where in europe can you live a simple life free of degeneracy, shitskins, and jewish meddling?
Where in europe can you live a simple life free of degeneracy, shitskins, and jewish meddling?
your house
6 feet under
let's be honest at least, america is in a worse state than any european country
no, we are everywhere.
In the future.
haha, this is true.
Actually no. Cities are fucked up, country side and some small towns are untouched.
Nowhere. Should have come here 30-40 years ago.
Any small town in any EU country.
what if i want to be closer to a city
Go to austrian countryside
eastern parts are getting more and more redpolled by the hour.
Pros: girls, beer is ok, gays are reportedly shot on sight
Cons: poor as shit
eastern meaning?
czechia is considered central right?
slovenia central too?
what about slovakia?
small villages/town and monasteries
i always consireded everything east of Germany to be eastern europe desu...
is this hungary?
the "cherepishki monastery" in Bulgaria
Cool wizards you got there.
schema monks
Outside capital cities. Don't believe the memes. All the trash go to the capital cities or the tourists traps. Your cities are infinitely worse the EU cities with your homeless crackheads
Orthodox schema robes
Prawosławie is fucking based Bulgaria!
holy fuck that looks amazing.
I am seriously looking to abandon the south of my province (Ontario) and head far north, I just need to find a job that I can do remotely. I work in insurance so I should be able to do 90% of my job from home.
yea go to fucking north pole xD
>czechia is considered central right?
central left + almost totally atheistic
is bulgaria being a gypsy poor country a meme?
>free of degeneracy, shitskins, and jewish meddling?
Any poor country.
You are coll too, poland-bro!
tnx leaf, the life of a hermit is the most pure and clean thing.
Closest to God.
Meaning yours
They look awesome.
Switzerland if you can get in there. Outside of that probably Eastern Europe, but the economy is shit so don't.
meaning russia*
ftfy potato cuck
A pueblo somewhere in extremadura
A village somewhere in sardinia
Litteraly God knows fucking where in the middle of the alps or north of Oslo.
Places like these.
Too many natives up there, I need to find the sweet spot where there are almost no people at all. Build a cozy little cabin, find a nice qt and be a hermit.
Just move to a better state inside US.
>free of jewish meddling
Half of our oligarchs are Jewish, last two PM's are too.
we are poor. But so are all countries who were under communism. And the mafia and corruption aren't helping.
And we have gypsies like all european countries. But we are waiting for the right moment to cleanse pour lands.
they are like druids and often hermits
Russia is full of alcoholics, a lot of immigrants and muslims and most of their oligarchy is Jewish. It does not meet any of the requirements.
Whats going on with Ukraine right now? I never really hear anything on the news?
Is there a ceasefire or has your government given up on reclaiming the bit of land the separatists have? What do normal Ukrainians think of Russia?
I'm kind of sad for you guys.
ukraine is russian clay dont feel bad
The West is trying to create a secret treaty with Russia, which would allow them partial/total control of the Ukraine. It's kind of like WWII, where we realize there are bigger threats than Russian dickwaving right now. We're willing to work with subhuman slavs if it means defeat even more inferior subhuman tusken raiders.
Once we've obliterated the muslim threat we'll go back to dickwaving with Russia. Right now it's just about keeping them pacified and under control, as they have a propensity for over-reacting and doing stupid shit like almost starting a nuclear holocuast.
Nice but Romania is objectively better.
half of ukrainians is in poland now
Last century
nice hungarian town you have there, too bad the rest of your country is disgusting
nice language tho
refer u to this post
Our peninsula is beautiful as fuck. My country will always be number 1 in my heart. I love your salt mines. And Transylvania of course. We should unite against the jews and degeneracy from both west and east.
Subhuman Slavs
Grigori Perelman
Peter the Great
why don't you produce something you culture less leaf.
All your country is known for is poutine and Trailer park boys.
And another half in Russia.
There's almost no one left here, only mutants and stalkers.
Saxon actually.
>mfw people actually think america is worse than germany
fucking cucks
Sounds kinda fun :D
>at least i'll have my AR15 when america is a majority latino country with a shitskin quasi socialist dictator
>Is there a ceasefire
There is "ceasefire" and everyday we have wounded and dead. They too.
>has your government given up on reclaiming the bit of land the separatists have?
>What do normal Ukrainians think of Russia?
Normal people are pissed. There is a separatist element of course, mostly 40+ lover class with nostalgia about USSR and seniors, who voted communist before new government banned them.
Would love some genuine answers
I know some Motorola guy, he was a battalion commander got killed. And there was some guy who was waving a sword around beating up Ukrainian prisoners. Are normal Ukrainians for peace or do they want to take it back?
Saw shitloads of bodies in a town and military casualties. Hard to know what is really going on over there.
Eastern Europe for the most part. Poverty + nationalism + extreme anti-leftism on account of decades of Soviet oppression + religiousness = not welcoming of outsiders, ESPECIALLY non-whites/Muslims.
pic related, Gdansk. Almost entirely Polish, with the non-Poles being Germans, Ukrainians and a few Vietnamese. Good luck learning Polish if you want to get in though, that language is a nightmare.
