Tell me why pol chose to have him as their representative?
I know he's everything pol is
Tell me why pol chose to have him as their representative?
I know he's everything pol is
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The more shills tries to make us disavow Spencer, the more we won't do it.
Get a grip, cuck.
>tell me why pol chose to have him as their representative?
are you so so fucking stupid? no one picked him. he made himself the "face" and now hes getting punched. if anything he should stay the "face" of Sup Forums so that he gets snuffed by cucks more.
It's Spencer pretending to be a liberal who hates Spencer. You are played so easily.
based taiwan
I am sorry for what the US state department did to your people post ww2.
Is that the singer from Deafheaven?
No one chose him.
He was
>literally who
when he popped out.
Spencer is one of the few people calling out the jews. That's why.
he is in charge because the powers that be have to make sure that 14 NEVER separates from 88. 88 ensures they will never succeed. therefore, richard spencer is either a complete idiot or controlled. he is guaranteeing that the alt-right will never, can never, be an intellectual movement but one of fucking neo-nazi faggots.
I actually like Spencer more after seeing how hard he triggers these antifa posters
holy fuck shillposting has gotten good. you guys don;t actually believe this taiwan fag is 'pol', right?
You have to go back plebbit
Spencer was popularized by the MSM, and a secret jew (now outed) on a natsoc podcast called The Right Stuff.
Nobody here gives a shit about him.
He was popularized by the MSM to be a straw man, he's the definition of controlled opposition.
no, they actually do.
>shill trying to damage control
>Tell me why pol chose to have him as their representative?
We haven't. Go home, Spencer. Nobody likes you.
>nu-pol staying after the election is over
pol has no leaders
pol is not a movement
you cant get your fingers on us
eat shit and die
Sup Forums is the collective hind, we are not one but many
Fuck off antifa
what makes you think i am nu-pol. im just pol that gets laid and has a realist worldview. you dont really think nazi larping is helping the cause, do you?
Fuck off Cernobitch
He's not our "representative"
He's a plant. They put him out there and shine the light on him to make the rest of us look bad. They created this term "alt-right" with him and now apply it to anyone even remotely right wing so that we can all be associated with him.
This is classic kikery.
>pol chose to have him as their representative
You speak of the entire ethnicity as being behind everything when it's literally only a small few
you know shills are in full force when everyone attacks you for stating the obvious aka this post
>TFW race war is actually every single country ever vs. Leftist and FemiNazis
Feels good brudda.
>im just pol that gets laid and has a realist worldview
Sup Forums is a natsoc board, if you don't like it you can fuck off back to where you (obviously) came from
there's no "cause" greater than the preservation of white people
don't need him anymore
Maybe you're just a retard alt-lite cuck and nobody agrees with you?
I dunno
Fuck off antifa
except it isn't. pol isnt one person or one ideology or one form of government. I AGREE ABOUT THE PRESERVATION OF WHITE PEOPLE it is just that HAIL FUCKING HITLER is holding it back, and ensuring it will never succeed. Seriously. why do we need fucking hitler? can you not make a reasonable, intelligent argument about why we should protect white people without sperging some fucking SIEG HEIL?
get the fuck out of here chink. spencer is an asshole and a retard and does not represent anything about this board
He's right on everything except gay marriage.
How the Antifa in America isn't beaten up by skinheads is beyond me. Get your shit together burgers.
you might be right. i cannot accept that hitler is still relevant to our predicament today. hitler didnt give a fuck about white people. he only cared about ethnic germans. he was a drug-addled shrivled-dick cuck who wouldnt listen to the reason of his generals.
Laura bush is qt
Pol is not a monolithic being you fucking kike. Sage
>antifa shills on Sup Forums
Mans a tit. Alt right is a label and a noose hung round the neck of a decentralised anonymous demographic. It gave the msm a target.
Take a right at krema II and get a shower.
That isn't Barron
>beating anybody up
Fkn /thread
I didn't choose him, but he will do.
>average Germanic
>well spoken
>willing to take hits for his beliefs
>willing to call out the Jews
His only weakness is risk taking behavior, and it would appear he has learned from D.C.
>imgur filename
He's another media (((creation))) like David Duke.
Find someone somewhat credible and make them dance in front of cameras to discredit the right.
Every decent nationalist movement ends up going to the dogs because of fucking wehraboos. Idiots who can't look forwards instead of backwards.
>Sup Forums is a natsoc board
I remember when I was this new.
>still pretending the altright is real and not a psyop fabricated during the november 2016 election
fight the slide
he is literally the perfect candidate.
exactly the dude i would chose if i needed to destroy the alt-right from within.
>looks autistic/very punchable
>lives with mom
>88 often
>not an intellectual
LOL weak-ass larpers
Apparently the US has differen skinheads. They're seen as extremely dangerous and violent in Europe.
t. TRS kikes
pretty fiqh, mehmet
>ctrl+F cia
At least someone is talking some sense
If he's a real leader he's just merely a puppet. Why so many people think the 'Atl-Right' is a thing, I'll never know. It's not.
ya I literally dont even know who that is.
fuck off cunt
this. and it was obvious from the outset. somehow pol falls for people like
Ya know who nobody agrees with? Dick Spencer, that's who! Ya'll got played. Now you lose. Get over it.
Why thank you effendi, salaami camelcum to you...
oh man dont make my mouth water like that. i havent had any camelcock salami in months
Maybe cuz of Milo making mucho money off of promoting it. And the whole Trump thing, if I had to guess.
>he's everything pol is
No he isn't. This guy actually has conviction and is committed to his cause and doesn't sit on his arse all day on a fucking Mongolian throat-singing forum criticising everyone who's not as lazy and as worthless as themselves.
Yup. Sup Forums is just another antifa front!!
because it benefits the actual leader of Sup Forums, Channel 4, to have his identity unknown