Is he doing a great job?
How is Donald Trump doing in his first 10 days?
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Damn right he is. Sorry about the wall. It's got to happen
You bet. Liberals have never been triggered this bad before.
He's gotten many of the things he's promised started and on the way at least. No complaints.
Better than Obongo did in 2,918 days.
Still waiting for the H1B ban.
It's been a great week
He is making libshits go mad.
Thats a great thing.
The only real problems over him right now are his unreleased tax returns and banning Iran while accepting Saudis with open arms.
He has brass balls not seen since President Reagan.
As Aaron Clarey said "He's a guy who goes in there an fights for once"
He's fighting for what he believes in, and he's already made good on a good few promises within the first week.
I was on the Trump Train the whole time
he will start ww3 or civil war.TOO SUUN ameribros it should be us instead of you
He's really ruffling feathers, which is cool I suppose, but is it effective? Fuck no.
His policies were generally good but the immigration one was way too hastily implemented and caused an unnecessary shitstorm.
He needs to set out a mid-long term agenda and stick to it.
true he needs to get on that if we can tweet him too remind him would be great
>tfw we have a president we can message and he hears our voices. feels good mang.
>revealing no real alternative to ObamaCare
>revealing the true cost of Mexican Wall
>revealing travel ban on 7 countries that haven't killed a single American in 15yrs.
>meanwhile, appointing any friend in a suit to the cabinet.
I'd say it's business as usual. A lot of window dressing and getting the media riled up with no real substance or progress.
>Is he doing a great job?
No idea, we'll have to wait and see.
He's definitely the funniest thing to happen in a while though, I would be pissed off the yanks ruined Brexits impact by one-upping us but the sight of leftists realising the anti-Muslim backlash is really happening this time has been too rich.
Examples of Iranians being sent back on planes
You're a cuckservative or a shill
You'll never get anyway with appeasement. Let them sacrifice their way of life! They've been doing it so proudly for longer than us!
President Trump is the ultimate President ever, ever. Ever! Rapefugee's righteously BTFO!
Please go for Obama's 20 trillion dollar national debt next Mr President. Or ACA. And let's not forget the Great Wall. And keep the little white girl raping Muslim gang's out.
He's doing what he said, can't fault him for that. I don't understand the butthurt he was elected.
Why do they both like to build fortifications?
The salt mine that keeps on giving.
God I love Sam Hyde.
If causing a national revolution against tyranny is great then yeah
pretty much
>I'm going to do X
>I am president now and have done X
When he said that we might get tired of winning, I thought he was joking.
If we keep winning like this, I might have a stroke.
Fantastic first 10 days. If this x10 is the first 100 days he will be off to the best Presidency since Andrew Jackson.
I believe he has an exemption for SA and the ilk as a 4d chess move to have the left start making our points for us - then it will be easier to deal with the economic impact in unity when we do dump 'em.
>tfw getting my EE degree soon
If you have problem with democracy you are the traitor.
Seeing as he's just planned to collaborate with the Saudis to create safe zones for refugees, banning them wouldn't have helped with those negotiations
Called a republic m8
He's a kike. Everything they do, on the left or right side, is just a pre-planned move in order to earn certain reactions from all of us. They're playing a game/putting on a show, and all of us are just useful idiots.
He has both the useful idiots of the left and neocons of the right squirming in their soiled panties.
You know you're doing the right thing if those that hate America are mad at you.
I think its getting to him he is looking pale
Yes!,I'm sorry about the wall,but it needs to happen.
He's not going to ban it, just fix it.
They called George Washington a traitor too
He's banned them for 3 months.... I think this is the beginning...
Gonna be a fucking hell of a ride. I hope we can come too.
U FUCKING COOKROACH! Blow the fuck out.
He just made the Saudi King agree to a safe zone in Syria. Besides, the list of countries deemed a future threat to America under the Obama Administration.
See above
>They may call us rebels and traitors but themselves have thrown off that name of late
I'm not they.
Trump is doing the Rocker hand. It looks to be the set of the Apprentice. They probably had an episode where they put on a show.
He's already fucking up our economy, ruining relationships with multiple countries and going against the things that are supposed to keep our government system in check.
But hey, we're sucking the dick of another failed fascist country so go Trump! MAGA! MAGA!
I wish he could be the Prime Minister of Canada.
He's backtraking on all his campaign promises, Sup Forums BTFO!
You mis-spelled worldwide.
The "rock and roll" type hand is just based off of an occult hand symbol representing the baphomet. Lots of brainwashed people use these hand gestures without knowing about it, but I know that Trump knows exactly what he is doing. That pic is literally the very tamest of my info about Trump's seedy Satanic kike background. Also noticed how frequently he loves to flash the "666" hand symbol.
Any intolerant is "they"
America is land of the free, always hasn't been until last week. if you don't believe in that be prepared to face a revolution by your own peers
Keeping manufacturing jobs in Murica'
>>fucking up our economy
he is better than i ever had hoped
washington lead an army against citizens
I basically have a 10 day long erection
Source? I hadn't heard that yet. Seems pretty legit.
I hope your diary takes you more seriously that I do.
blah blah blah do it then or shut up
The Sup Forums infiltration is laughably bad
He's already the best president we've had in over 40 years. Looking forward to making myself great again and bettering America on his shoulders.
the man hits the pulse of americans, he is extremely smart when it comes to political image/public relations
Pissing on McCain and Gramnisty. Doing well!
