Trump will never ever meet the Queen.
Trump will never ever meet the Queen
those aren't even brits signing that thing.
do you have to be from the UK the sign this petition?
Trump will never meet the queen because she will die in her sleep because prince Charles didn't reply to this post, what will happen to your mother though?
760807 are. Only a small amount of non-Brits are signing it.
If trump can't visit queen, kik must deliver
>tfw Trump comes anyways with the full might of the American military
>tfw the British royalty bend the knee and resign their titles to Trump
Trump is prince Phillips kind of man
Let them meet
Queen love Trump. Trump will do something special to the Queen just like how Reagan did.
UK libtards are just buttblasted.
Trump and May's relationship tell it all.
>don't let your the head of state of the most powerful country in the world and your close ally make an official visit because he said mean things
this is stupid
>petition will stop the US president from visiting the UK
Like the British government would actually do such a disastrous thing like blocking it's major ally from making a state visit.
No. There's also no CAPTCHA.
It's the easiest thing to bot.
Where's the user with the script from the second referendum petition?
>TFW Trump becomes defender of the faith
Charles is a muslim cock sucking faggot anyways.
King William 2017.
He disrespects the royal family. He's fucking scum.
Goddamn, the libtards love a popular vote when it's in their favour, huh?
Because blocking the president of our closest ally will end up *great*.
These are the same people that protested brexit because it "only" won 52/48
>Implying anyone would be stupid enough to listen to these liberal cunts
Fuck them. Fuck them all. If they fuck our relationship in the ass with the USA because "MUH PEACEFUL MUDSLIMES" we'll end up with a UKIP majority come next election. Paul Nuttall "over your wife" will become then next Prime Minister.
>United cuckdom citizens think they can just ban the leader of one of their greatest allies from visiting their country
Nobody with any power will agree with them
I had a few special Royal force came into our town in California
Great people!
I managed to buy a beer for them and our women got wet for them.
We had so much fun.
No shit. These people are traitorous scum bitching out because of their fee fees.
Nah he's good in my book.
Do really think a petition is going to stop them meeting... BAHAHAHAHA FUCKING DEGENERATE'S
>Implying the british royalty didn't put him in power in the first place
Get out of my country, fucking disrespecting immigrant.
Signed. In good faith that it's bullshit.
The Queen will die next week anyway.
He should get her a region 1 dvd player.
>He's fucking American.
Fixed that for you, Mahmud.
oh shit
Kek confirmed
Who will take the thorn?
>But I want him to cum.
>Trump will never ever meet the Queen.
7 million people signed a petition to hold a second brexit referendum and it was completly ignored. Also there are like 5 million muslim shitskins living in the UK so that number dosn't even touch a quarter of them....
Didn't the queen personally invite him?
When did any of these online petitions actually work?
The modern state of the monarchy is disgraceful.
You do realize that the Royal Family support mass immigration into the UK?
They don't, especially when it's extremely easy make duplicate votes
>divine right monarch
>democratic petition representing a vocal minority sponsored by overseas interests
Witness one of the key points of superiority of monarchy over democracy.
Londonistan is 98% muslim
Never. Not once.
Do you know the definition of insanity?
Any petition which gets >100,000 signatures is considered for debate by parliament.
I'm not against immigration either but any immigrants that want to disrespect our royal family should be kicked out.
The White House completely ignored the petition we signed back in July that wanted to recognize BLM as a domestic terrorist group, and it even surpassed 100k votes in under a week. Petitions don't do shit
Good, fuck the queen. Faggot Brits with piss poor dental hygiene and outdated figureheads due to having Mommy issues.
Hope you guys enjoyed spending millions of your dollars for an ugly man's wedding.
How did the "Ban Trump" petition work out?
We call trump emperor sarcastically but do these fags actually call her majesty in public?
you're scum
to all my britlads
Fuck, we have some easily-led cunts in my country
We are mostly sane burgers (see Brexit), but the cretins screech the loudest
>4 new posts
only royal member since william the conquerer
no, you
It was too complicated.
(You) gotta be more simple when you make these things nippon
Fuck you japan
He isn't going to be banned and anyone who thinks he will be is retarded.
>Londonistan and Brighton are red
How original.
Go buy a toothbrush.,
Well said senpai
>piss off EU
>attempt to piss off US
Are you guys going to deal exclusively with China?
Shut the fuck up OP. He's president. He should meet and mingle with our leaders and heads of state, as much as possible please.
Good. That royal family ruined your country and turned you into a laughingstock. Muslims flood in and fuck your shit up and kill your people and turn the place into a third-world shithole--they don't care, they laugh in their palace away from it all. The Queen should have been the one spearheading Brexit. The Queen should have been the person standing up for her people. But what did she do? Absolutely fucking nothing. She fucks you in the ass time and time again and you thank her for no other reason than because you feel obliged to, you sniveling, limpwristed faggot.
God saves the Queen and my mother.
Who the fuck are the cucks signing this shit
is ur mum pretty?
>Muslims flood in and fuck your shit up and kill your people and turn the place into a third-world shithole
Oh yes, all those Muslim murderers. Such as... ummm.... hmmm... oh wait. There exists no such thing here. Stop trying to cause racism against Muslims for no reason.
This was clever but seriously what the fuck is it with these posts recently
>le royal family
>having any real power whatsoever
Stay cucked you stupid britbong.
you clever nip
Except the Queen likes Trump you stupid bellend.
Poor Charlie
No it wasn't
Trips queen dies in her sleep tonight.
Mom will be safe :) The queen is dead, Love Live The King
Really made me think
Wow. One murder. I hate all Muslims now.
>ONLINE petition
it's even sadder
Fuck off chink
The Queen likes Trump way more than Obama.
creative nip
This guy and two of his mates, all Muslims, burned a schoolboy alive.
>another petition of impotent rage over legit msm fake news
w e w
This guy stabbed a pregnant hooker to death for hooking near a mosque.
>the people telling the queen what she can and can not do
What did they mean by this?
Who's going to fund the wars?