ITT:Orthodox Jew AMA on all (((Sup Forums)))-related topics
ITT:Orthodox Jew AMA on all (((Sup Forums)))-related topics
go back to pebbit
Do you support Palestine?
Eat my azz Esau
No, fuck Palestine.
Am I an anti-Semite for saying the Jewish community has a Marxist problem as the Black community has a crime problem?
fuk u u lil cunt
How many jews died in the holocaust?
fuk *you*
Do you surf Sup Forums on the shabbat?
how rich are you? (Can you share?)
Explain all the bad shit in the Talmud like "goyim are cattle" and "it's OK to have sex with a 3-year-old because her virginity grows back".
Waldo is back.
I've got a feeling that the ASK ME ANYTHING Sup Forums I AM NIGGER threads and these are made by the same group of redditfags
Jews aren't a monolithic people. Stop falling for disinfo and attacking scape-goats you blue-pilled fuk nigga.
I have to see it on the inside.
Its a mute point because Judaism is the word of G-d.
Based Mathias Rex is BASED. I'm still waiting for the day you come on here and tell us how you landed up shooting a nigger. I know you're armed at home, and I know that you hate niggers too.
Then why are so many Jews in the USA Marxist?
If I set up a US nationalist meeting/semi-LARP in Beverly Hills, will even a single person come? Ill do it for a single person.
Thanks for the amazing compliment!
How do we stop Islam?
saudi user fuck this jew get kiked nigger ask me anything.
Throw your lot with me.
you can't embrace it. it's a Sup Forumsk wet dream.
we hate cunts we hit them if they act up they can't drive there like the 1950s usa housewives and they also can't leave the house without your permission and the need a male guardianship if the leave the house and the have to wear modest.
I live in Beverly Hills but I'm not rich according to Beverly Hills standards.
No, G-d forbid that a Jew does that.
Yes they will.
Ok who wants to skype with me to plan this. leave your info.
stop attention whoring user
this has to be your 8th thread and you always ignore tougher questions
Hey cool, I'm a jew too. But fuck you anyways, kike bastard.
why do you keep teaming up with muzzies to keep trying to kill us. Stay the fuck away from us you fucking cancer of Babylon. Stay back!
you guys don't ask tough questions, its mostly inane questions if not flat out trolling and making autistic meme posts
whatever go bitch and moan about your "six million"
>implying jews aren't boring
>Hey guys asky me anything if you're not intersted in my bullshit, it's anothah shoahhh
JIDF, please leave
checked and kekked
Why do you refuse to assimilate like all the white Europeans did?
Because that way is false
Here is a Clasik link.
Are you modern orthodox? What are hasidis like?
Another link for my friends