Also reported by Reuters and AFP News
Manufacturing jobs are for countries with poor and failing economies.
Bringing them back to America just means America has failed. Instead of looking to the future we're regressing back to the past, resulting in America becoming the new Mexico. If you want to work in factories for shit pay so you can export cheap plastic shit to other countries maybe it's time for you to go back to China, fag.
You aren't fooling anybody, reddit.
>surprised trumps "muslim ban" targets countries that are not in favorable terms with american government
Is his approval ratings bad?
I hear he will be impeached is it true Sup Forums? ;_;
He just agreed to work with Saudi Arabia in combating terrorism.
This is a fucking joke!
Saudi Arabia is the biggest financer of terrorism and "radical islam". Not to mention the 9/11 attackers were Saudi's.
The Saudi's are BIG LEAGUE Globalists.
I fail to see the 4d chess in this.
I thought Trump was going to be the first president to tell the Saudi's to fuck off and launch military strikes against them.
Oh and the "safe zones" trump and Saudi's agreed on. The UN already does these. They have a huge one in Jordan.
First time I'm starting to think Trump may not be the anti-globalist we thought he was.
The Saudi's have kidnapped and raped women and children for their own amusement.
Why is Trump siding with these scumbags???
Yeah they choose that them for a reason. Doesn't negate the mountains of other evidence tying Trump to Satanic kikes.
literally the most productive President since based Teddy R
He's got a mandate and he's finishing it under budget and ahead of schedule
t. Russian plants
I will if I have to. But right now I'm exactly like you, posting meaningless posts on a meaningless platform
Trump can sign all of the fucking papers that he wants to. Getting things done is completely different. Going to make Obama look like a saint.
This. Jobs are an antiquated notion for peasants to toil away their pathetic lives.
You can't just be impeached because people don't like you
You can be impeached if you violate the constitution multiple times
What is the embassy attack in africa and war in iraq?
By banning India, right?
His performance would be greatly improved by a few ounces of lead.
People also have to understand the major conflict in the middle east is between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
By Trump initiating he want to side with the Saudi's in combating terrorism and Iran.
He's signaled that he's not going to bring the Saudi' royals to justice for the crimes against humanity.
Also many insurgents during the war came from nearby countries.
>russian plants
You're not half the junior detective you think you are, Nancy.
T-that's a tree stump
Up your ass i imagine.
>great effort and ideas but implementation is garbage
I want to fuck her so bad.
Trump can't piss off the Sauds...yet. He's playing chess. Be patient. The Sauds have too much power to wreck the economy- he'll set them up and deal with them in the right time.
Trust me, the Sauds are paying attention. CAIR is sniveling as we speak. Trump shot a BIG bullet over their bow. He's signaling to them he'll do what he has to.
he's already taken steps to keep your people AND hajjis out of our great nation. He's going Above and Beyond. Praise our Golden Lord!
Shhh it's ok
Wow what a great powerful leader. /s
He's going to continue to cater to them because they are allied with Israel and he is extremely loyal to Israel (he's been loyal to Israel since birth). Also he owes them since the prince of Saudi Arabia bought a bunch of Trump's debt.
>tfw too intelligent to believe mountains and plateaus aren't petrified massive, ancient trees
I am glad that I can leave work any time I want. If Trump turns out to be the complete fuck that he is looking to be, I am not going to be a serf of the 1%.
That's all I've got to go on right now. 4D chess.
Let's also not forget the Saudi's have business deals with Soros, who is trying to undermine Trump's presidency.
I'm having to do some serious "mental gymnastics".
>criticizing the god emperor
Be glad you live in soft America, you faggot piece of shit. You need to have your neck popped.
LOL. That's exactly what he shouldn't do. This is shock and awe, not "Lets wait a year so the Dems can obstruct it harder", or "Let's warn the people this targets months ahead of time".
He played this perfectly. He ripped the bandiad off in one pull - and it's the libs crying about it, and he'll do something this week to make them forget this completely.
nice meme
obama substantially increased the debt (literally doubled it) and real median household income only recently got to where it was pre-08 (i.e americans were poorer throughout Obama's presidency). 8 year recovery and he averaged 1.5%-2% real GDP growth while running deficits every year.
He spent 1.7 TRILLION on Obamacare, about 8.5x what the wall will cost (20 bil estimate) - the government act that could barely get a functioning website for 6 months and increased premiums for the middle class by over 100% in some states. This is the only significant bill Obama passed and it was nothing short of a colossal failure that didn't even meet its objectives. Not to mention his complete and total failure in the middle east, allowing the power vacuum of ISIS, dismantling a sovereign state (Libya) for no reason, and remaining indecisiveness with Syria/Ukraine. Obama is in the top 5 worst Presidents in American history.
Also Obama wasn't this champion of social rights. He ran in 08 against gay marriage and only recently supported it when the political tide shifted.
Stop being a moron.
Keep up the good work Mr. President!
Calm down, tough guy. Spend some 20 gbp to buy some chicken tendies.
It's okay, wannabe Marxist. We know. It hurts. We know, he gutted your globalist marxist dreams in 10 days.