SuperLand: Israel’s largest adventure park, “Superland” practices racial segregation

Shakra is an Arab-Israeli teacher

Shakra reported on Facebook that he tried and failed to book a day at the park for a group of his students.

When he first telephoned to reserve the visit he was told that the dates of June 17, 18 and 19 were specifically set aside for group visits and that he could choose any of those dates.

However, according to Shakra, as soon as he revealed the obviously Arabic-sounding name of his school, he was relayed to a second Superland employee who imformed him that there were no places available.

When Shakra offered to alter the date of his visit he was likewise rejected.

Half an hour later, he said, he called the theme park again, this time introducing himself as “Eyal” — a Hebrew name — and saying he represented a Jewish NGO, and was told that the dates were in fact open for his group.

After the story broke, Superland confirmed that it had a policy of designating separate days at the park for group visits by Arab and Jewish schools.


you forgot to mention the part where dindu kids would constantly chimp out and throw rocks at everyone. the only park they deserve is the parking lot we're gonna make out of gaza.

go back.

Jew Israel people are racist

you got that right spicshit

What a gay name

god bless Israel

remove the shills who try to make us hate it

I find it so weird that jews from Israel hate shitskins but advocates it everywhere else.

>Superland confirmed that it had a policy of designating separate days at the park for group visits by Arab and Jewish schools.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

why would you be surprised that arabs and jews don't like eachother?

Muslim terrorist scum is a race now.


>israel advocates shitskins
no. our secretary of defense went as far as going on a german newspaper and calling their immigration policy "suicide" in their face. there are very few liberals left in israel. we live around shitskins, we know the problem well.

They do that here as well, and yet you vehemently argue that they should come here

Then its only the non iseral born jews that advocate it. Can you explain why Dr Goldberg?

there are no nationalist jews in the diaspora because nationalist jews have already moved to their nation of israel. you are left with the libshits who would rather live a rich comfy life while preaching for diversity

maybe you should as your own people, and especially your own women, why they like muslim and african dick so much. oh let me guess that must be our fault as well. fuck off cuck no one needs your approval

>great success

t. borat

>*smacks lips*
>We wuz amusement parks

stop rockposting

>tfw the last bastion of white skinned people will be Israel

this is the ultimate redpill Sup Forums refuses to swallow. the only white people who will survive are slavs and kikes

I would move to Israel if I didnt like my foreskin so much

Like this cunt.

The jew is right, its the Swede's fault of being cucks that their country is in shambles right now.

tragically ironic that jews now treat arabs as jews were once treated by nazis

>Vekoma SLC

fuck off kike theres a reason nazis burned your grandparents.

theres a reason itll happen again

No we dont , but soon we will treat them that way.
Goat fuckers can fuck right off.
