This kills the wall

This kills the wall

That wall just got 20 feet higher.

this kills the mexican

They will find a way.


I remember my first time over the stairway to heaven


good way to get the whole world against usa

fuckin flimsy wood ladder would break as soon as an obese mexican steps on it

maybe they can just climb it like a nigger monkey brazilian

killing illegals that getting over the border wall is now outrageous?
are you burgers really that stupid?

yes. we are. pls halp.

People forcing their way into your country are invaders, shooting them on sight would be a non-issue in a sane world

this whips the spic

>Forcing their way
>Staying after their visa's expire.


José can you see, by the Don's godly might,
What so proudly we raised on the beaners' north border,
Whose broad bricks and barbed wire through the perilous fight,
O'er the Trump Wall we watched, were tightly sealed with mortar?
And the wetbacks' sad glare, rapists not getting here,
Gave proof through the night that our wall was still there;
José does that tremendous yuge wall yet stand
Between the land of the free, and the home of the spics?

Why not just give the boarder control more funding? Why do we need a wall?

>God forbid the USA actually tries to enforce their borders
Stupid times we live in

Anyone have that gif of the guys climbing a rope and they get scanned + shot by a futuristic drone? It looked like it was from a tv show or something.

they should be required to pay for their stay.. $100/month. If they can't pay then they become slaves. That's sane.



whole world is already against usa

time to make them all pay

This kills the locked door.

titanium picks not going to do much good against a solid diamond door

this kills the locked glass window

If only there was a way you can tax things so they will pay taxes.

With trump as president, It will be the biggest outrage in the history of mankind. Liberals literally shaking could wake up the san andreas rift...

Under any other government, not a single fuck would be given

Wow you really worked hard on that. Almost as hard as the last three you spammed.

that looks good. it's about time for 2nd Dunch, isn't it?

They already are. Might as well justify it.

anyone else thought it was freddy kreuger hand scrolling by?

The point of the wall is to make it harder for people to simply walk across and only cut holes in the fences. Ladders, tunnels, muh catapult, sea voyages (we have national guard) --- can all be dealt with at a later time. If we can't even stop them from walking across whats the point of everything else? You can point this and that all you want but it's going up and we'll have answers to all your other bullshit.

how exactly beaners gonna get 2x40 feet ladders unnoticed next to The Great Wall of Trump?

Walk miles under the sun with a ladder that size without creating suspicion and tell me how it goes

People don't even realize how easy rakes and bump keys make defeating most locks. Someone that practiced for a couple days could be in your house in seconds, with no evidence unless you dismantle the lock and look for pick marks under a microscope.

you can just tell that the bread sucks

christ that's depressing

Based Finn

This kills the wall

This kills wall climbers

>this kills burgerville

It's true tho!

Walls only delay the breakthrough and give an advantage to the defender.

the wall just got 10 times stronger

it'll be a touchfence you tard Israel; has done this quite effectively


damn man that looks good.
would be good with Big Mac sauce on it.

This kills the security guards

You mean Germany, Sweden, Mexico and Canada. Nobody else will give a fuck

great pasta