The only place in Western yurop left without mass immigration and (((meddling))) is Switzerland. Good luck getting in, they let in very few outsiders and they're all extremely professional/wealthy.
>need to find the sweet spot
That used to be central Ontario. But now there's fucking kebabs in Parry Sound. It won't be much longer until Toronto expands from Windsor to Winnipeg.
Posted before I saw your reply.
But didn't that ceasefire get broken? And what happened with the airport. I remember seeing a video of some Ukrainians defending it to the death. They where called robocops or terminators or something
can confirm
is slovakia shitty?
slavic, baltic countries
i've been to the baltics, and outside of the capital cities they are even more poor and depressing than the slavic countries
Over here is pretty OK
Fucked if I know, never been, but all the Slovakian women I met at uni (went to school in Europe) were top tier cuties.
I would recommend the mountains on the border with Poland if you do go though. If you're pretty from the Polish side, they're probably pretty from the Slovakian side. Pic related.
eh depends on where you went, there are always a few cities in every slavic and baltic country that are modern and wealthy, also capital cities have terrible people
yes but it's impossible to get in without getting a "job" and i've been self emploed my whole life
Iceland and Eastern Europe
>Are normal Ukrainians for peace or do they want to take it back?
Majority of people want peace, regardless of their stance on Russia.
Don't even listen to any larping idiots. They are brave only on interwebz, but shit their pants when hear about the draft.
As for trying to reintegrate Donbass or just ditching them with Crimea - there are different opinions. I, honestly, believe that Ukraine doesn't need them. They are a ballast, if we want to move closer to EU.
>But didn't that ceasefire get broken?
Still be can't attack, sometimes our men can't even respond when they are attacked because
OSCE-people are supposed to monitor the implementation of "ceasefire" but they do it only in the daytime, a lot of shooting is done at night (not to mention that they can't be everywhere at once and some places they don't even visit because it's too dangerous).
Too long to explain, and English is still hard for me, read chapters Strategic importance and Symbolism en.wikipedia.org
>They where called robocops or terminators
Cyborgs. I even know one.
>Still we
Well, there's a place....
98.3% White population.
Excellent education system.
Abortions are BANNED.
Can't donate blood if you're gay.
(Actually, our bakers wont even make you a cake if you're gay)
Lots of "patriotic" citizens (just not all to the same country)
But we have a few issues, to be honest, FAMpai
Why are you in Britain, Mick?
Varg is doing it in degeneracy central known as France
So... Anywhere?
varg has rejected society completely which i'm not willing to do
>Abortions are BANNED.
How is this good?
Niggers, Gyspies and low IQ scum will have 12 dumb kids each
Stop being a dumb Cucktholic
What do you think Europe should do? Some people think your country is in Russia's sphere of influence and we should all fuck off. The people of Ukraine seem to want to join the EU.
It could be long time before you can get in though. Between war and corruption. Wasn't the President who was overthrown had a golden palace?
Final question Ukraine bros
What is your opinion of Euromaidan. Internet rumours said it was infiltrated by neo-nazis. Others said undercover police shot at the crowds
>Life free of degenarcy
>United Kingdom
Don't come we don't want you amerilard
niggers will be banned too
I'm guessing Northern Ireland
Then degeneracy shall come to you
Anyway you live in US, why the fuck would you leave and go to Europe?
>going from freedom to no freedom
The 1940s
Northern Ireland. Like I said, we have a few issues Muslims, nogs and jews aren't any of them.
>Niggers, Gyspies and low IQ scum will have 12 dumb kids each
They're pseudo banned as well, so
Europe is lost, only NZ and Australia are jew free
These are the only correct answers
stop running away
>What do you think Europe should do?
Well, definitely not helping russians to fuck us :)
>The people of Ukraine seem to want to join the EU.
Well of course EU is more developed, and some people consider it some kind of "magic pill". But a lot of people understand too, that we need rules like on EU when it comes to fighting corruption, court system, reforming country (but not getting culturally enriched, lol). This is critical for our survival, still government is full of corrupted cucks and instead of full reform we get only some small wins, like en.wikipedia.org
>What is your opinion of Euromaidan
I was there from December-April. There were neo-nazis, leftist EU-loving cucks, LGBT, seniors, university students, villagers and successful "white colars". Everyone who considered themselves as patriot was there.
Anywhere in upper class Austria/Germany/Switzerland outside of the big cities.
australians are among the most insufferable people in the world, although they are funny
new zealanders are "chill" to the point of being suicidal, and will end up more cucked than germany
fuck off, i don't owe america anything
>free of degeneracy, shitskins, and jewish meddling
>Ireland talking shit about anyone ever
Wew lad, try to remember how terrible Canada is when you realize 50% of your population left Ireland to live here instead.
Ireland's claim to fame: alcoholism and terrorism (failed terrorism, too)
Let me know when your people have stopped killing each other over medieval feuds and you've managed to create more than broken families and liver disease
and what of europe? are you going to run away to the last whites parts of europe and let the rest be devoured by shitskins?