isnt it funny how banning guns is considered unconstitutional and the president who tried it for 8 years gets called a tyrant but when republicans try to ban muslims all you hear from the right is support for it
Isnt it funny how banning guns is considered unconstitutional and the president who tried it for 8 years gets called a...
Because muslims are a disgusting plauge to humanity.
if they are ready to flee for their safety why are they still adept of the religion that caused this situation in the first place?
Is this for real? US intervention in their countries caused the "situation".
Guns don't kill people. Muslims kill people.
Not America citizens.
Constitution does not apply to them you dumb fuck.
They aren't US citizens, they have no guaranteed rights
of course,the cuck's from canada have no problem with letting a bunch of terrorists in their country.we should just carpet bomb the entire middle east and then we wouldnt have this whole refugee issue
Banning guns is unconstitutional...
Banning Muslims who are not US citizens is perfectly constitutional.
I don't understand what the point of your thread is.
Are you saying you disagree with the constitution?
It's not a muslim ban though
ah yes because you can defend yourself by using a muslim
>"honey there are intruders in the house!"
>"I'll chase them away with my suicide bomber."
>reading comprehension
You can ban sandniggers from the USA because they aren't citizens and therefore don't fall under US protection
I agree, though, bombing would help
Guns are american
Islam is foreign
America first.
Just be sure to lock it away in your muslim-locker, or your kid may play with it and get raped.
self defense suicide bombers
>america first
>ironically a country that most didnt even want donald trump and were stuck with him thanks to the redneck retards who's lives arent going to improve any under donald trump
if you ask me,we were fucked with either choice.republicans should of demanded a better candidate then this fat balding loser
u fagit
Freedom of religion was a mistake
t. Shlomo, I'll guzzle that white guilt cum, massa
Hi CTR, i'm CIA
Because the Muslims have been raping, murdering, and beating and robbing us all over Europe and now North America......
and have terrorist organizations like Hamass aimed on destroying the West through propaganda and through democatic means ( keep whites from breeding, and have the most children).
How foolish do you have to be to not understand this?
Pretty sure there's no amendment about keeping and bearing Islam.
Applies to Americans, which these people are not.
cry harder, faggot
And the citizens of America should pay for the criminal actions of the politicians they can't control
Okay then
says the french faggot
you'd know alot about defending yourself wouldnt you,fuckin pussy.go surrender like you did during world war 2
not banning Muslims, only banning people from countries of concern. it isn't our fault those things coincide
Because they don't mix with our society. They are incompatible with our western ideals. They should be sent back to their sandbox where they can play in peace while the adults in the real world get shit done.
>Vietnam likes Trump
Is that why posters with a Vietnam flag are so based?
georges washington surrendered twice to french forces
gun rights in favor of western society, so is banning muslims, not sure what the disconnect is here, are you really this stupid? Is anyone?
Muslims are not guns. They are explosives.
>are you really this stupid
i dont know,are trump supporters really this stupid to support all of the liberal bullshit that trump wants to do continue doing in america
Wow, man. How does anyone fight that rock-solid logic?
Hmmm wonder why?
Guns are merely tools with which you can do things. They have no will of their own, and can't shoot people on their own.
Muslims, however, are people. They have will of their own (debateably), and if left alone, there is a legitimate risk of them just getting up and killing people, espeically if left alone for a generation or two to breed like cockroaches.
I'm sorry American education left you with the reading comprehension of a five year old.
not illegal to ban based off of demographics libtard
ISIS caused the situation after the U.S.-backed Iraqi government implemented harsh anti-Sunni policies in the wake of the War in Iraq which was justified through lies and supported by the American voters, and as a result of which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died, most of them civilians. Not to mention the U.S. support given to volatile anti-Assad forces in Syria.
islam is banned from the USA as it seeks to overthrow the government
so is communism, I hope trump gets round to eradicating both
It is literally the presidents job to determine who is allowed to come here. The law explicitly says he gets to make the call.
>(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
First off he is not banning Islam, just immigrants from specific countries where migrants could be a threat. Second of all even if Trump did want to put a flat out Muslim ban it would be completely legal
Also the constitution only applies to US citizens, not foreigners. B8 harder faggot. Saged
because its not legal to own a Muslim
Muslims are guns now?
id rather have trump bring communism back,it'll seperate the boys from the men
it wasnt legal to own a black person in america at one time to,but people still did it
are you a moran?
you have a point but owning a muslim would be no fun you have too feed it and shit and you cant practice with it because its only a one time use and once they press the detonator they are gone and cant be used again plus if you own it you would probably have to provide the vest aswell
>based leaf
whoops you're American got muh flags mixed up sorry man
It's a 120 day ban on immigration from seven countries, holy shit. You people are acting like the world is going to end. That's about the length of a college semester.
Jimmy Carter did it too; Hell even Obama stopped immigration and for a longer period of time.
Calm down.
The right to keep and bear muslims is not enshrined in the constitution
Time for some red-pilling
Still trying to figure out how not importing people who want us dead or converted to their religion us somehow an evil aggressive act.
Because there's no Muslim ban in place, this is a leftist talking point that the media uses to make people fearful and thus violent when they take to the streets against trump
>Americans caused a situation that has existed since before America's founding
What about globalists and ultra-liberalism ?
muslims, refugees, immigrants - they are not united states citizens right?
The constitution only relates to US citizens, right?
How is it unconstitutional to stop immigration from a few countries due to their potential for harbouring terrorists?
gun rights are written into the US constitution though, whereas there's nothing that says that the US has to accept immigrants, so whats your point?
Republicans have not banned Muslims.
Weapons don't kill people.
On the other hand, muslims inspired by the quran and using weapons kill people.
all religions aren't equal.
if someone told you they believed God told them to smack people in the face with a wet fish, every Tuesday at 10am, would you respect them?
>bear muslims
there isnt a line in the constitution saying that literally everyone in the world is owed a place in america
What we've been saying for the past 8 years is its is about PEOPLE not GUNS.
Our logic is consistent.
Obviously exactly the same
if you're a fucking retard
Why does it seem that everyone born in the world has a RIGHT to come to the USA?
I don't get it. If you come from a shithole, improve the shithole, don't go trying to go to some country that at least got most of their shit figured out and turn a nice place into a shithole, because that is what they do.
Which amendment in the constitution talks about muslims and gives explicit protections for them?
>republicans should of demanded a better candidate then this fat balding loser
With that depth of intelligent thought, we see why the Democrats continue to lose.
Banning guns is unconstitutional.
Banning Muslims from entering the country is not unconstitutional.
Don't they teach you anything about the constitution in social studies class?
How is that funny? The right likes guns, dislikes muslims. Seems perfectly fine to me.