I have never seen the Left so active since the Vietnam war. Is this the starting of something? Did Sup Forums open the Pandora's box?
I have never seen the Left so active since the Vietnam war. Is this the starting of something...
Other urls found in this thread:
This is their death throws
So active, but losing.
They've never been completely exposed like this before
>NEXT civil rights movement
>I'm sure of it this time.
Funny thing about that, eventually Americans hated hippies with a burning passion, just like we all fucking hate liberals now
David Brock is a pussy and a joke and even the democrats say he needs to disappear. Fuck you David Brock and your faggoty team.
>Did Sup Forums open the Pandora's box?
I hope so
I wouldn't worry too much. They have the attention span of autistic puppies and will focus on something else as soon as the hype dies down.
Riots of '68 = Nixon and de Gaulle elected
Anti-War protests = Nixon reelected
Mass strikes of the '70s = Reagan and Thatcher elected
Anti-Iraq War protests = Bush reelected
When has a right-wing govt lost power due to Leftist protests and vitriol?
All it does is push everyone else right, because only 15-20% of people can even stand the vitriol of the protestors.
They never learn. And by the way, it isn't even that I liked Nixon or Thatcher or whoever, and I sure didn't support the Iraq War. But the point still stands.
If I was Bannon I'd be secretly funding and pushing for these nutty protests. They make Trump look good.
kek and satan will this
During Reagan there were protests like this.
It's nothing new. In a few years it will pass
have you seen the "people" in these marches? it's primarily college and middle aged white whores with nothing to do, so they found a "cause" to get behind.
not to mention that the east coast is a liberal hotbed, so they can go to their idiotic march and still be back home for whatever early afternoon soap operas they watch everyday. you're an idiot if you think that some fat shits that can't even take care of their own bodies are capable of anything.
Progressive Stack will eventually destroy anything they try to do. The 2018 Democrat primaries are going to be the SJW Olympics--the leftist equivalent of the Tea Party x1000. They're going to shoot themselves in the food and destroy their electability as a party as they only nominate pink haired black lesbians for everything from mayors to congress to the senate.
pol hasn't done shit, get back to circle jerking about shit you've had no effect on.
conway was correct. trump galvanized the actual silent majority
>iraq war protests 2003
>WTO rallies
dude read a fucking book.
irrelevant. it depends on how badly trump fucks up
It won't last. George Soros will run out of money eventually.
Well it doesn't matter as long as they suffer immensely.
I'm 100% ready to start killing liberals.
Soros backs political activist groups that rile people up with the identity politics.
Their only hope is for Trump to fuck up. The left was dumb enough to set expectations low for Trump. They fucked up by setting the expectation bar at 'Nazi'.
These are Soros' boys, not Brock. Brock's "digital outreach" team fucked up so badly Democrats think he's a double agent for the Republicans.
It's in s blue state. Who gives a fuck.
Just a bunch of useful idiots.
Praise kek for all those liberal tears
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>day of the axe
Day of the rake
>constant daily happenings since Trump's inauguration have caused the left to go insane
I'd say this is a good thing
Meanwhile we are stuck with The New CTR starting 3 new protest/Civil War threads every hour trying to inspire fear or get us to join the fray, too stupid to realize it won't work on Sup Forums.
You know, though, it might actually have the same effect that the Tea Party did. The Dems could be a joke for a few cycles and then get their own Trump equivalent and come out of nowhere with a victory.
That'd require a serious shift in the left's priorities, but the Trump base also seemingly came out of nowhere overnight, so who knows.
If Trump fucks up badly enough there wont be a USA anymore to have elections.
Already forget about OWS? Who the fuck cares, they won't do shit.
Underrated post
Where is that?
Oh, they're going to go full Democratic Socialist, if not Communist by 2020. Unfortunately for them, the country's demographics have not yet shifted enough to make those electable positions when they run overtly on those platforms.
Bring it on leftist filth
The right is winning all over the world
>what was occupy wallstreet
>what was BLM
Let me know when they win actual government positions. The left in this country is at a historically weak point.
