How do we fix the NEETs?

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we don't, they don't pay taxes and are a burden to the state, therefore they are not funding their own replacement
let the welfare system crash

kek approves
there will be no survivors

Give us/them jobs

My job is shit though, I'm still pathetic, and I almost miss the NEET life.

But in some ways life is better and I make more progress with self improvement.

i think Trump will fix this.

also OP's vocaroo - holy shit

Who is this?

kek also approves of this

Reduce house prices to what boomers had. Reduce immigration drastically. Fuck unis up so you don't have millions of moron women and fags with arts degrees wanting the economy to revolve around them.

rich immigrants are keeping urban house prices sky high. hopefully the new immigration plans will help make housing affordable again

i'm not sure where it comes from

by making being neet illegal

As a former NEET, this is spot on. Once you remove all handouts, then the choice is to either get a job or commit sudoku. I chose the former and am now doing well. I'm still not very social, and that's something private enterprise could solve. There's an open niche for social gathering areas for things that NEETs like. E.g. clubs for tabletop games and RPGs.

but how do you re-enter the workforce after you have several years of NEET time on your resume?

nobody wants anything to do with you


but a lot of NEETs have mommy and daddy giving the handouts

As long as you can back up what you put on your resume, then just lie. If it doesn't cause them to bat an eye, they won't notice. They're not going to try too hard to verify that you were washing dishes for some place that went out of business.

Yep, parents are often the problem here. They didn't raise their kids properly and enable their negative behavior. This will generally sort itself out when the parents die.


Courious too

Ban and deport them to Canada

seems to be called radio free northwest

give neets the same benefits as other sub standard minority groups

but seriously who the fuck would give this guy a job?

I'm not a NEET my self but being a NEET is redpilled. No need to work for the Jew!

>Trying to fix NEETs (Effect)
>Not removing the welfare state (Cause)

There are no NEETs if you don't identify the real cause.

>go from $7k a year to $25k



all these photos are fucking depressing to look at, maybe its because they don't look that happy about it either.

20? Really. I moved out of my dads house at 21 but was working the entire time. It's called saving money and not being a dumbass that moves out at 18


Yes NEET life was a lot easier for the psyche. I was unemployed for 6 years and now I've been working for 3 years and I feel fucking miserable. Literally the only good thing about having a job is that I don't have to worry about not being able to afford food, meds and clothes.
But the talks about feeling better because you are part of the society are complete bullshit. At least when I was unemployed I still had the energy to keep a social life. Now it has become a cycle of work - computer - sleep, repeat.

Probably nobody when you have 15 other normal looking people competing for the same job. But he surely could handle some menial job just fine.

Remove all the non-whites and leftists from my country, then I'll MAYBE consider working.



I used to be NEET. I miss it some times. Like when I'm in the middle of my 45 minute commute in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

I like to remember the days I would wake up at 7pm and go to sleep at 6am. When I could sleep 11 hours. I would play my favorite video games for hours on end in the middle of the night without any interruptions. I didn't have to worry about bills and rent and securing all my own food. There was no stress. I felt rested all throughout the day, Now I require 4+ cups of coffee to function in adult life, I run on inadequate amounts of sleep, and then crash as soon as I get home and I have no energy for activities I used to enjoy.

I still had an imagination when I was NEET. I could lay in bed before sleeping and imagine fun autistic little fantasies. I could be comfy and all alone and wasn't forced into situations around toxic, shitty people who are nothing but radioactive stress inducers. Now I'm dead inside and there is no going back. Only now do I realize NEETdom is nothing more than the soul attempting to preserve itself.

Hired someone that looks like him pretty recently actually. I don't care if someone looks like a NEET as long as they can do the job.

30 days to become employed
End all welfare, food stamps, disability payments
If no full time employment after 30 days, executed in the street, dragged from their basements and a bullet through the skull, bodies left to rot where they drop
Problem is over in a month

I hope that one day you'll rejoin us in the sun, brother.

How will i enjoy ww3 if ill have to go to work

Give them a reason to get up in the morning. Being a NEET is a trap you fall in to and to beat it you need to be forced back into a regular routine and given something worth striving for.

