TRUMP: McCain and Graham trying to start WW3
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Good this is a major reason why I voted for him. To fuck with the neocon establishment. Fuck you neocons you are worse than left wing extremists.
Good. He's gotten too soft on the rhinos since getting elected. Needs to put these people in their place. The fact that Arizona would reelect McCain at this point is sad.
Praise the god emperor, 1000-year American Reich!
Well Arizona didn't have a much a choice to be honest. His opponent was a hardcore open borders Soros shill. One of the worst choices of any election.
The American left + neocons will start WWIII just so they can be right about Trump leading to WWIII. That's just how these people think and operate.
They're going to keep reelecting that Neocon faggot until he literally dies. It's a good thing Obama won in 08, we'd be at war with Russia by now or something.
The comments, my God....I haven't saw such a collective for a long time.
But when he calls them out the plan fails. When he actively opposes the concept of WWIII how can they blame him? He's completely blocking the attempt.
I can't keep up with how much winning is going on!
President Trump, we're winning too much!
I would die laughing if this were true. Trump and his team are master rusemen
He's just taking a break before moving on Obamacare next week. They're going to run out of buses for all those bussed in proetsters.
Its been a week... Calm down.
well it is true. he didnt choose the countries. those were chosen by obama.
Every day, MAGA is like Christmas day.
>call someone out for softening every stance on a country
>y-you just want a war!
>Trump has been incrementally red-pilling leftists with each tweet.
>By the end of his first term, Democrats will make Sup Forums look like Sup Forums.
The shackles have been taken off
He never stops, Trump is the best troll in history
Finally, the neocon warmongers and RINOS will be dragged mercilessly through hell, just like the liberals shitters and neolibs.
Look for them to try something like Ted Kennedy tried against Reagan. Ted Kennedy tried to get the help of the Soviet Union to undermine Reagan. Not post cold war Russians, mind you. Actual cold war Soviets.
We can already see the American left willing to act as the propaganda arm for ISIS as long as they can try to make Trump look bad:
Should be 4years long.
part 1
But Trump has an unrivaled power to circumvent these people through social media. Trump would come out and expose shit like Pizzagate before he let them take him down.
Thus began the age of Russian conquest in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle east, because the American president told everyone that any attempt to stop or check them would result in WW3.
Don is cucked af, selling out American interests for Russian ones.
Did you even read their letter retard? It was about not being mean to Muslims.
So is he a warmonger or a cuck you guys are really inconsistent
So pizzagate is real and children are being raped and murdered, but it's cool because Trump is gonna keep that in his back pocket in case he needs ammo against the globalists? LOL your world must be fuckin amazing.
How can he say that when he's done more to move us towards WW3 in a week than in the last 30 years.
They're not aware of that because everything that doesn't come from Trumps twitter account is fake news.
nah, that was hillary pushing for russia vs nato in syria
Well when people are so rabidly delusional that building a wall, or limiting immigration are unthinkable acts you have to take things a step at a time :^)
>Obama and Hillary try to push for ww3 against Russia
>Trump becomes pals with them and stops ww3
>this triggers the neocon
agree but they're the same thing
Good guys always win
Like poetry
I'm so tired of living among those do-gooder hypocritical cunt, I'm the very kind of peoples they claim to speak in the name of (actually afflicted by SLI) yet all I can see them as is intellectual coward who utterly refuse to face a reality that doesn't follow their train of thought. They are cowardly scum, the whole lot of them. Peoples with life so empty of adventure, change and meaning that nothing define them. Was raised by these kind of cowards, the kind that shove down your troat that gun are evil and shit like that, only to discover by my own self that it was all sensationalist bullshit (even have my PPA, so I know what I'm talking about, doesn't stop these progressive cunts from disregarding my inconvenient opinion sadly) as it was nothing more than a tube of metal with an explosive and a projectile, everything else related to gun were merely evolution and specialization that came afterward.
All neocons need to be removed. Humiliate and destroy them.
I wish Russia would conquer western europe too.
They will most likely fail but they will try their damnedest. They don't care about the country, only their pockets and their power.
>Not sucking Russia's dick everyday is the only way to not have a war with them
Hillary was never going to start a war with Russia. Russia knows a nuclear war has no winner. Meanwhile, Russia now has a huge amount of power in the USA.
hillary was willing to nuke iran and she personally hates putin
>actually believing Trump works for Russia
Stop watching fake news.
proof, shills?
i'll even take PERSPECTIVES as proof
what reasoning do you have for saying such things, SPECIFICALLY? what actions have been taken to say this? how does russia have any power over the US?
do you seriously believe trump had hookers pee on a bed the obamas slept it?
Preventing closer Sino-Russian relations is a winning geopolitical strategy for the US and it's western allies/Pacific. There will be a conflict between Russia and China at some point over Russia's Siberian resources and when this happens is entirely at the discretion of the United States and what kind of relationship it has with the two. If relations are chilly with both Russia and China then in the short term any conflict or competition between the two is secondary to countering US pressure. If relations are somewhat friendly with one or both of them then it becomes much more likely Russia and China will end up opposing each other on regional matters due. The former is bad for the US while the later is very good.
