Name another second world country more laughable than pic related???
protip-You cant.
Name another second world country more laughable than pic related???
protip-You cant.
At least its not 3rd world like the US
Leafland and Leafless Spanish Turkey
China easily
at least ruskies are human
that house looks like a 1st class resort compared to their mud huts. you pathetic cock sucking leaf.
china would destroy russia in a 1v1 tho
they are sucking the kremlins dick for smoke and mirror shekels.
3rd world is where your pig mother came from. 2nd world is where your father came from. so, you, as a proxy shill are literally worth dog shit
Only if Russia abided by international rules (which protip: they wouldn't).
lols...yea i know big bad russia. a country that cant even mobilize hahahahaha. china would have them flooded before the kremlin drunks even woke up
>12 posts in thread
>6 posts by this ID
make it 14 bitch boy
russia looks fun but it has to be brazil
looks comfy desu
Russia abide by Jew NWO rules :D
get a load of this fag... he's still mad because teh media told him the ebil rushuns hacked his democrats.
by pol terms brazil is 3rd world. the question was 2nd world
brain dead...literally no one likes you. maybe a cuck in a che shirt or a shill larper. russians arent even honest with themselves kek
Sweden. 1+3/2=2
are you retarded? theres a post about brazil.
You're retarded. When Brazil is 3rd World, it's the Cold War alignment.
Brazil is newly industrialized country like Mexico.
> gee whats that irrelevant shit hole of spains opinion
said no one ever.
kek, go make ur >> muhhh communism thread faggot
>Name another second world country more laughable than pic related???
>protip-You cant.
Is it second world though.
290 dollars a day average wage.
It is more africa tier and has a dictator like the gambia.
More third world and a secondworld USSR cargo cult.
>You're retarded. When Brazil is 3rd World, it's the Cold War alignment.
>Brazil is newly industrialized country like Mexico.
Brazil has more of a future than Russia
better to be 2nd than 3rd world
290 dollars a MONTH average wage
Well, maybe you're right.
Ukraine or us
but poles and ukraine are good boys so ill give you breaks