why does it make me so mad
Why does it make me so mad
It made me mad too but then I remembered that she does this routine on every single Trump tweet immediately after he posts, so she's literally sitting there, slowly approaching the wall, just to "troll" Trump out of pure obsession.
low energy tweets. needs more swettie and sugar.
kalb means dog in arabic. she's a dog for arabs.
legalize rape
Awww did she hurt your feelings Drumpfkin? Don't worry sweetie, growing up is hard.
This, she wakes up every day frantically checking twitter just to respond to Trump. Sort of fucked
usually it amuses me but here she's talking about persecutions and slaughtering like it's some sort of joke just because they're christians
Made me chuckle.
Don't feed the attention whore, anons.
Don't worry. Dissenters like her will be visiting the gas chambers soon, I guarantee it.
>in the
Because most of pol has mommy issues so they came up with these really patronising tweets with language like sweetie and honey to get under your skin and demoralize you. Those tweets aren't meant for Trump, they're for you. Check out shareblue and what they're doing. There's a thread in the catalog about that.
because unlike us, society deems when they do it, it's ok
Because adding shit like honey and writing like you're talking to a child is condescending as fuck
I'd prefer this didn't happen desu.
It means the end of our nation.
>caring about a woman's opinion on politics
She trolls the Trumpfags good. Bless her.
another twitter tryhard
Who's getting murdered by whom again?
We're in process of global degeneration that has started with the French revolution. It's in slow motion but it will ultimately swallow and digest all our nations.
Maybe our grandchildren will be able to rebuild decent societies.
Imagine having so little to do with your life, the highlight of your day boils down to Trump going on twitter to put out two or three shitposts which you can respond to with passive-agressive comments.
i fucking hate the patronising "honey", "um no sweetie" shit these fucking libtards use. I know it's meant to make me enraged but it really boils my blood
Because she's a cunt with an attitude. Who wants to listen to a fucking tone like that?
Why the fuck would anyone name a kid Bess? Is her brother's name "Spot"? Wtf is this shit
Damn Sweden, you're ice cold
>why does it make me so mad
because she is both condescending and wrong.
so now Sup Forums wants Sharia law?