All these of people turning 20. My 20th birthday is in two months and I am technically a NEET, the only thing I have going on is a single class at community college to make it look as if I am doing something with my life. I absolutely hate being a NEET, like I don't want to be a wagecuck at some data entry job, but I would like to have a job or at least a business where I am challenged and make decent cash, to at least be independent. I have about 5k in savings now but that isn't enough to move out when I don't even have a job offer.

Same here brother. I rode the student train as long as possible, but at some point I was forced into the workforce. Shit sucks, I can buy whatever stupid shit I want, but I am lethargic as fuck. I literally have a $3.000 PC I bought last month here and all I do is watch youtube and post on Sup Forums because I am too lethargic to do anthing.

>given something worth striving for
And what would that be that's better than not having to bother with it all?

that was me wasn't it

I'm a NEET and nearly a wizard. Hoping to get on SSI soon, before Emperor Trump makes the requirements more strict or something.

We need an ASVAB for civilians. Let people skip the college meme and prove that they're capable of handling a real job through other means.

Work at a bank.

You don't, being NEET is true freedom.
There is a third option, and that is to no longer play nice. :^)

>I rode the student train as long as possible, but at some point I was forced into the workforce.

is this your reality?

I imagine it must be kind of rewarding to be an ex-NEET autist in Japan. Since so many Japanese guys, even older ones, are often huge fans of anime, manga, vidya, etc.

Whereas in the states, everyone is a dumb normie whose sole idea of fun is getting drunk and throwing ping pong balls into solo cups.

I feel the same way and I'm on neetbux running a 1070

it gets repetitive after 4 years

i thought we had the civil service test?

anyway my last employer made all applicants take a personality test and the wonderlic

You can't really, as long as society makes it easy to live as so, and the alternative does not yeild happiness (money/wife) as it did the past, then they are stuck.

I wouldn't be surprised. He and I actually have a lot in common. The difference is that I keep my power level down low. He doesn't.

NEETs are not productive. The world is not sustainable with NEET lifestyle. If the producers of your favorite Cantonese girl cartoons were NEETs then those cartoons wouldn't exist.

won't I need a degree or some shit? prior experience?

Self respect and true independence. I mean, I like my job but if I could I'd blow it off three mornings a week and start at midday. However, whilst that'd be nice I get more out of building things, having financial independence and knowing I'm good at something than I would out of the lie ins.

>tfw you pretent to be a wagie to enjoy their suffering from up close

I already have all that without wageslaving, user.

>food, meds and clothes.
I wish I could live without food and shit. Tell me , sensei!

There will always be enough naive goyim trying to be virtuous and take the burden of work to do good to the world. NEET will only be a small group.

What's so bad about this one?
I've had seperate get togethers with my parents and grandparents, plus that guy doesn't look like a neet

NEET here, end my Suffering now plz

Not really. If you consider dindus that don't want to work to be a variant of NEET then there are a ton of them.

I think you retards need to focus on "refugees" coming in for handouts before you start turning on your own people. Pathetic.


They would not produce much otherwise. Niggers are an unnatural element in high IQ societies. Being NEET would be sustainable as long as there are productive white people.

It doesn't matter if you're smart or dumb if you don't do shit.

I'm a NEET right now, but composer working on my portfolio so I can start selling my sheet music on some websites.

>He thinks birthdays are like in Hollywood with 200 propel congratulating you and a house party thrown in your honor with a dad gifting you a new car while drunk sluts make out in the pool
Spotted the actual autist

They're the reason for low birth rates and always make the most pathetic excuses

Start breeding america isn't overpopulated

I study engineering and working partime and still feel like a neet
I am wasting so much time

zero incentives to work where I live. being a NEET feels like the most logical choice.


>Start breeding america isn't overpopulated
No, but it's diverse enough and therefore social trust is low enough that no K-selected person will want to produce offspring in it.

This one always gets to me. He just looks.......defeated.

Pretty much. But working times aren't as bad as people make it out to be. I am on a strict 9-5 with 1 hour break and no overtime schedule.

