Race War

Be honest Sup Forums, how long have you unironically wanted a race war?
>Since about 13, I've ironically hated non-whites, a few niggers tossed here and there
>Never relaxed
>About 3 years ago or so I could see why Hitler did what he did
>Realize Russia invaded Poland WITH Germany
>Lel what, they never teach this in school
>Go down the rabbit hole
Now I just want a white ethnostate and cringe at mixed-race couples naturally without thought, as if it were my nature to do so.

Other urls found in this thread:


29 years ago when I was 8

I don't want a war, I want them to get the fuck out. The war will just be the means of achieving that.

Getting to your roots.

I'm afraid that's no longer an option when your country is more than 10% foreign born.
You can't deport HALF a country.
When something is divide in half, it needs a civil war by definition.

around 7, as soon as I could process differences in behavior and how it related to identity.

Ever since 4th grade elementary school I've been fantasizing about becoming a new Hitler even though I'm a shitskin I know my decisions would atleast be free from degeneracy, jewry and US influence that's all you need to atleast have a great culture.

What happened at 7 user?
Read FBI statistics?


a gypsy tried to steal a tennis ball I was playing with. went into blind rage mode and got the ball back. Every life experience since was from a white male in a non white environment. It became a superiority complex when I kept coming in first and everyone hated me for it. Then I got educated about genetics, civilizations, historical events and here we are.

A gypsy tried to beg me for money while I was in a line, unable to leave.
I should've kicked her in her fucking knees right then and there.
I just want to unite the German people under one flag.

the gypsies are more of annoyance compared to the other problematic people.
I just want to unite all the European nations and their ethnic peoples into one great empire. Remove anyone that's not ethnically Euro from their lands and advance our people.

I've seen that video :)
have you seen this



Wait, an American who's free to admit the 56%? Finally, some of you are starting to realize it's not all USA vs. Europa shit flinging. We're in this mess together.

>Wait, an American who's free to admit the 56%?

There are plenty of us. Don't listen to the (likely Hispanic) shills on here.

Of course we realize we're 56 or 62 or whatever the official percentage is now; we LIVE it.

I especially detest the faggots who say "m-Muh American countryside is 99% white, it's JUST the cities that are multiculti shitholes."

They are limpwristed faggots, they think white flight is the permanent answer. American and European cities were built by Europeans; and Europeans should not feel forced out of them. I want to reclaim our cities from the foreign hordes. Don't get me wrong, I love the country, I grew up on a farm, but I am now an adult living in a major city and see so much potential in it if it wasn't for limpwristed cucks and their third world pets ruining everything.

Trump himself is a city boy; he KNOWS that we must reclaim our cities instead of running tails tucked between our legs into the countryside.

tl;dr Most Americans on here who don't admit the 60% thing are either hispanics or people who never left their 700 person town, so they don't know how dire it truly is.

only divide and conquer jews and non whites are always talking shit about Europe's and America's issues. it's a pain in the ass to always hear the shit talking but don't assume it's whites.


God damn, that is one well produced propaganda video. I really want to go to war now.





Brother, I was born in a 99% white town in OC, California, 1996.
That was 21 years ago.
In 21 years, it has now fallen to less than 68%.
We're also the wealthier part of California, if I'm being honest.
Not me personally, I grew up fairly poor, and my parents always struggled.
But they knew it was better to struggle to live near whites, than to have cheap housing, only to struggle to live.


Since birth. I'm a natural born shitskin killer.

Gott segnet, user.
God bless user
Ihr kennt was zu tun.
You know what to do

Go back to the country of your forefathers and start a National Socialist party there.

gas the bikes, race war now

Fire is the perfect method because it destroys most forensic evidence and prevents open casket funerals. It also satisfies God to perform such a thorough blood sacrifice. April 19 is a great day for this.

We know what to do.

This is right user.
God loves burnt offerings.

That's some horrible german you got there buddy...

not a fan of war, or a race war. I'd like for our under preforming communities to reform themselves. If they refuse, however, they need to fucking go.

