>protestors taking over
It's over for Trump. People who care about others are taking over.
You scared now fascists? This is what democracy looks like.
>protestors taking over
It's over for Trump. People who care about others are taking over.
You scared now fascists? This is what democracy looks like.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not even a pic of America.
They wouldn't dare protest next Sunday because of the Superbowl. There's literally nothing to do right now.
Now you are going to see the true meaning of Police State
Liberals spent decades building it up, and the irony is that it fell in the hands of Donald Trump
Why, what are you going to do, yell hateful slogans at me? Discriminate against me? Shame and publicly humiliate me?
How very tolerant.
Communist scum, kill them all!
>This is what democracy looks like.
A mob of retards?
If a mob of retards virtue signalling is what democracy looks like, then I certainly want no part in it.
Bring out the fire hoses and dogs.
It's time for you psychopaths to go home.
Imagine the smell.
>Liberals are blocking traffic and destroying property in liberal cities. What now Drumpkins?
What if people who support Trump will march?
Um you're the hypocrite you idiot. You're banning people who need help. Christians don't do that. People don't do that. I'm going to go out there with a hijab in support of my Muslim neighbors!
No human is illegal you fucking fascist.
This means nothing if they're not going to literally start a revolution through violence and force.
I give it until summer before there's war in the streets. The left already thinks their at war so it's not like it's much of a stretch. All it's going to take is one faggot virtue signaling just a LITTLE too hard and suddenly RWDS.
America is a secular nation, not a Christian nation.
You have to go back
The left isn't violent unlike you fascists
>You guys got 4 years to go regardless.
>People who care about others
>By inviting members of the most horrific, violent, destructive, bigoted, fucked up cult in the history of mankind, to come and infest their country
Liberals this conservatives are bad? Just wait and see what Islamists look like once they become more than 10% of your country's pop
>This is what democracy looks like.
Democracy? Sure.
Republic, no. Just you wait.
no, systematic political violence is literally what fascism
it is not unironic that anti-fa is fascistic
the fasces is literally a bundle of sticks
No this is a whiny minority on welfare.
Democracy by the way is pure evil.
What you want is win win interactions 100% aka capitalism. Property and individual rights.
4:3 would be 2048x1536, yet the image is 2048x1484. Guess there was a time stamp in the cropped lines that didn't match OP's "It's Happening NOW!"
democrats are fascists
Obama was hitler
nonstop forcing people to do what they dont want to do
saged faggot
Real christians would be slaughtering these muslims, they are pagans and agents of satan.
President Trump should napalm them. Saged.
Actually Christians do that quite easily
We know islam conflicts with our country
One of the reasons this Christian voted Trump
There are millions already in the country legally that need help and aren't getting any. You dumb niggers think it's ok to bring in more poor to compete with the poor that already live here, you also take away other countries intellectuals and aid in the collapse of other nations you fascist
as long as they stay in their shit hole cities who gives a fuck?
And yet he's still president.
Remember when the media were telling Trump that he needs to accept the result and that he should tell his fans to also accept it? That they shouldn't demonstrate against Hillary when she wins?
I'm not a christian.
I'm sick of you anti-american traitors trying to destroy western civilization.
Get the fuck out. I hear sweden likes refugees.
Is Soros instigating violence again?
Mhmm, and where were these people when Obama banned refugees from Iraq for six months in 2011?
bjorn pls go
Trump has the Army and the electorate with the guns... he's not going anywhere.
who you got senpai I got Tom Brady winning that whole mo fucker and looking Goodelll right in the face as he accepts his SuperBowl Trophy.
Nazi cuck
>this is what democracy looks like
If you dont like it you can move to the middle east.
Taking what over?
How long until shots fired?
>No human is illegal
>Proceeds to complain about European Colonization
also don't wear a hijab if you're going to dress practically naked. besides, we don't even want you in our clothing.
t. Muslim
I bet it's just a bunch of people getting high and having sex later.
what are they gonna do, if they start breaking shit then maybe something might happen but if its just screaming and yelling then nah its nothing
BTFO you evangelical cuck.
>Lulz at Ben Fischbien still shilling
>banning people who need help
These people want a theocracy, theres a limit to how much help you can provide. If you really do care about these people, why dimdn't any of you speak up as Obama was ordering the bombing of Libya, or giving terrorists the weapons that have destroyed these people's homes?
If Christians throughout history acted as they do now the religion wouldn't have survived for even a single century.
Thank god I don't live in a Democracy then.
>No masturbating, Jakob.
>But I'm like a missile right now, Schlomo.
>Never forget these goyim tears or the six million brothers
dont you have bins to tackle?
I hope however someone is busy organizing Maidan type of gathering in NYC, so we can watch it being BTFOed by authorities. It'll be more glorious than Tiananmen Square.
Universities must be fucking ghost towns atm.
also watch
Protest in echo chamber libtard city
think anyone outside city gives a flying fuck
fucking stupid libtards
More like this is what unemployment looks like.
when are we just going to go full marshal law?getting tired of see shit like this
>Democracy looks like an unruly mob
No shit.
>picture says a thousand words
>must turn right
really made me think
I want to see a second Tiananmen Square.
Why the fuck did you have elections at all?
What's the point in having elections if you riot your country into civil war if your candidate didn't win, lol?
Dems are so fucking stupid I'd punch them all to death with my very own fists
That's the kill box. That's where you go to die.
>1.6 billion muslims on earth
>20k = radicalized ISIS members
>being scared of .00125% of muslim population
stay terrorized thai fag
>You scared now
Fear tactics dont work here antifags
I can't tell if this is a troll or not.
To really help them get out of their country
>this is what democracy looks like
Yes, it's horrific.
Do your fucking job police you bitches
Christians follow the law of the land.
You would know if you were one.
Non believers like you corrupt God's word.
There is a special place in hell reserved for you.
It's actually in The Bible too.
it will be necessary for you to go on the streets too
people support trump are fucking or working
That looks like a nice spot to drop a big bomb
fuck off then and go to your muslim neighbors then faggot. you'll probably get thrown in jail for being there illegally
I'm literally shaking
the whole video series
democrats are fascists, you dimwit
capitalists are for non force free trade
socialism communism fascism are all big government idiocy
you are not a capitalist, you are the oppressors
>tfw history books are probably going to look back on these days and compare the "Red Hats" to the "Brown Shirts"
killary would beg to differ
what a fag
democrats operate on hate
>This is what democracy looks like.
>mobs of retards forcing people to do shit they don't want to do and collapsing civilization around them
Yeah I know that's why I'm against it
Painfully clear Sup Forums faggot playing pretend
Helicopter with a minigun would disappear that crowd in seconds.
>Hasn't heard about the N.E.E.T. force
>It's over for Trump
what the fuck is this shit?
>I'm going to go out there with a hijab in support of my Muslim neighbors!
Sup Forums falling for the bait
>you may see Antifa step on the landmines outside the Whitehouse in your lifetime
Lol using Feindflug's music to make compilations of fascist imagery stopped being cool in 2005
So help. No-one's stopping you. Bleed yourself dry, just don't try to pull anyone else into it.