abortions. Supposedly Planned Parenthood does so much to help women access such services, yet abortion clinics are shutting down left and right.

These people don't know what they are protesting for.

Did honestly just write that? Do you know who the current president is? This is the kind of crap he flips a shit over.

SJWs aren't liberals.
Every time someone says this It just infuriates me. It's insane that SJWs have claimed up the left. They're destroying it.

*autistic screeching

Recognizing that Israel has every right to exist is the final redpill user

If this is the world that burns then we've done the right thing.

a lot of talk and yelling. No action.
Except from Trump and US Gov.

Everyone is still trying to act like Trump needs to keep walking the line that everyone else did. But he isnt, and he wont. Good luck having China actually going to war with the US. This is all empty rhetoric. Same as Putin and Obama. Or China and Obama.
The protests dont really matter. They were to be expected. These are going to be 4 years of non-stop protesting. Let them.

As long Trump actually holds his promisses, there is no reason for his presidency to be in bad shape

>The left eternally triggered and salty
>Police pepper spraying and beating blue haired whales
>Reason to nuke Canada
>Iran and other shitholes denying US citizens
>Soros wasting billions in propaganda and the new generation continues to grow resentment towards social justice regardless

Best timeline ever.

>riots everywhere for a ban against terrorism

Would you rather have rapes everywhere and Sharia law?

dude i want a second LA riots and hopefully an SF riots.
i wanna fire at some limp-wristed liberals if they

so obvious shill, go back to rebbit

fuck off ctr

It's a good laugh, no?

We did the right thing. Did you expect the leftists to just give up after Trump won the election? You are starting to believe the fake news. The media is trying to make everything into a big deal, and pretend that he opposition is much stronger than it really is. Have you seen a single story in the media where they mentioned Trump supporters? If you listen to the media, every single person in this country, and the world, hates Donald Trump. This is not reality. The media is attempting to manufacture an alternate reality. After all of the fake news this past year, you should know better.

It's exactly what we wanted though

>I believe we need a world of peace and understanding rather than putting our pride first.

Too bad you can't find the humor in libs being BTFO with their own bullshit. Maybe you should, uh, go back, friendo.

Never under estimate kek things will sort them selvs out. In times of darkness we must never stray from his light.

Praise kek

So we all agree that we royally fucked up right?

Most of you will be rounded up and put into Nazi alt-right work camps. Some of you will be executed on the spot

Just deal with it for 4 years bros. We must reap what we sewed. It's our fault.

Don't be afraid. It's okay. He was elected for change.


If you ever doubt yourself just remember. These are the people who think that you being straight, Or white, Or simply wanting to live a good life is a heinous crime. That its okay to have a wife who cheats, And that the things your family cherished in tradition through generations is worth stepping on. They believe its better for everyone to give up what they earn so that those who refuse to work for it have it.

And the sad part is these people don't actually care about anything they say. They will still think it's "There great responsibility to help these poor Muslims in need!" Treating them like lower class people. They justify Illegal immigrants in practical slave labor saying "Who else will do it."

Consider this the most Neutral toned Reddit-tier message on /pol./ Whatever skin color or denomination you are. These people do not care for you. If your a minority you are just another morale victory to be hung on a wall, And if your not your party of what is in there eyes a failing system that needs to be gutted.

This, desu. The rest of the world was perfectly content to use the US as a slave for their purposes. This is how the leader of the free world acts. It sets the rules.

No we are not. All the liberals will do is cry, cry, and cry some more.

The Demoshits are already caving into Trump and wanting to work with him on the issues.

He is making all these career politicians look bad by getting shit down and wanting to get it done in short order.


China is just upset because if American companies pulled from manufacturing in China... their economy would tank.

Why do you think China back when America wasn't doing so well put so much financing into things like... stock and bonds? Without America, China would face economic disaster.

China and Mexico are scared because their economies rely on American manufactures. If we pull out, they have nothing. That terrifies them.

