Brit/pol/ - Based Joepill Appreciation Edition

>Thread Videos

>"B-Boris, HEEEELP!" Hapless May tells her Foreign and Home Secretaries to call their US counterparts to complain about evil Drumpf's Muslim ban

>EU's chief Brexit negotiator says Theresa May's promised trade deal by 2019 is 'impossible'

>Hospitals 'dangerously full' during winter crisis, says thinktank

>May agrees to deal to build fighter jets for Turkey

>Backbenchers put forward a motion to throw out A50

>From pig to man and man to pig - Ex-Copeland MP turned down offer from the Tories to defect to them

>Former Governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten: May's Global© Modern Britain™ risks 'selling its honour' for trade deals with China

>"Replacing the EU at any cost" - Reflections on May's visit to Turkey

>"You can come back!" - Britain would be given a speedy return to the EU if it chose to rejoin, says an increasingly grinning Guy Verhofstadt

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Even these two characters were able to perform the essential life function of marriage necessary to propagate the anglo race, but for some reason you are not. Are you retarded?

First for Farage

>check this guy out
>videos only have a few hundred views
>all of them

Stop shilling your channel and trying to meme yourself a following, you fucking creepy old cunt, Joe.

Fuck off.

United Ireland soon lads.

Just like Thanet

I hate that the left are trying to pretend that hate is not a valid emotion, as if it is not okay to hate what is happening to your country, to hate that white British are a minority in the nation's capital, to hate that gangs of rapist pakis were enabled by a climate of political correctness that the left push.


Lads how do I get a gf? I'm a neet autist but I want a gf. I've always told myself I'll get a gf when I get my life sorted out but I'm sick of thinking that way as my goals seem more and more distant.

For those of you not autistic enough to play roblox. I took a picture of the Rand lover's shrine to Rand. The streets are all references to character's in her books too


Have you tried finding an autistic gf?

Brexit cancelled :(

What the fuck.


Under British rule

oh, turns out YKTD is not a paki

what the actual fuck

>Rand lover's
do they drive Land Rovers?

Let's post some examples of the degeneration of the British people.

These people aren't British.

I'm just picky. I'm not ugly, and I have an income.

mate they're not worth it

>be deeply in love with a childhood friend
>end up in relationship with her for eight years
>we share all the same interests, do everything and go everywhere together
>We move in together, been a couple for almost nine years, about to get married, talking about kids.
>One night she goes and sleeps with a stranger in a dingy nightclub in Southend
>They become a fucking couple
>get engaged to eachother six months later

Please, please kill me with you kind boots please brit/pol/.

Top Kek. When you think libertarians can't get any more autistic


She hit him first so she deserved it.

On the bright side, it's not like she did this after you had kids, she didn't waste your whole life.

He doesn't have much mass sex appeal. Got some great memes though.

>Rand lover

no dude it's spelled the other way around
that's a spoonerism

I know similar feels

Tripfags are routinely operating in brit/pol/. Reminder that they must be ignored.

The absolute STATE of leddit



Fuck these disingenuous pigs

No no no, not this one

well jeez dude get your life sorted out

This is autistic enough that I can definitely believe the randposter is behind it. Perhaps he'll take YKTD on a tour to show him the light beyond his sinful Keynesian ways

In his old game. There was an Objectivist Church.

Cant access it now- I will upload more screenshots

But if you listen he only hits her because the piano 'arf carst fellow keeps encouraging him to.

No, just the greatest period of my youth.

They're fucking snakes. I never expected her to do this in a million years. You cannot trust nobody.

I'm so glad I don't drink anymore.


N... not sure if I could handle that.

>the Libdems would handle immigration best

I don't understand how even lefties can still be deluded enough to think that no controls on immigration are necessary. It boggles the mind

Not too good in the sack probably.

Some people have shitty youths, at least you had some to fuck and be with throughout it.


I know, but she still deserved it.

Not watching that.


Online dating. Make a funny profile (if you are not actually funny, just meme) and upload your goat pictures.

Plenty of Fish
OK Cupid

I also use Alt Scene because I like goth girls. You can find niche sites like that.

Read this blog and do everything he says.

Basically, get /fit/, get /fa/, get money.

i know. it's shocking they put all that shit above John Hurt dying

/r/ukpolitics has been MILKED

A rare sight of some genuine tangible autism

Ah, now I understand why most escort ads say no asian or black.

His favorite quote


>>be deeply in love with a childhood friend
>>end up in relationship with her for eight years

This is where you fucked up.

If it wasn't her, it would have been you eventually. That "shack up and start a family with your very first gf" shit only works in the shite movies your mum watches.


Tell me this is all an elaborate ruse, it's too autistic to be true

how did you find out?

Fuck Iranian clarinet players.

Give me Syrian violinists any day of the week.

You're luckier than you think, at least you weren't in a marriage.

This is the only religious place of worship in the city

In a way it's good they are no longer pretending to be working class heroes. Since they always hated everything the working class advocated. The Lib dems is a better fit for them than Labour (even though the LP is still broadly hostile to the working class and obsessed with identity politics).


>it's too autistic to be true
You'd be surprised what goes on here

Jesus fucking Wept.

Do men really hit women over there? Even if she supposedly hit them first? What's up with that, guys? Over here if a guy hits a women, we tie him to the back of our bakkies and beat the shit out of him.


"Wanting" a gf is going the wrong way about it, lad.

Sort your shit out first and you'll find the dollymops come to you; right now you don't offer anything.

>Now wat you gonna do!

Degeneration of my sides more like.

More Rand shiz


Art imitates life

Well that's not mine

I'm in a "multicultural" area and pretty much any young brit when confronted with that possibility says why should they care or why does it matter, the youth is too cucked

Joe Owens is very short-sighted. There's no reason why we can't marry his "local politics" with metapolitics. He doesn't realise cultural shifts and the Overton Window as much as he should.

i dont understand whats going on here

Women want to be equals here.

More Atlas Shrugged garbage

She came back the following evening and she smelt completely differently - she also had the guiltiest look on her face.

Funnily her enough family fucking rallied around her and gave her all the support and kind words she needed,


Typically men don't hit women back.

He seems like he wants to be a 'ghetto' kind of chap though.

>Sort your shit out first and you'll find the dollymops come to you; right now you don't offer anything.

This 100%

Breitbart (yeah i know, it's slow night)

I'm a Turbocharged autist and eternal loner

So yes I retard


Papers are ready, shall I post them here or wait until the next thread?

He is obsessed

stop wanting a gf

>well documented misogyny and vulgarity disqualified him from being received by Her Majesty the Queen

She's met with people who want to kill her and who have killed family members of hers, why the fuck would that disqualify him


you're showing a few signs of obsession yerself mate

Occasionally a poster with awful syntax, spelling and grammar comes into brit/pol/ proselytising ayn rand bollocks.


wtf i'm an objectivist now