>me working at Starbucks
>qt 3.15 comes in with black Chas bf
>Malik grunts ey yo bitch get me a latte and slaps her on the ass
>DotR when?
>pull out my conceal carry moisin nagant
>shoot myself in the food
Trump was talking about running for years, floated it in 2012, too. He almost ran for the "Reform Party" in 2000.
The left mocked him because they were afraid of him, they knew he wasn't a joke.
The useful idiots don't know they're being lied to.
Christ, I'm getting so tired of these people. Muslims are flooding into Western nations and Trump is one of the few leaders so far to do anything serious about it. Does the left actually believe that Muslims will remain relatively peaceful the larger their demographic becomes? Well I for one have no problem faking a conversion to Islam if they take over. Then the left can see what a real patriarchy / rape culture looks like and I will not shed a single tear for them. I will be at the top of the food chain cause I'll be a Muslim man.
>During Reagan there were protests like this.
no there weren't
Also, Trump was not an outgrowth of the Tea Party. Many Tea Partiers were aging boomer cuckservatives and evangelicals. Trump split those types down the middle. At least half of them hated him initially, and only grudgingly voted for him or stayed home.
Trump won because he converted working class Blue Dog Democrats in the midwest. Trump won in spite of certain parts of the Republican base.
Yes, there were, you stupid ass.
We had Obama for 8 years. In those 8 years, the left has gotten so accustomed to getting their way that they began to believe they couldn't lose. Enter Hillary vs Trump, and they were 100% positive that it would be 8 more years of liberal rule.
What they didn't count on is that, since they were such insufferable faggots, people turned out to give a big "fuck you" to them en masse. This, plus the media fanning the flames for ratings + propaganda has led to this situation.
They just cant accept that they lost, and it is just rubbing salt in that it was to Trump. This is the result of a people that wrap themselves in the cloak of self righteousness and spend years getting enabled.
I get the feeling that these people are incapable of compromise. They will never accept defeat because to do so would force them to look inward to find out what they did wrong, and this is something that would cause them to question their beliefs.
> implying these are actual protesters
>implying these aren't actors paid by soros
actively circle-jerking
wow thanks for the video of millions of people protesting lol
Ok, Satan.
underage redditcuck spotted
Lol you fool, we are Pandoras box. This is the wild flailing of a mortally wounded animal
You're welcome. Good to see someone admit they're wrong.
Satan has spoken
>In those 8 years, the left has gotten so accustomed to getting their way
wanna know how i can tell you're barely old enough to vote?
I wonder where are the drumpftards? Are they hiding in their basements or what?
It's sad, they seem to be middle class champagne socialists and trust fund kids who think they're the counter culture and don't see that being a "Brave minorty fighting against the cis white male" is just what the mainstream media has been pushing the last decade and the majority of Americans are sick of the progressive stack/safe space kind of politics.
>Canadian education
those fatasses need the exercise
Maybe they've got jobs to go to.
>secretly funding and pushing for these nutty protests. They make Trump look good.
What's Manafort up to these days?
And if they try something its full on western civil war.
Even Kiwis here are sick to death of the left and want them put in their place.
All Trump has to do is call to arms all the right wingers in the west and he would have millions to recruit.
The left is fucked. A bunch of women, beta males and minorities who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery
Also the Millitary and Law enforcement are on Trumps side.
The hippies of the 60s and degenerates of the 70s gave way to the comfy conservative 80s. The pendulum is swinging back.
Pic: liberal tv family in the 80s (other than Alex)
midterm elections will be glorious and GOP will gain more seats and power
the protesters at berkely when reagan was governor of california only numbered around a thousand
hope that helps!
well when you offer them an hourly wage of 30 plus dollars an hour. of course they're going to show up and do what they do best.
>The phone call that saved Trump.
Why do the LGHBTBBQ SJW love Muslim cock so much?
Do they not know Islam despises them and they are the first to be killed when Islam takes over?
Just.... amazing levels of stupidity
like shitposting here?
islam only hates lgbtq because they have anger due to the oppression of white western nations :)
so a nigger faggot would be welcome in iran?