Fuck you. Kek wants the world to burn. Let it fucking burn, sit back and enjoy

KeK will put things in order through meme magic. How many people were BTFO during the election just for speaking out against Trump. Christians see the hand of God, we call it kek.

for teh lulz mang

Go back to your frilly dresses.

>>protest from the left left and right


Lemme guess in your world Bill Maher represents the moderate center right or something?

Everything you cited basically amounts to a reelect Trump groundgame. The more idiots go apeshit, the more everyone else is repelled away from them and toward trump


As Hitler said if you dont make people angry you are doing something wrong

>>riots everywhere

It Hillary was elected, this would have happened. I don't think people understand how close we were to losing everything.

>Did we fuck up
reminder Obama built up troops in poland, democrats were condemning police, Clintons pal, Soros, was puppet master to blm
Obama was steering a biblical tier plague of murderous extremist through the mid-east
His entire administration in secrecy
etc.. etc..



>this fucking guy

no, this needed to happen and it needs to succeed. Defend Trump in everything you do, or these nations of the "west" will die.

>voting for a socialist

Chaos is good. Peace is what caused the stagnation that almost allowed the eites to take over the planet.

Peace is over, long live chaos.

> China admitting
China threatening a shooting war when they heard of economic reforms in a foreign country like the dumb aggressive fucks they are

Hey now, I did not vote for that viperous woman.

>guys, I've been on your side since day one but gguuuyyysssss
Either get on board or get the fuck out

Don't worry Israel. Most of us Trump supporters are with you until the end. The greatest brotherhood in the world.


If you can't see it, you're a fucking moron.

Hello fellow people of Sup Forums, I too concur with OP and we should probably stop supporting this man.
I can't be the only one who regrets using dank memes to bring him into power, so how about we redeem ourselves by joining in the protests?

Ha Trump BTFO right?

That last one is the most concerning

>Israel sucking our dick and we sucking their dick more than ever before

And I bet in this "America First" era that we will still be sending tens of billions to Israel per year. Something's not right. I think we got played.

>Everyone focuses on the US so much that no one pays attention to Israeli background meddling

>feeling bad for constant happenings
time to go newfriend

America isn't going to be held hostage by bureaucrats and art students any longer.

>riots everywhere
Leading with a massive exaggeration?


wtf i thought CTR disbanded

The left is tired of Trump winning. They're in for a long 8 years

You forgot Drumpf humiliated by the Mexican El Presidente.

no they got a huge infusion of cash recently, even more than they had during the campaign

Hows that schizophrenia working out for you John?

LMFAO god dammit how much money did david brock get

>So we all agree
Nobody agrees, ctr shill. Go back to take care of your wife's son while she fucks in your bed.


not until someone fires the first shots and noone wants to

>protests riots

they have no fire power unless they stop working and starve martial law aint coming and i know they wont fire off guns that can gurantee swat or the national guard railing them
>cali leaving

good their little bitch baby cunts let them leave they need food from us we need them they cant leave only texas has the exception to leave

most like;y everything will go to normal unless mexico goes ape shit and sends armed men along with more and more cartel members then were fine.

Majority of Canadians support Trump. We are with you.

Fuck the kikes but Israel has earned the right to exist.
The right to life isn't given but earned through blood and if Israel has done anything right it is securing their nation through rivers of blood

you finally have a leader who won't take any shit anymore and now you feel uneasy about it?

look at the EU, we are so afraid of conflict that this will destroy us, better fight for your future

>when he gets impeached
>Muh Trump is gonna get impeached because of feels

If this means we're the bad guys, I don't want to be good.

fpbp, we'll remove kebab together


This. We need someone like Trump in Canada.

Nope, they got a $60 million infusion.
Considering the entire organization is guilty of money laundering, as soon as Jeff Sessions is sworn in, Trump's first priority should be to go after David Brock and build a RICO case from there.

Nice try, ctr. Tell David Sup Forums says hi.

things are only getting started.