Is he becoming insane?
Is he becoming insane?
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Who gives a fuck about this bald literally who.
Do you support me being shot? Would you be willing to use fowce...against me?
>implying he isn't far beyond that point
Plz more Moly gifs
We all are.
will you make this thread everyday or are you stopping after that one ?
Kek has consumed him
That's the only one I have unfortunately.
>Has terrible arguments
>Debunks opponents arguments by using literal absurd simplicity
>Corporate Capitalism=My daughter running a lemonade stand
>If the government didnt exist, corporations would behave.
Becoming, eh?
He has already been deranged. I just wanted him to full crazy.
i don't know why Sup Forums hates him, he does way more good than bad. And he's the only youtuber (for what's that worth) that understands basic reasoning skills.
he's so obviously creepy to me, i can't stand listening him. there's a little of the way SJWs talk in his own way of communicating, like he's passive-aggressive and constantly wound up, and that little malicious laugh he does when somebody says something he disagrees with. but he must be really charismatic to some people.
and his philosophy really, is a meme. just don't use force against people. you might as well say your philosophy is "being against bad things" it's as useful in real life.
not an argument
Watch out for the TRAWLERS, Stephen
Howdy ya'll, Stefan Molyneux here. Hope your day is as fine as a Georgia peach.
pol doesn't hate him, he is just perfect meme material. he is redpilling thousands every day. he just tip toes too lightly on hard fascism, hard nationalism and things like that
He promotes his cult bullshit and only retards think you can have a country without a government. Also after this recent election has he jumped on the trump train.
Got you senpai.
I think its just more apparent now, but yes, hes a craze.
the creepy staring, the guttural low voice when hes angry, and the obsession with "the left" all make for one crazy cocktail of an-cap.
Why is he so damn cringey?, and why is he always so close to the camera?
he did the untruth about trump and many other presentations back when the main stream meteor and nate bronze were giving trump 0% chance of winning.
He did redpill me on a few things. But his acting, general faggotry, crying,'s so cringy.
Let's not forget he has a like 500k subs. And he's made hundreds of thousands of $ in bitcoin alone. He's more successful than TRS actually
stop talking to your parents
>retards think you can have a country without a government
stop being a SJW
>If the government didnt exist, corporations would behave.
Jesus christ does he actually think that? Fucking lolbertarians.
I am pretty sure he's not a anarchist no government style guy anymore. He still does hold the NAP in high regard though.
not an argument
post your rare molys lads
He's a fucking psycho who looks like he's been burnt to a crisp. He's not redpilled he's an internet educated angry person. Quite pretentious and retarded about most things. Like most people trying to get views for their edgy beliefs.
Seems like something one of his minions would (You) me for. Now fuck off bong.
OC, made this some time ago. I don't remember which video this is from.
Reaction image from the same video.
> internet educated angry person
Butthurt liberal in student debt detected. Books are available for less than thousands of dollars, faggot, whether you like it or not. Have a great day.
Ya no shit it wasn't an argument, because the argument should be self-explanatory to anyone who isn't autistically brainwashed.
Here's your argument since you seem incapable of figuring it out for yourself: Why would companies willingly act out of of their own self-interests? Especially when government, the one thing that could check them, is gone? The ONE and only thing that makes the free market system work is competition. All it takes is for some slick businessmen to perform shady deals behind the scenes to destroy competition and make the consumer lose. That's why we had to have anti-trust laws. COMPETITION is good, not autistically believing in the free market no matter what.
look, he's been doing youtube videos for 10 years. in aa decade, people grow, and can change their minds on things, which he has. if you havent changed your opinion on anything, or at least sophisticated them in 10 years, you havent grown as a human being. yeah, he's jumping on bandwaaggons to make more money, thats a smart thing to do. but he was on the trump train very early on in this election.
If everyone acted in self interest and didn't violate the NAP, all the problems in society would correct themselves. You are brainwashed by statism. Watch some FreedomainRadio podcasts and take the AnCapPill, and stop being a socialist faggot.
He took the bogpill too early.
He's not lolberterian, he's ancap which is even more meme-worthy.
>going into debt to get a university degree
Maybe in burgerland.
Post theme. Where do I begin?
>If everyone acted in self interest and didn't violate the NAP, all the problems in society would correct themselves.
Your autism runs deep, I see. First of all what ensures people are going to embrace the "NAP"? Secondly, how do you even define NAP? If I touch you on the shoulder, am I breaking the NAP? What about if I punch your shoulder? So there's some arbitrary amount of force I'm allowed to put on your shoulder without breaking the NAP, and I'm sure no two people agree what that amount of force is. You could apply the problem of ambiguity all over the place. The NAP is a fucking meme that doesn't work at all in reality. Does the NAP apply to animals? Why not? So genetics determines who gets to benefit from the NAP and who doesn't? So do the shitskins count as human? If so, why? Can it be defined? Fuck your autistic ideology. There's a fucking spectrum. It's not all statism or ANCAP.
>It's not that freedom is bad, but only whites think it's rad.
I watched an old John Wayne movie last night called 'McLintock!' where there are two scenes where a grown woman is spanked and the women love their men for it. Pretty fucking amazing. First thing I thought of was molymeme being against it because 'MUH NON AGGRESSION PRINCIPLE.'
The entire last scene is John Wayne's character doing a chase scene to go for his wife's booty. After he spanks her in public the movie ends with a scene where John Wayne is about to have some really good sex.
A lot of Sup Forums likes him. We just don't speg out on Moly threads like the haters do. Vocal minority.
Ah yes, the ideology that falls apart when you bring up the road network
It falls apart because of human nature.
Is there anything that doesn't invalidate it?
Not in a Utopia! Politics based on reality and human nature is so cliche and lame.
He is cute though