>cool story bro
*throes, but yes. You will be killed last come the Day of the Rake.
btfo and eternally damned
got a link?
>Did Sup Forums open the Pandora's box?
A great columnist wrote just about this last week. America is currently at the first stage when the Left is still shocked from realizing it's a minority. Israel is in a much later stage, here Leftists believe their ideology will be gone forever in a generation. I think otherwise, it'll be back, and big time, but only decades from now, after WWIII.
meretz is a shitstain
The ONLY reason is because Muslims kill white people. There's nothing deeper than the fact that liberals think the death of white men is good and Muslims do it effectively.
Essentially they just want Western countries to suicide for the reasons of their backers.
> they're identifying themselves
> we'll remember their names
> Third American Revolution & Purge
>2 years somehow cancels out the other 6.
It wouldn't even be so bad if Obama defenders could at least admit he fucked up by not willing to play hardball. But no. They are unwilling to accept any responsibility their side may hold.
You would think this would have been a harsh lesson in the unfortunate nature of the world. You can have all the right answers. You could literally have the ability to solve world hunger, bring about world peace, and raise the world's average IQ by 50 points. There is still always gonna be someone looking to challenge you. It may even be your own neighbor.
Conservatives understand this. Why can't liberals?
Let me ask you something, have you ever seen a Boxer lose a fight, and then go on to complain that his opponent refused to ever drop his guard?
If anything, Sup Forums has unearthed that the unemployment numbers for the US are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off.
No, he's right.
>Trayvon gets killed by Zimmerman
>If I had a son he might look like Trayvon - Obama with no information on the subject other than the races of the people involved (except media were reporting Zimmerman was white).
>Muslim brings a hoax bomb to school
>Cool clock, Ahmed, want to bring it to the white house?
>Right wingers getting attacked by the left at Trump rallys
>Media: We need to stop these violent right-wingers from causing chaos.
>Universities have become hostile towards white males, and blatant racial discrimination is not acceptable so long as those who get the worst deal are white.
These are called examples and facts, they are used as the structure of an argument.
Being a leftist faggot, you are not accustomed to providing them (for example your previous "no you're just too young to vote" post).
Nothing shocking is happening, it's just that media has incited them to protest over nothing.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
what the fuck are you even talking about?
the gop obstructed the democrats for eight entire years. the party couldn't even get it's shit together when it held the house and senate.
are you even old enough to drink yet? what is this revisionist bullshit i see here?
Turn off the proxy, leaf.
Why are there still bleachers there?
this time the left will be crushed into oblivion.
>shit no counter arguments
>better ad hominem quickly
Off yourself.
>civil war
>cities get cut off
>millions of liberals die
>urban real estate goes down
Really don't see the problem.
Remind me what happened in the elections after the Vietnam protests
>Counters absolutely none of my points
>Waaahhh the gop stopped us from doing everything
>Are you even old enough to drink?
Typical liberal faggot.
> trump kicks out migrants and makes the left so active it kills the fat pride movement all in 10 days
praise kek
user hope this helps
Protest leaders consit of the following:
1. A nigger that want a separate Nigger state to be set up
2. A communist
3. A Muslim that wants Sharia law so she can have nigger slaves and throw lesbians off of buildings.
(You can't make this stuff up)
They only thing they agree on is their hatred of Trump
Other Anons will have to fill in the rest
Bruh, riots of 68 actually removed De Gaulle and he died few time after that
>I get the feeling that these people are incapable of compromise.
Progressives by definition are incapable of genuine compromise. It's in the name, progress implies motion. They will always push forward demanding new compromises after they move past prior points of compromise.
That is why an organization, or ideology that is not explicitly rightwing will always eventually be compromised and become a leftwing organization. They wear you down with "compromises" until nothing remains of you and your original ideals.
Reagan knew common sense and that the will of the crybaby faggots didn't supersede the rights of everyone else
the left is coopted by cair and muslim brotherhood, globalists are going to pull an arab spring situation in the us
be on your guard, be ready to innawoods