Also I'm sperging after 9 hours of work.
If you understood it, but thought it was grammatically bad, I'm ok with that.

if millions of years of evolution couldn't get them to improve why do you think your protests and warnings will work.

Sometimes you need a good catalyst to get the desired reaction and end-result.

i see more shit flinging from euro's, literally everyone knows 60% true who lives here. you may be getting trolled

If you have not watched this young sperging German.
Please start.

hey, a non shill troll thread? this is comfy, what's up lads

Percentage is higher than that. I'm white but because I was born in Puerto Rico I'm labeled as white/hispanic origin. So when the statistics get brought up I get labeled as hispanic and they ignore the white part.

Calfironia is a lot darker than you think. Actually if cal left and trump deports what illegals are here this country would actually be really fucking white. Both can/will happen

Good user. And you?
Have you been stocking up on 5.56 for the upcoming racewar?

some fucks tried but got sent away. have a seat *slides beer*

does a bear shit in the woods?

hail, lemme link an amazing docu that basically has turned me into an unapologetic fascist

i dont think many on pol has seen it, it's a different take on things and relaaaaatively normie friendly. check it out.


I hope you all own at least a handgun, if not a rifle.

I don't want a race war, necessarily, in fact I loathe any form of identity politics.

However, with the left pushing it ever harder and the darkies drinking the kool-aide ever more than before in both the US and Canada, something is going to have to give at some point. As it stands, whites are in a position to win the race war. Not immediately, certainly black and latino factions would make significant gains in the cities before armed rural whites reverse those with gusto, assuming blacks and latinos aren't fighting among themselves as well (Asians? Who knows, but considering California lost affirmative action because Asians aren't willing to sacrifice for blacks they might throw in with whitey since they have such a good thing going with him) . Thus the sooner the war happens, and thus the more quickly black, latino and arab factions are crushed by the coalition of the largely white military and law enforcement establishment and rural white militias the quicker an amiable peace arrangement can be found and at a lower overall cost in blood and treasure.

better do your part here or prepare to get raked.

kill traitors before enemies

seems interesting. The normis can't be babied about things anymore. They waking up quicker than I expected.

Amen brother.
I didn't choose what world i was born in, but damn if i will leave it worse than i entered it.
>leftists want this to go extinct
Post conservative women

I think a civil war is the only option we got now,it's either that or the sliw death of western civilization

I've been ready for 8 years. It can't happen soon enough.

anyone nervous it's going to happen too far in the future? i am in the prime of my life now. i am fit and ready for combat this moment if need be. i literally live and breathe for western civilization and am just waiting for the day to die for it.

i spread the redpills far and wide. the lines in the sand have been drawn

Anyone in their right minds would want dumb blonde bimbos to die off

Just because she is hot and blonde doesnt mean shes dumb.
She actually has mild autism and has an iq over 130.
Daughter of some wrestler

All around me are non-white faces, worn out places, worn out faces.

I'm just having a tough time drawing the lines of battle? The US ARMY Vs the punks breaking windows and yelling in airports? They only do that shit for social media GBP.

but muh blank slate.

Sure thing buddy.

I'm sure after being on the camera to post semi-lewd pictures she goes in her room and intensively studies the paintings of Le Caravage

A girl that posts half naked pictures on her insta is obviously low class and lacks taste.

Has anyone here obtained the ultimate joy and freedom of a loyal loving wife and children? Post em.

You believe anything, right?

nice with the new balance reich stompers

I think the next war will be won by who is most patient. Since our people are out numbered we need to built up unity and cohesion or risk getting dragged into conflicts amongst ourselves.
Try to live a normal life by finding a wife and starting a family. Things will work out for our people likely without the need to even pick up a sword.
The forces that work against us also drain others as well. It's a war of sustainability at this point.

>Loyal loving wife

>Some dumb blond girl with a bitch face and a stormcuck t-shirt

Embarassing taste in women

She also got blacked. Check her instagram.

>grew up in white town
>went to average or better schools until middle school
>they put the fucking "gifted program" in the ghetto school to balance grades and keep them from failing
>pulled by parents after 1.25 years
Wasn't raised racist or anything. I got red-pilled faster than either parent though and they are both very conservative now after being Clinton voters in the 90s. Proud of them but there is work to be done and I have the feeling that they just aren't cut out for it. We will do it, Sup Forums. We will be the heroes.