The novelty wears off quickly once you realize how fast shit gets uploaded these days. I could probably have a lot of affairs with my female coworkers right now, but again: Loo lethargic. I just want to go in my bed and do nothing else. It sucks. People who say "Get a job!" Literally just want to tell you "Go kill yourself so you can pay for our broods education and our rent."

My personal problem is nihilism.

Nothing matters, I'm happy with my stress-free life of zero accomplishment.

Yeah but that only applies to a small number of jobs. It should be universal and college should only be for people who want to raise their test scores in certain areas, and those people could just take relevant classes instead of a whole bunch of irrelevant extra bullshit just to get a degree.

What's funny? I make money by selling soundtracks to youtubers and arranged music through fiverr. I'm mainly saving up to go to college then get another job once i start selling sheet music through bigger websites.

I think half the problem is population density being too high in schools. Any social environment can only sustain a limited population i.e only so many people can be at the top and the capacity for the rest of the hierarchy is determined by how many people fit in the top bracket once all the positions are filled up and there is nothing left there can only be two choices either you become hyper aggressive to steal your way into and up the social ladder or you don't bother competing at all. Its just like the labour market there is such an oversupply that you can potentially expend less energy by not bothering at all and you end up being mentally trapped by this experience.

Fix the unemployment first. I'm tired of applying for work and getting rejected for not having enough experience to wash dishes. If anything NEETs free up slots and it's still not working.

Davido-kun, did you misread my post?

I'm saying in Japan, where a large % of guys are nerds into anime and manga and video games, you at least are more likely to have some cool shit to talk about with coworkers. I didn't mean have affairs, dude.

there is no solution that Sup Forums would like.

society will support those unwilling or unable to find work more and more as time goes on. welfare traps will be eliminated and replaced with universal basic incomes to prevent disincentive to work and society will continue on as normal, mostly.

the neoliberal, globalized economy is coming to an end. we're witnessing it's death throes right now, only most people don't quite realize it.

how much do you make?

is your music exclusive or non-exclusively licensed?

This is the saddest threat I saw on Sup Forums.


You don't "fix" a superior race of people

Giev me job fgt

YES I am a Neet and would love to do that.

Talking to Japanese normies about anime is a one-way ticket to becoming that weird otaku/weeb that they hate.

t. Sup Forumsnon who accepts everything Sup Forums tells him who has never gone drinking with japanese businessmen

why work when you wage cucks can just give me money? and in this day and age marriage isnt needed for pussy

checkmate wagecucks

I can make anywhere from 300-500 if it's a youtuber wanted a custom track for any part of their video, as for arranged music, i make a lot less from it (10-20 dollars) and sometimes its just free due to licensing issues.

He is right though. Life isn't like an anime, and there is a good reason why most anime feature protagonists in high school/college.

Japanese hairstyle trends are so fucking trash.

Do they think this is the fucking 00s?

>people might actually stop slaving away for our shekels

I'd like to add that I've been thinking about looking for up coming indie video game devs to see if they'd like me to compose tracks for them. I've heard it can be good pay and consistent if you get good rep.

>I can make anywhere from 300-500

per what? week? month? song?

I actually have.

You can talk about old Gundam and maybe One Piece if somebody brings it up, but you'll still raise a flag by knowing about those things. It's usually OK if you explain that it was on TV in English when you were a kid, but you have to tread lightly and stay far away from moeshit and waifus, even if you have reason to believe that every single other guy around the table is going home to a dakimakura. It's just a taboo that you don't talk about.

I wasn't aware literally every character in every manga and anime in existence are all children.

Thanks for the heads up, Davido-kun.

What that user is saying is you're going to annoy Japanese guys by even daring to mention Japanese media, and what you're saying is characters in anime and manga are always children.

Which is demonstrably false.

Sup Forums members with military or hunting experience should hold summer boot camps where they can teach the younger members some basic self defense and survival training

I think that the mayor reason for Neets is the lag of father / authoritarian figure that kicks their ass and tells them to do something hard and useful