>So it isn't a muslim ban after all.
Libshits BTFO!
Why are the left making this about religion? Are they presuming a Christian is more safe to let in??? Fucking bigots
>Christian refugee
Lies, lies and lies. There are countless of refugees who just say they are Christians or homosexual just to get in.
We don't need any more shitskins. If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down.
>15 years
Why did they wait so long?
but mr. goldstein told me this was a muslim ban.
They're women. They're not dangerous on their own
Are you paying attention to this at all?
Trump made statements about how he would make exceptions in the ban for Christians.
Trump is the one making this about religion.
In other news the international communists suddenly find Christianity worth giving a shit about when they think it can get them what they want
And then you guys bit his head off to make it not about religion in any sense. Well you got what you wanted.
No sandpeople. Feel righteous yet>?
>Waited 15 years
Then she should be alright with 90 more days then.
>when you find out that the ban on iranians is only lasting a couple months
>wait 15yrs
>cant wait a couple more months
>probably IRGC anyway
oh my god so sad. Fuck borders and shit.
Not until she shows her ass
Leave it to the liberal media to find all the sad stories. Susie Herpen-durpler who has no eyes cant get into the country to get her eye surgery and its all Trumps fault.
Let's figure out the vetting process, in the mean time everyone needs to be patient.
Someone post that pic of Mia before all the plastic surgeries and fake boobs.
Why am I supposed to fucking care about this? So tired of the faux outrage trend, everyone is fake as hell. Very few people on this earth genuinely give a shit about people or things that have no effect on their lives.
Ah yes...the media
>its a muslim ban
>christian girl is denied entry!
How is it a muslim ban if it applies to christians too?
Try again in 15 more years bye
>San Bernardino
If you believe that story, I've got a rich uncle giving away $1000000
Nobody is entitled to live in any country other than their own. It's fucking ridiculous these days.
>orthodox Syrian
The only syruans worth giving asylum for
Let her in
Trump does not discriminate. He shuts down everyone.
>implying her husbando wont be following in the next plane to make an anchorchild and get a freepass
kys nigger
lol i'm glad that fat shit-skin cow got turned back. I hope she gets bombed and dies in syria roflmao
>waited 15 years
Should have acted sooner.
Christians over there are being tortured and murdered.
If there was a country full of muslims being lined up and killed by christians I would expect the same treatment.
Looks like she doing alright for herself for a Syrian.
N-NO please let us in we're dying!
>would rather wait 15 years to get in here than spend 15 years trying to improve her own country
Good point.
How come Syria has better dental care than UK?
Seriously this. I mean I like living here and it's a pretty good country but why wait 15 years if you are them? You can pretty much walk across the border into half a dozen European countries and get a bunch of gibsmedats.
Let her in. preferably to my place pls
Because Syria was actually a pretty nice country until recently.
>Christian refugee
So, it's not a Muslim ban like they kept saying it is? Really made me think.
Now they suddenly care about christians? Fuck off and die.
I agree. She needs white dick immediately
>Why did they wait so long?
waiting period and it takes time for background checks and visas and that whole process
And yet here we are
Amazing book, and sadly portrays modern times.
Son, I am disappoint.
Pay close attention, Sup Forums, this might not happen again. You're witnessing the first time that the left will ever give a shit about a Christian in the middle east.
We all know that most of these stories are forgotten within two days, but every so often one sticks. Could this be it? It's not close enough to the narrative for the left to force it. Let kek decide; if doubles, this story will actually get picked up.
You should caveat this travel ban by letting anyone in that's a solid 8/10 and over.
the government here tries to do everything they can as slow as possible
Let the hot one in
so i get unlimited pussy and each woman i fuck is hotter than the last one? okay
Because they actively tried to ignore Christian refugees
>Anti-family shrill SJWs that want to destroy America on one side
>Flamboyant anti-NATO reality TV Russian puppet harming America's interests on the other
This is the worst timeline.
No-- don't let her in. Fits our narrative. We do not want Liberals to perpetuate the "Muslim Ban" sesationalist meme. This is a travel ban on high-terror-risk countries. This is good for us.
Nah they don't give a shit. They are just trying to use their faith to pull a gotcha on "the white male christian patriarchy"
>Christian today, Muslim tomorrow
Ban the brown
Send back the black
PENNSYLVANIA YES!!! Remember, PA's most searched "How to", How to defeat I.S.I.S.
You have to go b...
Oh. Nevermind. Cool.
imma let my dick in her if you know what i mean
no i don't know what you mean user
can i get a quick rundown on it
>Trump wants to shut down Muslim refugees
>shuts down the Chistians as well
>doesn't do anything about Saudi Wahhabis
Yet another episode of Donald Trump wanting to do something bad, and then implementing it so badly that it's even worse.