>prepubescent girl

disgusting taste in women

>a fucking leaf

My parents raised me right. I've been waiting for a race war for as long as I can remember.

The painting is meant to represent an ideal of grace and feminity, aka the complete opposite of what's been posted so far.

Here's a less idealized pic, but of a cuter girl.

>clean slate
that's what pushed me further and further to hbd theories. I treated them respectfully and open minded and they kept proving the equality meme false. Either I lied to myself, lowered myself or accepted reality.

RAHOWA when goys?

Ok user. I concede. Good tastes. Post more.
I only date women 5'8" and up. Last gf was 5'11". I prefer redheads. Blue eyes.

I've been ready to go for the past fifteen years, but spent most of that trying to suppress my racism. Fuck that. Niggers and spics and jews need to go, and the sooner I can do something about it the better.

We need a codeword, for when one of us spergs out... and we get a newspaper.
Trips decides the codeword.
Don't make it long, make it recognizable.
Screencap this.

I deleted most of my pics and only have asians now. Sorry lad.

race traitor

My God. She is perfection incarnate.

>above 5'8"

chose one

don't ruin our non aggressive winning strategy now damn it. Everyday I woke up hoping nobody loses their shit before election day. This war will be one by surviving!

user i have nothing of substance to add to this other than i made that trex pepe and here is the much better version of it if you want it (also thanks for saving my oc)

My apologies


instagram is deleted and just because a white girl is photographed next to a guy doesn't mean she's fucked them. unless you've got actual proof for the shit you say you're nothing more than a shit talker

That's ~1,70m ya know, Hans ?
This is not that far away from the average height of german women, at least from my experience.

Eh, I kind of want it but white are a small minority down here. It would be very rough.



Elementary school. Like 1st grade

>public school in good, white area
>too white, need to bus in black kids from city
>they are treated different than whites even though they acted like savages
>had many unfair experiences with blacks bc of cuck teachers

Idk tho. There were just a few blacks that grew up in white people town that were totally normal, but the ones from the city man....that redpilled our entire school district on blacks.

I came across that book "Don't make the black kids angry". That title perfectly summed up my experience in school.

Well im 6'1" and have a beard, so i can actually conquer women.
Theres no challenge in shorties.
Btw, genetics shows mothers affect their sons heights more than their fathers. Fathers affect their daughters. Dont have manlet children user.

the "race war" will never happen in the way everyone expects. It will be an evolutionary war. Some event will trigger global shortages and you better be able to adapt! my loyalty will always be to my people so calm down, live a normal life and stay true to your tribe.

spoken like a true autistic virgin

We kind of have that right now and the consequence is that Whites are breeding like castrated Elefants.

No and no

I don't need apologies, delete any non white females from your thought process and stop promoting those soulless creatures you keep posting. I have less respect for white guys race mixing than ww.


I've lived in the cities. They are crawling with minorities, filthy, crime ridden, a fucking disaster.

Democrats. Not even fucking once. Not even for a second.

Culture war

I'll take niggers before communists

No, fuck off

What you just said is like the opposite of this Benjamin Franklin quote.
Seriously though.
We'll take neither and kill both.

They have funneled, at this point, an obscene amount of money into these communities. The reform never came and never will. All we got was black lives matter and our cities burned.

user. Lol. What are you even talking about at this point.

breeding drains a populations resources, you don't understand evolution and how sometimes it's best to skip a generation of breeding for better opportunity! We are one pandemic away from black death territory.
just because non whites are breeding doesn't mean they are evolving. they are just passing on the more diabetic, degenerate, weak genes into their gene pool. Over breeding is a bigger problem because the few good genes are erased from their peoples.
I'm glad the generations of the 1960-80s didn't ruin our white people's gene pool with their degenerate genes.
we will succeed because Nature favors the genes white people carry.

Don't know why but this post made me laugh, based af

Fuck off jew