Trump is exhausting, cant I have a day off from winning? I need to relax for a day.
So it's just a coincidence that Trump compliments Russia/Putin at every possible moment will attack fellow Americans.
You generally compliment people you want to get on better terms with. I'm not sure what to think if you equate compliments with Russia running the US behind the scenes.
Imagine that those cucks still praise Reagan.
Trump wants to leave NATO. Why would he want to? There is no reason. But there is someone who wants the USA to leave NATO, Russia.
I haven't seen Green Pill posted in a coon's age.
He was being ironic about their warmongering foolishness imo rather than suggesting they are actually going for broke.
you guys need to stop taking every Trump tweet literally.
altho to be fair if someone were to start WW3 it would be those two, Rubio and Clinton
>Why would he want to?
Because it's usually just us doing the work and other countries are slacking.
Why does NATO need the US? Why can't European nations band together and survive without the US?
And people still say they want the US to stop being Wold Police. It benefits everyone.
>So it's just a coincidence that Trump compliments Russia/Putin at every possible moment
So what you'd have me understand is you're upset that Trump says nice things about people who aren't shit to him, and you'd prefer he said mean things to the only other country on the planet with the capability of damaging our homeland.
Are you a warmonger? Are you... Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) posting on Sup Forums?!
I don't know what Trump is truly thinking obviously, but, if I had to guess he's using that statement as leverage in the hopes of forcing the other Nato countries to pay into the alliance in the same amount per capita that the US currently does. He's been complaining about that for awhile.
If your dumb fucking country gets into a war and you can't win it alone, you need NATO to help you. Unless you want to be taken over by another country and in your current state, you will be taken over by Russia.
Get rid of him in the primary.
Seriously, what the fuck is their problem? Why won't they just shut the fuck up and go away
same thing, except neocons have the money and lefties are the useful idiots
>Why would he want to?
America pays for the defense of all of Europe, no other NATO country pays even close to what they agreed to when it was founded, and their militaries are a fucking joke. The Cold War is over, Europe can pay for their own national defense. Fucking leeches.
Wow you must be pretty smart! Trump being mean will start ww3 yes yes. Not Hillary's anti-Russia policy but Trump being meanie-mean!
Preventing more land-grabs from Russia is not the same as starting ww3. Putting a no fly zone in Syria is also not the same thing as starting ww3. You know how often people have said
>Oh god this is it, we're going to have war with russia oh fuck
But then nothing happens?
The fact that you guys actually believed this is fuckin hilarious lol, Putin must be thrilled af
Britbong, you don't seem to understand that the US is NATO.
Broooo loooll holy shit haha
How does it feel to vote against someone because you got tricked into thinking they were gonna start a nuclear holocaust for shits and giggles, only to realize that it was made up and that the new guy might actually start a huge war with China?
haha conned by the Don.
>Trump wants to leave NATO. Why would he want to? There is no reason
There is no reason to have NATO in the first place.
The only people who want NATO are scaredy-cat Eurofags who don't want to pay for their own military or live in the real world but would rather die in their brainwashed welfare state.
You guys would actually be lucky to be ruled by a leader like Putin anyway.
> The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party.
You need NATO. Especially with Trump as president.
It's true, look at the Reince interview on face the nation
Incorrect. You Europoors need NATO. Without us, the whole thing would collapse.
It's literally impossible to have a "huge war with China" because their military is a fucking joke and the conquest would take 2 months AT MOST, and then the citizenry would LITERALLY welcome us as liberators because we'd be overthrowing literal communists.
>Nato has no purpose
>Europe would be better off owned by Russia
Oh my God I just realized something.
If we attach energy generating cranks to the spinning corpses of previous republican senators and presidents, we could finally have enough free, renewable energy for the entire country!
We don't need NATO to go to war.
France is in NATO. Did not refuse to help with Iraq War efforts? Every NATO member but UK and Poland didn't help.
*did they not refuse
We don't need your retarded country that would vote for someone who spends all day attacking people on Twitter just because they don't compliment him all the time and constantly goes on about how the media is lying about his popularity and that Hillary only won the popular vote because millions of illegals voted for her and says no illegal voted for him.
>You need NATO
What the fuck? Well interesting assessment dude, maybe you should tell the American top brass and intelligence community. They'll be really glad to hear that they're wrong about China being a serious military power.
Dude honestly how can you believe that? If that were the case, why does the U.S. not simply waltz in and halt their construction in the south china sea, hmm?
it's stupid to single them out though, because a lot of senators came out against the order
Trump is setting up a major ousting of neocons in 2018.
>t. remainer
The UK, US and Russia will form a new alliance. You can move to Germanistan if it upsets you so much.
Surely their One Child Policy is detrimental to any war effort. A thousand dead Chinese soldiers is generations wiped out.
>why does the U.S. not simply waltz in and halt their construction in the south china sea, hmm?
We're about to.
>We don't need your retarded country
Then why so upset about the US leaving NATO?
He doesn't have his attorney general yet retard
Do terrorists really come from Iran? When was the last Iranian terrorist in the US? Can anyone defend Trump at all on this? Is everyone here massively retarded???
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